With Kisses

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Taehyun blinks his eyes open to the dimly lit room, the boy drowsily yawns and turns to the side of the room, its thick pink curtains refraining the sunlight from piercing in.

As Soobin instructed, they've moved him into a private VIP room.

The dancer takes a deep breath and exhales, feeling the sleepiness seep away as he becomes more conscious of his surroundings.

His mind rushing back from memories of the night before, the performance, him passing out.

Taehyun remembers being drowned in his own emotions and waking up in a hospital bed, not his first rodeo and most likely not his last either, his feet don't hurt anymore and unlike the buzzing headache from hours ago.

The boy suddenly registers the feeling of hands against his right one, bigger warmer ones around his own.

The boy lets his head fall to the side and smiles at the view that greets him, with his head arching up to rest on the chair frame and mouth slightly agape, Soobin is asleep on a chair next to him.

Their interlocked hands hanging in between.

More memories flood him, Soobin crying, confessing, and then his own confession and they kissed.

They kissed, and Soobin kept kissing him till the nurses had to cough at them to inform them how the new room is ready and they're going to move Taehyun.

Taehyun feels his own breath hitching, the way their lips were looking and moving so perfectly together.

The boy lets a hand fly over his mouth as his face reddens, they confessed. Soobin returned his feelings, the boy he's been in love with felt the same way about him and all the details of that night just keep crashing down on him.

The elder is still asleep on the chair, his peaceful face showing no signs of waking up yet the hand holding onto Taehyun is secure as ever, the dancer feels his heart leaping once more, it's such a simple gesture, an unconscious one at that, but it is enough to make him feel a million things more for the boy.

Taehyun whispers a giggle to himself, the boy slowly moving as to not wake the other and sits upon his bed, running a hand through his brown hair to comb back his hair, all the while his eyes are trained on the sleeping figure on the chair.

Taehyun tries moving his fingers in Soobin's hold, cooing at how the elder's grip only tightens.

The warmth he feels is forcing his lips into a grin that won't come off, it's ridiculous to think of how easily he's just falling for the boy more and more even after their confession.

But Taehyun supposed that's how love is right? You continue to fall for your person, his person, every day again and again.

And with each day, the feelings only enhance and grow so you fall harder and harder till there is no getting up from such a bottomless pit.

Taehyun leans himself near Soobin, his free hand reaching out to poke his cheeks but the boy only scrunches his nose and continues to sleep.

"Hyung...Soobinie hyung" he calls softly, snickering to himself once more when the elder doesn't wake up.

Taehyun takes a peek at his phone on the bed stand next to the bed, it's 8am in the morning, he has two missed calls from Hyunjin, 11 from Hueningkai, and a few more dozen unread messages from his other co-dancers.

The boy sheepishly swipes them away, he pulls up Hueningkai's contact and presses the phone next to his ear "Hello?"

He smiles to himself when a groggy voice answers him on the fourth ring "Hey Tyun why are you calling me at the crack ass of dawn?" Hueningkai yawns from the other side.

With Grace {Taebin/Yeonkai}Where stories live. Discover now