With Betrayal

546 24 12

TW //

- Implied sexual assault


Soobin marches up the corridor, it's Wednesday and he's aware that most if not all classes in the east block have recess during this time.

There's a bitter feeling in his gut even when he pushes open the classroom door, the sight of long ginger hair falling nicely on the person's shoulder greets him.

She has her back against him, mouth locking with some other boy that he couldn't be bothered to know the name of, she's nestled on his lap, holding onto him while shamelessly pressing herself close.

But his abrupt entrance startles the two, ginger hair looking to face him with a sly smirk.

"What's your deal?" he barks, uncaring of the gaping eyes of the boy she is straddling. Celest giggles, hoping off the other male and snarling at him to leave the classroom.

"Soobinie what a surprise?" she sweetly sings songs, draping herself across a particular table, pulling her hair up in a ponytail while looking at her fiancée as if she wasn't locking lips with another boy just now.

Soobin can barely contain the disgust he has for her, clearly the female gives not a damn about their engagement, so why can't she just call it off? But the male exhales a deep breath, that's a debate for another time.

"Cut the bullshit, what do you want with Taehyun?" he demands, anger flickering in his eyes. It's a dangerous move to even get her more involved in his picture with Taehyun but the bitch did try something on his boyfriend and Soobin be damned for not doing anything about that.

The other tilts her head with a sly smile, seemingly having been anticipating this intervention "And why do you ask?" the voice just confirms that she knows, and it's all part of whatever sick plan she holds in her head.

When you play your cards with a manipulator, you have to make sure you're always one step ahead of them and that's Soobin's first wrong step, he has allowed Celest to take control of the game.

"Look bitch, I've had just about enough with you. You had your fun with me, leave him alone" he snarls, the fury in his voice dripping with each word.

The girl however barely even flinches, instead she throws her head back with a laugh.

The sound of her voice ringing in the classroom gives him chills, the kind of voice when one knows they're at an advantage than the other "I'd watch my language if I were you Binnie, don't want the cat to get out of the bag now do we?" she singsongs, a dangerous glint in those eyes

At this, Soobin slams his hands down, his forehead creasing with rage as he glares down at the girl "What's your problem?! What more do you want from me?!" his voice vibrates harshly against the empty room walls.

Celest sighs, the ginger haired girl makes her way over to him, Soobin clenches his teeth hard when she hovers in front of him on her tiptoes, an annoying grin on her lips "Where's the fun in telling you that?"

One fist is already up in the air, she's testing him far too much after edging him all this time, dangling his fate with the tip of her fingers in front of him as if it is a toy "Ah ah ah Soobin nope, you know what happens if you try anything right?"

Celest doesn't even move, simply keeping her stance in front of him with that ever so smuggish smirk plastered on her face, she knows he can't do anything and he hates it. He is powerless in the situation and she completely uses it to her advantage.

Soobin shoves down his raised fist, it trembles with anger but he wouldn't risk it, not when he has so much and more to lose.

"Lose both the love of your life and your sister, oh you're so pathetic it's so fun!" she giggles, fingers reached up to poke his cheeks, the sharp tip of her painted nails digging into his skin, almost causing it to bleed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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