~8(Was my desicion right?)

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Incase you forgot how Win got dressed <3

I changed and for the last time looked in the mirror, I felt horrible inside but I couldn't show it outiside or maybe I could but didn't want to, whatever the reasons where I looked perfect "fine" physically.
I got my phone and car keys, I reached my car but honestly I didn't want to drive so I just passed my car and decided to walk to the academy. I approached the academy as I saw the big name written, DANCE OFF ACADEMY, I felt numb like I couldn't move my legs but I physically forced them to move and got inside the academy.
Call it my luck or bad luck but the first person I see is Pear, I don't want to tell her if I want to help her or not so I ignore her and without coming in her sight I go where we do our dance practice. I am early so they aren't many people here, just me,Pam,some other students and...BRIGHT, I don't notice that I am literally staring at him till he turns towards me and smiles, I immediately turn my gaze away from his and regret it because his eyes were warm and somehow I felt a bit of comfort but to late to do anything because he is already instructing us about what we are going to do today, as he speaks I just look at him and then at the other side of the room where Pear usually is, she is looking at me with the a expression like, so are you going to help me?, that's what I can describe that expression as, but I don't give her any reaction.
We do the dance practice for around 2 hours and then finally Bright tellus that we can take a break.
I go inside the cafeteria and see Pear with Bright and other people, as she sees me she gets up from her seat and starts walking towards me.
She walks for like 1 minute which seem like an eternity absolutely finally she is standing in front of me.
"Have you decided?" She asked, I just ignored the stares I was getting from Bright and his friends.
"Yes I did and before you ask me if it's a yes or no let me tell you it's a yes, I will help you court Bright" I said.
"Ohh thank you so much Win" She said.
"Let's start from today, come sit with us" She said and without waiting for an answer started walking towards the table and obviously I had to follow because I couldn't stand there like a idiot.
We reached the table and sat down, I was right in front of Bright.
"Guys do you remember him from that day at the bar?" She asked to which everyone on the table nodded expect Bright.
Everyone seemed okay with me being there.
"So why did you start learning dance?" Gunsmile asked me, I was confused about what should I tell them I can't say,because of Pear.
"Are really you still here?" Gunsmile asked to which I nodded.
"So why did you?" Gunsmile asked again.
"Mmm..." I couldn't find and answer.
"Because of my parents" I said.
"Why?If you don't mind me asking?" Man said and I immediately regreted the excuse I made.
"Mmm   because my mom used to love dance but now she can't dance anymore because of her back pain so she asked me to complete her dream" I said, the thing is that my mom does have back issues but she doesn't love dance and she only allowed me because I threatened her that I will leave the house.
"Ohh" I heard a familiar voice say I turned behind and saw my best friend Fong.
I suddenly got up from my seat and ran towards him, I quickly pulled him into a hug and whispered:
"I will explain everything later but now act like what I said was true, okay?" He nodded and hugged me back.
I took him to the table and introduced him.
"This is Fong my childhood bestfriend" I told everyone.
"Hi Fong,I am Gunsmile"
"Hi Fong, I am Man"
"Hi Fong, I am Type"
"Hi Fong, I am Pear"
After everyone were done introducing I pointed towards Bright and said:
"And this is Bright." After I said that Bright looked towards with confusion written all over he's face but I just ignored him.
"You have something to explain" Fong said looking at me with a smirk.
"Mm I am going to leave, bye guys" I said and rushed out of the cafeteria forcing Fong with me too.
We both left the academy and went inside Fongs car.
"So would you mind explaining?" He asked me.
I told him everything and wwaited for his reaction.
"AND YOU AGREED TO HELP HER" He yelled at the top of his lungs,I immediately covered his mouth.
"Yeah what else could I do?" I asked him but it was more like an answer then a question.

My dance instructor-~BRIGHTWIN~Where stories live. Discover now