With Confidence

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The two boys quickly finish up their work, soon they're both back in Soobin's car. As he drives he is suddenly reminded of the boy who gave him a mean look when he was picking up Taehyun.

"I forgot to ask, who was that dude with you at your apartment? Your boyfriend?"

Taehyun's face immediately scrunches up with disgust, "Ew no, that's my best friend" any thought of Kai being more than just a companion is undeniably weird for him, the male is more of a brother he could never have.

Soobin sports an exaggerated mortified look at the statement "Oh god even worse" a pining best friend is in the equation, he remembers seeing the two on the motorbike on the night of Taehyun's performance.

Taehyun seemed very comfortable with him, was it mutual?

Soobin shakes his head, suddenly annoyed at himself because why should he care?

"Why?" the other boy suddenly inquires, curious as how could the elder male come to such a conclusion. "For one, he looks like he wants me dead, are you sure he's not your boyfriend?" His tone suggests teasing but Soobin does genuinely want to know.

He may love fooling around with any individual that catches his eyes but respecting boundaries is one of his own rules of the games he plays, and he strictly plays by his rules.

"No way, that's just weird" at the denial Soobin drops the subject, clearly any person with a pair of functioning eyes can see that tall boy has feelings for his friend, even in that brief moment Soobin could catch on to the message.

Taehyun however doesn't look like he's aware at all of it 'So you're dense as heck too...interesting' the blue haired male thought to himself.

It'll be a bit of a hassle to get Taehyun to fall for him but even from the beginning Taehyun had proved to be difficult, and Soobin does love a good challenge.

The boy has already started to call him hyung, he's making progress, slow ones but he's making them.

"Where are we going? You missed the wrong exit" Taehyun calls out, worried of being tardy on his face. "Chill monsieur Terry, don't worry I'm not kidnapping you, you're not the only ballerina I have to uber today" he retorts with a laugh, "Don't worry you won't be late I promise, this will only take a second"

They pull up to a school, a clearly elite school but for elementary. Kids dressed in their light blue uniforms are escorted out by parents or their caretakers, Soobin scans the small crowd with his legs carefully controlling the vehicle.

"Where is she-" but just as he is about to finish the sentence the door to the backseat flies open and in comes a loud high pitched voice. Soobin cringes when the door is slammed shut harshly, in the corner of his eyes he sees Taehyun flinching as well.

"Soobin oppa! I want McDonalds today!!" the voice commands, Soobin rolls his eyes and starts to pull out of the school front yard and back into the main road "Too bad, I already got you sandwiches and say hi to Terry" he tells his sister.

Taehyun quirks an eyebrow at the use of his stage name, slightly grateful because other than the other soloist, principal dancers and the trainers, no one else knew of his real name. Plus everyone there called him Terry anyway, there is no Taehyun in the ballet world.

Taehyun is the bastard child born because of a mistake.

Terry is the star born out of blood, sweat and tears of a dreamer.

The newcomer girl snaps her head to the person sitting in the passenger seat, eyes gawking with surprise and suddenly throwing herself against the seat at the back "OH oh my god-Oppa!! You didn't tell me he's going to be here oh my gosh, hi sunbaenim!! I'm Choi Arin and I really really admire you as a dancer. This is so cool!"

With Grace {Taebin/Yeonkai}Where stories live. Discover now