With Choices

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The male finally got some of his emotions in check by the time he parks his car and marches up the building, Arin is out on an after-school club activity so at least he's glad she's not around to hear whatever that's about to go down at home.

And Soobin knows things are going to get ugly.

The devils, how dare they after knowing full well he is openly against it.

Accepting an engagement without consulting him as if he isn't a person of his own.

It isn't something that he wasn't aware of, their parents have never seen the three of them as their children.

To those two, Minhyuk, Soobin and Arin are just chess pieces they think they have control over to help them win on their so-called chessboard game of the business world.

Minhyuk agreed with their ways to spare Soobin and Arin from the same fate, what's the point if they're just going to do it anyway which is why he is so mad.

Soobin angrily punches in the passcode to the penthouse, Minhyuk hears the news from one of his close friends who is an employee directly under their parents. The eldest Choi is rushing over as well, but for now, Soobin has to face the two devils on his own.

He steps into the house and sees the two in the living room, almost as if they were waiting for him to show up, they both look nonchalant despite what they just did.

Soobin stomps towards the two with contained rage burning in him.

He slams a fist into a wall to grab their attention, a very nasty glare on his face that shows no room for negotiation.

This engagement bullshit better be off by the time he's done with them.

"What did you do?" he spat venomously, body trembling with his anger.

Yet his icy voice did not faze the two adults still sitting on the sofa, unmoving as they looked at him with a bored frown.

Mrs. Choi clicks her tongue, arms crossing as she puts on her own glare while her husband is as cold as ever.

"Well a hello would've been nice," she remarks, nodding for him to take the seat opposite of them, a single coffee table separating the two sides.

On it are few formal letters, regarding engagement contracts and all along with a single photo of what appears to be a girl.

Her hair is a gentle ginger, and the traditional pretty Korean girl face with slightly big eyes and a small round face. She looks so plain and Soobin catches a writing of her name on one of the letters.

Lee Haeryung

Soobin of course refuses to sit or tolerate, only continuing with his outrage burst "What the fuck did you do?" his voice isn't yelling at all, it's deep and loud with a tinge of threat to it.

The father finally decides to speak up, eyeing his son intensely as he does "A friend of mine is looking for a suitor for his daughter" he simply explains, a man of a few words and the way he looks annoyed is probably because he had to miss several important meetings for this.

Yeah, his children's matters are irrelevant to him.

Whatever is happening to Soobin, he could care less if it meant more connections and business opportunities, "And we said you'll be a great husband for her" The mother continues with a proud smile.

"She's a lovely girl! You've met her too in the past before her family moved to London a couple years back. And since I'm considerate, I took your taste into account, she's a ballet dancer as well-"

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