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⁺◟ chapter eleven

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chapter eleven . . .
did he just? i... oh my gosh
this is so embarrassing! he
overheard me talking about
mystery guy? i want to evaporate
from existence.

01 june 2020

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01 june 2020

eric and hyori surround hyunjoon's desk as he hurriedly puts away his english materials, grabbing what he needs for their next class and placing it on his desk. hyori loudly speaks, hyunjoon and eric intently listening to her in the almost-empty classroom: it's just them and sunwoo inside. eric suddenly groans, slapping his hand over the girl's mouth.

"what the heck?" asks hyori, her voice muffled by the male's hand. she pries eric's hand off, glaring at it afterwards. "why did you do that?"

eric scoffs. "you should be thankful i did that unless you want you-know-who to find out that you made out with some random twenty-year-old at jacob's party, and that—hmph!"

"okay, okay, that's enough 'ric!" hyori's eyes dart everywhere in the classroom, gaze lingering on sunwoo before moving back to eric, her hand clamped around his mouth. "keep your voice down, idiot!"

eric slaps her hand away, huffing. "says you! you were literally shouting all of that not even thirty seconds ago!"

hyunjoon sighs, rubbing his temples. "can you two shut up?"

they both apologize immediately.

"finally," mumbles hyunjoon, shaking his head. "now let's go before our lunch period ends." he stands up from his desk, the chair screeching against the floor. both eric and hyori wince at the sound.

they start to walk down the hallway, eric and hyunjoon trying to figure out where they should get food from off campus while hyori continues to talk about her mystery boy.

she sighs, "i wonder who the hell that guy was."

hyunjoon hums, grabbing his chin. "well, i told you how he was dressed at the beginning of class, so you should be able to figure it—"

"ah shit," curses hyori. "i forgot my wallet in the classroom." patting eric's shoulder, hyori runs back to the classroom, yelling at hyunjoon and eric to wait for her.

as hyori nears the classroom, she starts to hear shouts coming from inside. she peeks inside, spotting taehee fuming as she stands over sunwoo's desk. the boy has his elbows propped up on the desk as his hands hold his face.

"you're such an ass, kim sunwoo!" taehee yells, eyes burning with rage.

sunwoo says nothing, though his shoulders droop even more if possible.

taehee pinches the bridge of her nose. "are you even going to apologize for what happened?"

at this, sunwoo looks up at her. "i did nothing—"

the girl clicks her tongue, raising her hand to stop him. "that's it. we're breaking up." taehee twirls around and heads straight towards the door.

hyori feels her heart drop to the ground. she immediately drops to the floor, hands going straight to her school shoes, pretending to tie them as taehee walks out. hyori looks up at her, a sheepish smile playing on her lips while taehee looks at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"i'm tying my shoe," hyori tells her, gesturing towards her shoes with a simple nod.

taehee rolls her eyes. "we have slippers, dumbass."

hyori lets out a small laugh. "my socks were bothering me, actually..."

"whatever," the girl says, rolling her eyes once more before walking away.

the ravenette heaves out a sigh, standing up and heading inside the classroom. sunwoo's slumped down in his seat, head hanging low. he glances up at her through his eyelashes.

"you overhead everything," he says, causing her to flinch and stop where she stands. "didn't you?"

hyori nervously laughs, waving her hands in front of her. "no!" she says, the smile she wears on her lips wavering a bit.

sunwoo starts to chuckle, shaking his head. "you are a terrible liar, juju."

an awkward silence falls on them. hyori shuffles over to her desk, rummaging through her things until she digs out her wallet. she lets out a sigh of relief, standing up straight and taking two steps forwards until sunwoo speaks out again.

"you know," the boy says, "i overheard what hyunjoon said at the beginning of class."

hyori tilts her head. "and what was he saying?" she gasps, eyes growing wide. "was he talking shit about me again? i'll beat his ass if he was—"

sunwoo laughs, eyes crinkling. for some reason, hyori's mesmerized with his smile, taken aback from how bright it was at the moment despite his gloomy aura earlier.

"no," he says, shaking his head. "he was talking about this so-called 'mystery guy.' you know, there were four guys at the party that wore something similar to what he described."

hyori gasps again, heading towards sunwoo's desk. "really?" she asks. "who, who?"

the boy tuts before continuing. "i want to offer you something," he says, leaning forwards.

hyori knits her eyebrows together, telling him to go on.

"i can help you find your mystery guy if," he emphasizes the last word, "you agree to fake date me to get taehee jealous." hyori opens her mouth immediately to decline his offer, but sunwoo holds up his hand. "it'll make kevin jealous, too. he gets jealous quite easily, actually."

hyori frowns, chewing on her upper lip. "i'll... i'll think about it."

sunwoo hums, leaning back into his chair. the girl takes one last look at him before leaving the classroom, thinking about what he said as she makes her way towards where hyunjoon and eric stand in the hallway.

 the girl takes one last look at him before leaving the classroom, thinking about what he said as she makes her way towards where hyunjoon and eric stand in the hallway

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