With Passion

737 39 15

Taehyun is minding his own business as usual in his seat, the teacher hasn't entered yet so he's just going over his notes from the previous lessons, he is the only boy taking literature making him the only guy in class with three other girls and one nonbinary kid.

And that fact remains only for two more minutes because the devil with blur hair all but strolls into the modern classroom with his cheeky smile on his face and dimples on his face, the girls gawked and throw him flirty winks, even the enby kid turns his way.

Taehyun spares him no glances, eyes glued to his notes but he can't help the inking of dread that's bubbling within him because last time he checked, Soobin did not take literature and he sure as hell did not choose the 10am class slot by coincidence.

It's too easy to predict how the male must have bought his schedule information from someone in the office, what a creep.

And to everyone in the room except Taehyun's surprise, Soobin chooses to sit next to Taehyun, the obnoxious smile still on his face as he drops his bag into the empty vacant seat and flops down next to Taehyun.

"Good morning~ To be honest, I would've joined you earlier for Pre-calc but I thought to myself damn I'm not putting myself through that at 8am, god how do you manage that?

The girls are looking at Taehyun weirdly with disgusted looks, seemingly not comprehending why Soobin is trying to shoot his shot with Boring Kang of all the people he could choose from.

Taehyun pulls the black cap down lower and is ready to move to a different seat but Mr. Liu entered before he could do so, making him stuck in his seat with Soobin for the entirety of the class.

Thankfully for him, Soobin doesn't try to bother him during the lesson, they don't share any classes before the little encounter in the studio so Taehyun doesn't know any of the male's habits in class. He doesn't jot down notes, Soobin merely sprawls himself across the desk looking bored.

The other kids in class do steal a glance or two once in a while and turn away with bright red faces when Soobin gives them a wink.

Taehyun grith his teeth and roll his eyes, he doesn't mind literature but Mr. Liu really needs to speed things up because he wants to just leave, 'How can someone be so infuriating?!' 

The blond boy is counting down the clock minute by minute now, the lesson going unregistered into his head. Soobin's mere existence being so close to him is pissing him off.

"And for this term's final grade will be based on 40% exams and 60% two partnered assignments."

Taehyun can feel the color on his face draining, he can almost tell what is about to happen.

"The partners will be chosen by me of course, listen carefully. Song Jimin and Lee Minhee, Cai Yuehwa and Park Sora, Choi Soobin and Kang Taehyun"

The universe must hate him, Taehyun can hear the disappointed sighs from the other desks while he is trying not to scream out his frustration, Soobin wears a smug grin as he turns to face Taehyun "Looks like you're stuck with me doll~?"

His grades are depending on him and Soobin working together? No fucking thank you.

The boy's hand shot up in the air before the teacher could continue any further. "May I change partners? I think I'll do a better job if I work with someone I've already worked with" pointing at Sora as he does, Yuehwa is more than happy to switch up their partners while Sora doesn't look too fazed by the request.

But the teacher refuses to change up, providing an excuse that everyone needs to learn to work with different people.

"Plus Soobin-shii is new and you're the best at this subject, you can help him keep up for the things he missed" Taehyun bows his head in defeat and nods, although he wants nothing more than to tell Mr. Liu that the whole reason Soobin attends the class is just to spite Taehyun.

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