Chapter 4

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Thomas and I grabbed all of the cookie ingredients out of the pantry, setting them on the counter. I turned the radio on, and we were dancing around the kitchen while whipping the ingredients together.
Laughing, Thomas asked me, "Do you think these will turn out?"
"I don't really know, but I hope so!" I replied, spinning in circles to the beat of Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande.
After we put the cookies in the oven, Thomas and I decided to bring the radio downstairs to the empty room and have a dance competition.
Thomas danced first, flailing his arms around and wiggling his hips to the beat, dancing around, if you can call it dancing. He ended the dance with a summersault. With a big goofy grin on his face, he held his arms out, saying ' I did it! ' I laughed at him.
"Okay Autumn, have fun in attempting to do better that I did," he said, out of breath.
"Bring it, ballerina." I replied, putting as much sarcasm in those words as I could. He just chuckled and spun around a couple times, making me laugh for the billionth time.
But unluckily for him, I'm a professional dancer. I'm in a dance company called Diversity, so he ain't got nothing on me!!
Coincidently enough, the song from my latest dance routine, Young and Beautiful, came on. I got in position and danced the contemporary-style dance, doing the best I've ever done on the dance before. After pirouettes and other swift dance moves, the song finally ended with me in a crouching position.
I looked up at Thomas, who stood there with his mouth hanging open. I giggled a little and looked down at my tired feet, feeling the blush rising in my cheeks. When I looked up, Thomas was right above me.
"Autumn, that was amazing," he whispered. I giggled once again, have you noticed I giggle and laugh a lot?
"Thanks," I squeaked back. "But you win. I'm on a dance team professionally, and you aren't, so I'm disqualified." I said.
"No, you deserve the win. I'm just glad we didn't bet on anything, you would have had me over with!" Thomas exclaimed, his beautiful, knowing smile playing it's way back to his lips. I felt my own smile come back. Thomas stepped closer, our toes almost touching. I looked up at him, and he was looking from my eyes to my lips. He reached his hands towards my waist, and I think my heart stopped.
"That really was a beautiful dance, you know. It was completely brilliant," he said. I just smiled back, feeling him getting closer and closer, my stomach threatening to explode from the butterflies.
A trillion thoughts swooped through my mind as this slowly advanced. I thought things like 'Does a Thomas Brodie-Sangster seriously want to kiss me? Should I kiss him? I hope my breath doesn't smell bad...'
Thomas slowly leaned in closer, and right before our lips were going to connect, the timer for the cookies went off, ruining the moment. Thomas and I both looked up and stepped away at the same time, the both of us going red. I started twiddling with my fingers, and Thomas was rubbing the back of his neck.
"Maybe we should go get those cookies," I said after a moment of awkward silence, even though the timer was still going off.
"Yeah, good call."
We ran up the stairs and took the cookies out of the oven. We turned the fan on so the cookies would cool faster and walked over to the living room. I sat down on the couch across from Thomas, messing with my fingers once again. Thomas was staring at his hands, obviously deep in thought. After a minute or so, I heard him sit up and saw him look up at me out of the corner of my eyes. I looked up at him as well, half expecting his face to be of pure disgust that he almost kissed me. Instead, I saw a look of fondness. He looked genuine, if that's a thing. His eyes lit up, and his lips were in a slight smile.
"Autumn, I think I should tell you why I was glaring at you a while ago..." Thomas started. I nodded, not wanting to know what he was about to say, but wanting to know at he same time.
"Okay, here it goes... So I had a best friend named Keilee. She was beautiful, funny, kind, she was everything I was looking for. We met on the set of a movie I had been working on, and she was helping with the props. We got together after that for tea every weekend, and eventually began dating. She was just like you. Same brown hair with the same hints of red, same attitude... The only difference is the eyes. She had blue eyes, and you have hazel... Which isn't a bad thing, believe me! But, uhm, Keilee and I had been together a year and it was going perfectly. We went out for tea every weekend still, and we were going to get a flat together. Well, she was on her way over to my place one day... And she said she would be there in a half hour. About two hours past, and I kept trying to call her, but it always went to the voicemail box, her beautiful voice ringing in my ears. I left her millions of messages, texted her, everything. I decided to call her parents and see of they knew where she was. I called her mum first, and she answered... I will never forget that phone call. Never will I forget the sadness in her voice.
