~17(the end)~

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After reading the letter, Win just fell on the floor and started blabbering.
"Why do you think Bright left?" Gulf asked Mew.
"I think he just blames himself for hurting Win..." He pause and then continued:
"...But him leaving is hurting Win more." They were busy talking with each other and didn't realize someone was missing, someone not in a state to leave.

Third person's pov□

Mew and Gulf were busy talking that they didn't realize Win ran out of the hospital.
He ran as far as he could with the letter held hard in his hands.
The hospital was suffocating him and he needed fresh air.
He was not in search of anything specific but somewhere open would have helped him relax.
He stopped when he reached this high cliff with an awesome view.

He stopped when he reached this high cliff with an awesome view

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(It's Bangkok haha)

He felt he knew that place well but just couldn't quite remember how.
He stayed there looking at the sky while holding the letter in his hands.
He wanted to meet Bright ask him questions many questions.

Someone a little far away♡

Win didn't realize that the person he was looking for was actually next to him the whole time.
Bright was sitting next to tree right behind Win, he was at that place since he ran from the hospital but he didn't expect Win to show up like that.
He felt a want and need to tell Win how much he loved him but just felt that it was wrong because he might end up hurting him again.

"You know Win, I love you so much and I know you love me too but I can find risk your life again. Do you remember this place? It's where we had our first ever date. You loved hiking and I knew this would be the best place. I remember your face when you saw this place, it was priceless, you were so happy and had the biggest smile ever. This is the place where we had our first kiss too." Bright just sat there talking to Win, who was asleep.

He was talking when he sees Win move so he quickly hides behind the tree and watches Win leave in a hurry.

🏨Meanwhile in the hospital🏨

Everyone was going nuts searching for Win, he just disappeared.
Mew and Gulf were running here and there when someone is informs them that Win was on the rooftop.
They run up and see Win sitting there looking up the sky, they went close to him and saw a huge smile on his face.
"Mew how long will it take for me to recover." Win asked surprising Both Mew and Gulf.
"Well seeing your condition, you are recovering pretty fast but it will still take 2 weeks at minimum." Mew explained.
Win just nodded and continued getting lost in his thoughts.

Both Mew and Gulf were happy for Win, they could see that he was genuinely happy.

After 2 weeks☆

Win was all ready to leave the hospital, he had been waiting for this moment. His happiness was on the second moon but no one could quite understand why.

He had a plan in his mind that will help him get his Bright back.

_The plan_

Mew, Gulf, Off, Gun, Ohm, Fong, Gunsmile and all the others together, helped Win decorate Brights house. Win, while he was still in the hospital, contacted all of Brights friends and told them about his plan and they all agreed to help him expect Pear.
The plan was to surprise Bright as soon  as he entered and then for Win to ask him to be his boyfriend but little did Win know about the real plan.

As said they all were ready as soon as the door clicked they all shouted and started throwing flowers on whoever entered but to here disappointed it was just a passerby asking for some directions. They all waited for hours and hours but Bright didn't show up.
Win, at this point, lost all the hope but suddenly he heard something happening upstairs. He follows the noise and reaches a room all, he ons the light and boom...

"SUPRISE" they all yelled in unison (they=fong, Ohm,  MewGulf...)
Win was about to talk when he saw someone approaching him as soon as he gets a clearer look at that persons face he smiles. It was Bright, Bright Vachirawat Chivaree.
"Brigh--" Win was interrupted by Bright.
"Win I love you a lot, I know I did a lot of stupid stuff but I do love you and I am not stupid enough to leave the love of my life for whom i have been waiting for so long. I know I don't deserve you, you are too perfect for me but will you do a favor to my small heart and take care of it for the rest of my life?" Win was crying he just ran towards Bright with full speed and hugged him. Then Bright cupped his cheeks and gave him a kiss full of love.

             ~The end~

Finally I did it, after so long I have finally ended this story.
I would like to thank you all because I was actually going to give up this story but then I saw that people are actually liking the story and that gave me inspiration to write.
Thank you all so, so, so much.
I will continue writing other stories so make sure to read them.
And for the last time love yall❤❤💜
Bye for now!❤❤

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