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I said I'll do a Bright pov so here I am.

The first meeting♤

I was talking with Pear and she was blabbering about how she is thankful about something that I didn't quite understand, and suddenly, out of nowhere, she hugs. I was about to push her when someone walks towards us and starts talking with Pear. I couldn't move I was...just lost, the guy standing in front of me was no other then the love of my life, the person I love so much, the person for whom I could die, the person who owned, and still does, my heart WIN METAWIN. I was beyond shock, I didn't even listening to what they were saying I was just staring shamelessly at the person whom I loved shamelessly.

First Practice♢

I was all ready to see what Win had learned in this time and how much he has changed since I was not with him.
I know for a fact that Win is not a person to like dance or even do it but here he is proving me wrong.
It was the first day and Pear said she wanted to teach them on the first day, I couldn't care less because I would have time to stare at My Win.
I sit on a chair and starting doing my job, staring at Win. I thought he will shift or like act uncomfortable but again he proved me wrong, he was shamelessly staring at me and by his looks checking me out. I felt..happy.

The first look♧

As Pear was teaching I could see him catching glances of me and I, the shameless man I am, stared back into his eyes. He looked like he could see through me, like he could see the pain I felt seeing him but not being able to express how much I miss him.
I could see his eyes drifting away from mine and staring at my lips, aishhhh that shameless man making my heart feel this way, and I could see that he was feeling that same feeling, could it be that he remembers everything..?

¿The first anger¿

I got pissed because Pear was just wasting my time, she was treating these tall ass adults how she teaches her children's and I know that won't work. I just bang the table, it's pretty normal for me to do when Win was not there for me I would release my pain and anger by hurting myself. After I did that I was busy talking with Pear that I didn't realize a certain person looking at me.
I was about to leave when I saw Off coming in, he is the owner of this shop and a friend of mine. I talk to him and tell about what's going on but I couldn't quite concentrate because there was a certain someone who was digging knives inside my back by staring at me so intensely.

The first word☆

Off asked Pear to let me handle my students. I quickly make them get up and put a video to see how far they are with their basics. While doing so I continously looked at Win, actually he was the only person I was looking at, he was doing pretty fine until he lost his concentration and bam fell, I wanted to tease him so I made made a remark and could clearly see how embarrassed he was feeling;
"Are you going to get up or are you planning to stay there forever?"

The first interaction♡

I could see that everyone was tired so I let them be and told them they could leave for today.
I was busy checking some files on my desk when I noticed someone staring at me secretly, I immediately knew who it was. I start walking towards him and whisper into his ear;
"Are really going to stare at me like that forever?" I could see him getting red like a tomato, it was funny as hell so to add more redness to his beautiful cheeks, I caress them sweetly and then I left without turning back because I knew I couldn't control myself if I saw him.

×The first jealousy×

Pear invited Win for our little reunion, it was me, Pear, Off, Gunsmile, Man, Type, gun (off's boyfriend) and Green.
Green calls me and whispers in my ear that Win is cute, I say it out loud and the Green flirts with me, I could see Win's eyes full of confusion and jealousy, I was happy knowing that I still had an impact on him.

It took a lot more effort than I thought it would.
Love yall💜❤

My dance instructor-~BRIGHTWIN~Where stories live. Discover now