12~(was it a date?)~

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The song that i used🔝 is the song that Tine (Win) sings for Sarawat(Bright) in ending of still 2gether.

I reached my house and opened it, the hot air hitting my face makes me shiver, I quickly enter and walk towards the bathroom, I came outside and stand infront of my wardrobe, after about 30 minutes I finally decide what to wear,I look around and see the whole room is a mess...

I reached my house and opened it, the hot air hitting my face makes me shiver, I quickly enter and walk towards the bathroom, I came outside and stand infront of my wardrobe, after about 30 minutes I finally decide what to wear,I look around and s...

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'I am not going to clean' I think to myself and dress up.
I was wearing a red turtleneck with white stripped pants,

I don't even know why I spent so much time deciding what to wear when I was going to go with the first outfit I picked, I know I am dumb

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I don't even know why I spent so much time deciding what to wear when I was going to go with the first outfit I picked, I know I am dumb.

I was all done when I realized that I don't know the time we were going to meet,I take my phone to see if he sent me any messages but no there were none, I don't have any option but to wait.

⌚⌚after 1 hour⌚⌚

I got tired of waiting, it was half past six (6:30) and he still has not called nor send a message, I got frustrated as he was the one to ask me for dinner and now is going to just ditch me like that,I start walking towards my entrance door and as soon as I open it...





I saw him, he was looking amazing, he was wearing a black hoddie  with blue pants.

"Liking what you see?" He suddenly speaks, I was so lost into looking at him the I didn't even see him walking towards me, he was smirking, my heart

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"Liking what you see?" He suddenly speaks, I was so lost into looking at him the I didn't even see him walking towards me, he was smirking, my heart... I can feel my face heat up so I push him aside.
"Where are we going I am hungry."
"Hmm changing the subject but you know that you should do something with your face." He says pointing on my face.
"Why?, what's wrong with my face?" I ask him while touching my face.
"You look like a tomato." He says while touching my face making it more red, I can't understand this feeling.
"Okay okay I will teasing you, you look like someone painted you red." He says laughing and I just punch his arm lightly.
"So where are we going?" I ask him.
"It's a surprise." He says while smiling.
"Can you tell me, please?" I pout at him, everytime I do that with my friends it works so I think it will with him too but now I was wrong he looks away and says:
"That would not work with me."
I am shock because it's the first time it didn't work, we walk towards the car, he takes my arm and opens the door for me, again I can feel my face heat up but somehow I calm myself down and enter inside the car.
He puts his seat belt on, I was about to put mine but before I could he turns towards me and puts it for me, his face was just a few inches away, I could feel his hot breath, I didn't again realise that I was staring at him and not just that but staring at his lips.
"Aren't you too wild?" He says smirking and again my face heats up, to hide it I look towards the window stilling some glances of him once in a while.
It was a silent drive, not awkward but comfortable silence.
Suddenly we came to a stop, I look around but I don't recognise this place, it's a playground full with children's.
We enter the park and he takes my hand and we run towards a bench, this... it feels like a know this feeling, we sit on the bench and I look around the playground again, I feel like I have been here before but I can't remember when or how but I can just feel that I have.
"Hey, are you still here?" He asks while snapping his fingers infront of my face,I looks towards him, he was smiling, this smile I remember seeing it somewhere, I can't recall where or when but I have seen this smile before.
"Are you okay?" He asks and simply nod and smile.
We spent our time at the playground talking about some random things like his favorite colour, his favorite food, his favorite subject, his favorite movie...
Talking to him made me realise we had a lot in common.
We then went to this small café/restaurant near the playground.

🏠🏠back home🏠🏠

I had a great time,


He was was really flirtatious like when I was eating my food at it was tasty and I said:
"Wow the food here is delicious."
"I think my lips taste better." He said making me nearly choke on my food but luckily he gave me water.

~End flashback~

In the end of the day I have realized that he is really flirtatious and fun person to be around, different from what Pear told me, she said he was a closed person but he was pretty opened.

I lay down on my mind after taking a shower, there is this one thought that has been haunting me and that's, 'was it a date?',I know it's dumb but I just can't stop thinking, maybe I am over thinking or its just my hallucination but whatever it us it's different then anything I have ever experienced.
Today everytime I looked at him I just had this feeling like I knew him or more like his smile, it's weird because I felt for the first time today, while thinking i slowly fell asleep.

Did yall see the last episode of still 2gether, the ending(the video🔝) caught me off guard but I think Gmmtv heard our prayers.
I personally loved these 5 episode, how they developed the brothers relationship(phukhong and Bright), how they developed the side characters(man and type, mil and phukhong, Boss and Pear.
The only thing was that I wanted Fong and Ohm as a couple but it was funny how they were fighting about who Earn likes.
Overall it was great and I am beyond ready for a season 2.❤❤

By the way did you like the chapter? Tell me in the comments.
Love yall❤❤

My dance instructor-~BRIGHTWIN~Where stories live. Discover now