With Shock

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Soobin smiles as he takes the seat next to Taehyun, the boy grinning at him "Finished our last homework?"

The elder male throws an eye roll at him "Barely, we're going to have our finals soon, and yet they're drilling us with all these homework"

They have gotten closer over time, Taehyun now more comfortable than ever to communicate with Soobin, not minding him sticking to him at school.

They spend a lot of time together nowadays; it has everyone wondering why the school's most popular student is hanging out with their resident wallflower.

"Hi Soobin oppa~" a red-haired girl stops by their tables, she sits on Soobin's table and winks at him flirtily, Taehyun bites his lips in annoyance at the display.

Soobin however smiles politely at the girl "Oh hey Mina, what's up?" his mind trying to wreck for which fling was this one? And he is sure they haven't talked in months so he's not entirely sure what brought her back.

But since he's nothing short of a gentleman, he'll play nice.

"Y'know I'm free later so I thought why not the two of us could go somewhere?" the suggestive eyebrow wiggle has Soobin almost snorting, he shakes his head.

"No thanks, and please get off my desk" he nonchalantly says.

Mina frowns at his tone and answer but she picks herself up and stomps away with childish irritation like a child that was refused a toy.

Taehyun giggles softly to himself which does not go unnoticed by Soobin "Why are you laughing?"

"You did that to yourself, why did you turn her down anyway?" He realizes that recently he's never heard of Soobin going to parties or dates with anyone, in fact, the rumors he's been hearing is that Soobin is madly in love with him.

These people are truly hilarious for that, though it would be really nice if they were true.

"Because I'm not interested, plus I'm booked for later no?" the elder reminds him, they had Literature that morning together and were paired again for their last assignment for the year.

The task is to perform a performance with contemporary elements, it doesn't matter what they want to do as long as it fulfills the needed requirements. They will perform it at the school's annual Farewell Fair in a competition and there will be a winner.

"Oh yeah, must've slipped my mind. Mr. Jung was merciless during Chem" Taehyun exclaims tiredly, the whole assignment almost forgotten.

"Why do you even take chemistry? It doesn't make sense" being a dancer and all, Soobin wonders why Taehyun even take the subjects he's taking.

The boy who finally decided to go back to his brown hair shrugs, the hood of his grey jacket falling backward when he turns to look at the older boy "Credits I guess?"

Taehyun is just sitting there, in his uniform and jacket, looking at Soobin like any other normal human would do when talking to someone yet the taller boy's heart skips a beat at the way those doe eyes are staring into his.

"Hey Soobinine!"

And the moment is ruined yet again by one of his past flings, he can't get a break for them, can he? But it is the result of his past behavior so this might as well be his karma.

Past behavior, because right now there's only one boy in his head and that boy is not the annoying pest who has his arms around him right now all the sudden without his consent.

"If you're going to ask me out, I'm sorry hyung but I'm busy" he almost snarls at the older boy.

If there is a list of genuinely annoying people he knows, this one would be right on top of the list.

With Grace {Taebin/Yeonkai}Where stories live. Discover now