She was crying hysterically, and I knew something was wrong. I asked her what was going on, why she was crying, and she just kept saying 'I'm so sorry, Thomas. I'm so sorry.' I didn't know what she meant, what she was saying. Then I heard something peculiar... She said to Keilee's father, 'I can't tell him, I just can't. You have to do it for me." I remember my heart falling, and having to sit down. I heard the commotion of the phone being passed around, and I eventually heard the voice of her father. He too had been crying. Again, I will never forget what he said next. 'Thomas, you are going to have to sit down for this.'
'Already sitting down, sir,' I had replied.
'Okay, son. Well, when Keilee was headed towards your house, she was at a four way stop. When she was crossing the street, a drunk driver crashed into the drivers side of the car, going right through it, thus taking Keilee's beautiful life.'
I remember his voice cracking at the end of the statement, and I had dropped the phone, breaking it. I ran to her house, hoping it was all a joke. I didn't bother taking a bike or the car, I just ran. I eventually made it there and saw police cars at the house, her parents an emotional wreck in the yard. I saw her destroyed car that had been towed back to the house, and I saw a tarp with something in it being lifted into a mysterious car. I knew immediately it was her in that tarp. I made my way over to her parents, the tears pouring freely down my cheeks... I remember her mum hugging me, holding on for dear life, her father watching his daughter being carried away. Their only child. My girlfriend. When the car with her body drove off, I screamed and lost it right there in the yard. Her mum went inside, getting something... Tissue? And I just rolled up into a ball and screamed, crying my eyes out.
I can't remember much more after that, just being depressed. My agent couldn't stand me being this way and had me try out for the movie Nowhere Boy to lift my spirits. I got the part, and after acting in that movie, things got a little easier, but still not tolerable. After that movie, I forced myself to keep going. I tried out for The Maze Runner, which led me to be where I am now.
On the first day, when I met you, I was glaring because you looked so much like her. I wasn't trying to glare, but I guess I was. I was trying to figure out of it was real, to be honest. Since I've started hanging out with you, I've grown to like you more and more... And it brought me to almost kiss you downstairs." Thomas said. I felt the tears in my eyes from the terribly tragic story. It actually brought me to tears. I stood up and ran over to Thomas, wrapping my arms around him. He hugged back, and it lasted quite a while. As we hugged, I whispered in his ear, "I am so sorry. I wish none of that would have ever happened to you." I meant every word.
"Don't be sorry, none of it was your doing. And as horrible as it sounds, it led me here, to you. Maybe it was fate, meant to be. I don't really know. But I do still miss her. A lot. You remind me of her, and it numbs my pain greatly. But after I hang out with you, when the pain starts to come back, it is never as bad as it was before. You are making the pain go away." He whispered back. I pulled away, wiping the tears from my eyes. Thomas's own eyes were red and watery as well. He took my hand, kissing it lightly. Then he looked back up into my eyes. I could see the longing.
"Autumn, I was wondering if you feel about me the way I feel about you. I really fancy you, and I don't know where the guts to tell you this is coming from, I really don't. But here last few days have been some of the best ever, and I was wondering how you feel?" He asked.
"Thomas, I have had a celebrity crush on you for years. But then I met you in reality, got to know the actual you. Just saying, I wish I could have gotten to know the actual you a lot sooner. You are the sweetest, funniest, most amazing person I have ever met. It makes my heart soar that you feel the same way. I can't tell you the feeling I have because there are no words." I stated.The blush in my cheeks was really coming on, and I forced myself to look down at my feet. Thomas hugged me again, and when we let of he asked me something that I will never forget.
"Autumn, will you please be my girlfriend?"
I stared at him for a long time, his gaze never faltering or losing confidence.
"Thomas, I would never turn at down. Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I smiled while I talked, my stomach going nits with butterflies. I felt like a million blocks, it was he greatest feeling. Thomas hugged me again, and looked up at me.
"You know what this means?"
"What's that, Sangster?"
"I get to show you off to the whole Maze a runner cast tomorrow."

Hey guys!!! What did you think?? I had some major feels when writing this!! I hope it isn't too cliche, or dorky. It was the best I could think of. Please like, comment, vote, and share!! I would love more readers!! Spread the word lovelies!!

My famous foreign exchange student//Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now