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⁺◟ chapter twenty-one

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chapter twenty-one. . .
i hate people !

 ꜜ❝ i hate people ! ❞

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5 september 2020

when hyori walks down the stairs of her house, she stops midway, blinking in confusion at the sight before her. kevin, eric, and hyunjoon all glance up at the girl, all three of their mouths stuffed with chips they had stolen from the kitchen.

"what the..."

"hey hyori," they say in unison, waving at her. "these are some nice chips by the way."

hyori pinches the bridge of her nose, sighing afterwards. "you guys... okay first off!" she says, pointing at kevin. "when the hell did you become a part of the three musketeers?"

kevin shoves more chips into his mouth, chewing loudly, on purpose, as he replies. "the day i came back from canada. plus," he gestures towards eric with a nod of his head, "eric invites me to hang out with you guys all the time now."

"your welcome, by the way." quips eric, swallowing the food he has in his mouth.

hyori, baffled, blinks a few times, focusing her attention on eric next. "and you! why the hell do you keep coming here unannounced?"

"best friends since we were little privilege," sings eric. he glances at hyunjoon, making grabbing notions at him with his hand. "you got some water?"

hyunjoon nods, tossing him a water bottle that, surprise surprise, he stole from hyori's kitchen.

"hey!" says kevin, staring at her in disbelief. "why do eric and i get nagged while hyunjoon gets nothing said to him?"

hyori crosses her arms over her chest, pursing her lips at kevin. "because hyunjoon, unlike the two of you, is my favorite one—"

eric gasps, cutting the girl off. "that's favoritism, yori!"

"...that's what i just said. eric, you really need—"

"if anyone deserves to be your favorite," eric continues, leaning back as he pointed at himself. "it's me—fuck!" eric falls off the couch, landing with a thud on the ground. hyunjoon, hyori, and kevin stare at eric before erupting into a fit of laughter.

"dumbass!" laughs hyunjoon, wheezing.

kevin wipes the tears building up in the corner of his eyes, nodding in agreement. hyori lets out a sigh, trying to calm her laughter down but to no avail. the three continue to laugh at eric, who finally gets up from the ground, frowning.

hyori hasn't felt this happy in quite a bit. she hasn't laughed this much since...

"hyori?" calls out kevin.

she shakes her head slightly before her eyes darts towards his direction. kevin's lips are tugged downwards just by the slightest bit, which confuses her. it's soon replaced with a small smile as he begins to speak, "we need to get going," he said, "we're going to be late for the movies if we don't leave now."

hyori walks down the rest of the steps of the stairs, heading out the house with the three other boys close behind her.

˚◞♡  ⃗*ೃ༄

"you don't need no man, yori!" yells eric, throwing his arm around hyori, who laughs at his remark.

"amen to that," says kevin, nodding. he leans forwards, making sure that hyori can see him, and then throws a thumbs up at her, a goofy grin plastered on his lips. "miss ju hyori doesn't need a man! she's the baddest b in this town!"

hyunjoon nods. he holds his chin, looking up as they all walk into the movie theater. "hyo doesn't need a man, that's true, but... i'm not too sure about her being the baddest b in town when i'm the baddest bitch around here..."

"oh shut up, joon," hyori laughs, hitting his arm.

"aw shit."

confused, hyori looks at eric to see him staring forwards with a hard stare. she follows his gaze and feels her stomach drop to the ground.

speaking of the devil... taehee and sunwoo are standing in front of them.

"why do you have to be everywhere?" hyunjoon rolls his eyes, irritated that they had to bump into him and his girlfriend.

"of all days," sighs kevin, "this really had to happen when we just wanted to take hyori out to make her happy..."

taehee opens her mouth to say something but gets cut off by sunwoo, who keeps staring at eric's arm around hyori.

"what's that?" he asks, gesturing towards eric's arm with a tilt of his head.

eric scoffs. "what's it to you?"

"that's my—"

"we aren't dating," says hyori, staring straight into sunwoo's eyes. "you broke up with me. we aren't a couple anymore. get that through that head of yours please."

annoyed, hyori storms off. the boys hurriedly going after her, cheering at how well she handled the situation.

yes, hyori did handle the situation pretty well, but she can't help but let the sadness settle in her heart, fouling her mood even further.

yes, hyori did handle the situation pretty well, but she can't help but let the sadness settle in her heart, fouling her mood even further

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