Chapter 11

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"Autumn! Thomas! Fancy seeing you here!" Jake said in mock and fake happiness. Thomas glared at him. I could feel his muscles begin to tense up, so I massaged his shoulders. I could feel him relax under my fingers, although his glare remained. Jake walked over and sat next to me at the table, and Ava sat on his other side, her hand still locked in his. I stiffened up, suddenly very uncomfortable.

Tasha began surging the food out on the table, and we took what we pleased. It was a great assortment of meats, veggies, fruits, cheeses, and so many other little snacks and such. I reached out to grab a roll, and Jake purposely landed his hand on too of mine, making it seem as of it were an accident. I froze, and Tommy stood up and glared at Jake, threatening him with his eyes. Jake backed his hand away and put them up in surrender.
"Hey, man. I was just trying to get a roll, jeez." Jake said, and I could tell he was still acting.
"You need to knock off your little act. Right now," Tommy said with immense sternness. I shrunk back into my seat, and Ava yelled at Tommy to be quiet and not talk to her boyfriend like that. Tommy sat back down, but the fire was still in his eyes.
This isn't over.
We all began to eat, and it was rather quiet. Ava kept trying to start conversations by talking about how she just met Jake, and how much fun they'd had in the few days together.
"Autumn, you two are like, best friends right?" Ava innocently asked. Once again, Tommy tensed up.
"Oh, we were." I replied. Ava frowned.
"So, why aren't you anymore?" Ava asked. I wish she didn't.
"Oh, you wanna know why, Ava?" Thomas began, standing up so fat his chair fell back behind him. "Well, your 'precious' boyfriend is an arsehole! You wanna know the REAL story? Let me tell you. Yeah, they were friends. Best friends, actually. She wanted him to meet me, since in her boyfriend. She wanted to show me off, show her best friend how happy she is. Well, Autumns brother had just gotten his life saved and Jake comes over to check up on us, cause he had found out about Riley. Well then he just BLOWS OFF and starts beating me up! Fricken punching and kicking me while I'm on the ground! And then sweet Autumn ran over and threw herself on top of me so he couldn't hurt me anymore, and he kicked her too-"
"HEY, THAT WAS ON ACCIDENT!" Jake suddenly screamed, standing up too. Thomas got up in his face, trying to look as ferocious as possible.
It was working.
"You FREAKING KICKED HER! WHY WOULD YOU ATART HURTING ME ANYWAY? I DID NOTHING TO YOU!" He began really yelling. I was getting a but scared, cause Jakes face was beginning to get red with anger... And I know Jake very well... Red face is a no no.
"You know what, shut up, Thomas. You were TRYNG to make me jealous." Jake said, putting as much hatred into his words as possible. I looked over at Ava, and she was silently crying. Tasha stood next to her, mouth gaping, broken glass on the floor by her feet.
"You know what? She is worth being jealous over. She is so perfect and beautiful, and she's mine. I'm so glad to call her mine. She will never know the love I have for her, and I felt SO INCREDIBLY LOW when I couldn't protect her from you... I couldn't protect her from your hate. When you kicked her, it hurt me more. When she yelped out and began bleeding, my heart was destroyed and I wanted to KILL you. Sadly I couldn't because not only would I have been fired from my career for life, put in jail and hated, but I couldn't move. You had beaten me so badly I couldn't quite beat you. I also knew it would hurt Autumn, cause you have always been her friend." Thomas backed up a little, getting out of Jakes face. Jake started him down, tears formed in his eyes... Hatred tears. He reared back and threw his fist at Thomas. The terrified look in Tommy's eyes almost destroyed me completely. He looked so scared... He took a step back and tripped over his chair, tripping into my arms. I held him close as Jakes fist flew above out heads, failing at finding it's first target.
Then Ava acted.
She stood up so fast, it was unbelievable. She grabbed the back of Jakes jacket and began dragging him to the door with a force I didn't know she had. I watched in awe, Tommy in my arms watching as well, as she opened the door and tried to push me out.
"HEY, GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!! I HOPE YOU KNOW THE ONLY REASON I EVER DATED YOU WAS BECAUSE I KNEW O COULD GET BACK TO AUTUMN?!" He yelled. This set her off, and she punched him in the jaw, knocking him back onto the sidewalk. She cussed at him and slammed the door. She leisurely walked back to the table and politely sat down. She looked around at us.
"Well, are we going to eat?" She asked. We all stared at her in shock as she began filling her plate with the amazing-scented food.
"Also, Tom... You can't have Autumn hold you forever." When she started eating, we all snapped out of our daze.
Stupid stuff always happens when Jakes around.
I looked down at Tommy, and he got up. He picked up his chair and sat down next to me once more, and began filling his own plate. Tasha slowly walked back to her chair as well. We all are in silence for a bit, and then we heard the quiet, long sobs come from a very feminine girl. I looked up, and poor Ava was crying into her food across from me. Tommy kind of just looked at her, not knowing what to do. Tasha had been in the kitchen, so she hadn't heard her.
I got up and walked over to Ava, putting her head on my chest as she began to cry harder. I rubbed her head and played with her hair in an attempt of calming her. Tasha burst through the door, but Tommy nonchalantly raised his hand at her, signali she let me handle this.
"I-I just tho-thought he wa-was so perfect..." Ava choked out. I nodded my head, and told her it would be okay. I promised her we would go shopping together tomorrow and eat ice cream.... Maybe even find her a new boyfriend?
After I told her all the fun things we would be doing tomorrow, she had calmed and smiled at me.
"I'm so glad he found you. He is so very lucky for you, as I've said before," Ava said. Tommy and I both began blushing as I sat back in my original seat. We held hands under the table, and at the touch of our fingers, there was a zing... I know, how very clićhe, but it's true. I guess we really ARE meant to be.
Tasha came out of the kitchen again after hiding back there while Ava cried, and she had desserts. They were all so lovely!! From cakes to pies, ice creams to truffles, cupcakes to breads. There was so much!
"Mum, you do know there are only three of us, right?" Tommy asked, chuckling a little.
"Well, TOM, there are others coming over tonight. They wanted to write some new songs for Winnet... And I'd thought is make lots of food for them. Plus, I wanted to show Autumn my incredible cooking skills." She winked at me at the end of her sentence.
"Oh, Tasha, this is all so delicious! You're gifted!" I said, making hand gestures to prove my point. She laughed, and we all ate again.
"Oh, and Tom, you and Autumn have to share a room. Hope you don't mind." Tasha said to us. I looked over at Tommy, and he slightly smiled. He leaned over and whispered, "don't worry love. The bed's huge. You will have your own half if you're not comfortable."
After he said that, I really just thought. His best interest is me. If I'm not happy, he's not happy. If I'm not comfortable, he's not comfortable. And this is us.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 8.54k READS!! THROWING A PARTY RIGHT NOW!! YOU GUYS ARE THE VERY BEST!! sorry again for spelling errors... My iPad does terrible autocorrects. I feel like this book isn't very good... Like it could be better. COMMENT IDEAS PLEASEEE!!

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