With History

407 20 3


Mentions of child verbal abuse, toxic masculinity and gender discrimination(? if u squint)


"Uh......" there's a brief pause of awkward silence, three eyes looking at each other not knowing what to say.

Taehyun's eyes are trained on Soobin with curiosity, the elder's nervous expression deepening with each second as if to contemplate what he should do.

"Arin, keep practicing if you want to. I'm gonna talk to Taehyun for a bit" he tells his sister, patting her head fondly as he does.

"Oh okay" Arin replies back with a sense of worry, but she trusts Soobin and if her brother trusts Taehyun, so does she.

Soobin steps forward to the blonde dancer "Let's talk in my room?" he suggests, there's an underlying nervousness that is very unusual in his voice.

But Taehyun floors him regardless "Sure hyung"

They find themselves situated on the eldest's huge bed, Soobin sighing with his gaze still avoiding Taehyun's, he knows the boy is curious and is wondering why he never revealed such a fact about him.

He just wasn't sure if he was ready to open up that part of his memory again after suppressing it for so long.

"So...... where do I start?" he trails off with a laugh to hide how he really feels "Why did you never tell me?" Taehyun questions him, a tinge of bitterness in his voice.

Soobin gulps because he has never expected for himself to be caught, not many knew of this old arc to his life.

"I don't know how to......or I don't know if......I want to" it's a whisper, low and hesitant.

It's been years yet he can't seem to normalize that memory into his life, a pain that he should've done and dealt with years ago yet he's still struggling to even talk about it.

The shorter boy let the words process and is instantly hit with the realization.

"Oh" he tries not to think too much of it, it's Soobin's own choice, he has his own secrets.

But the small part of him wants to know more, to pry more because Soobin does ballet, or did ballet.

And the elder had not brought it up at all with Taehyun who is a ballet dancer as well, in a way that isn't entirely right on Taehyun's part, he feels cheated.

Does he not trust Taehyun?

Sure, he has no right to be demanding Soobin to tell him everything, but for something that is connected so closely to his passion and soul, he can't help but feel the need to know.

"It's not what you think, I do trust you Taehyun. But talking about this......... It's not a pretty memory and I rather not dwell too much" Soobin adds on, it's so easy to read Taehyun nowadays, even from that frown on his face.

Soobin can tell what sort of thoughts are running through his head.

The younger instantly shakes his head with panic "No, of course, it's fine, I mean who am I to pry anyway" he establishes, he wants to slap himself a couple times too just for thinking such a way.

He smiles at the elder, assuring him that Soobin owes him nothing.

Soobin chuckles at his antics "But I think I want to tell you this, my um.... childhood trauma? I suppose it's about time I actually talk to someone about it" he has been suppressing for so long, burying the not so fond memories to the darkest parts of his mind.

With Grace {Taebin/Yeonkai}Where stories live. Discover now