Chapter 18

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Autumns POV

"I think she's waking up, should we hit her again?"

"No. No, let her wake up. We should have enough time for a little chat," came a familiar high pitched voice. my eyes fluttered open. The room was dark; I couldn't see anything. But I could hear.

Small, clicking footsteps of a woman's heels grew louder, frightening my already confused mind.

I have no idea where I am, what I'm doing here, the events taking place...

I figured it out soon enough.

"Oh hey, sweets! I saw you not to long ago! Yeah, it took me a while to find you but I managed to. Had to fly a few countries away, but it's worth it." Came the voice. It nagged me, I wanted to know who this was. I know this voice, now who is it?

All of a sudden, my vision faltered. The room suddenly became very bright. It stunned me for a moment, but when I opened my eyes, I think what I saw shocked me more than the light did.

It was Bella.

Her long red hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her lips held a triumphant and evil smile. She kept walking closer until she was face to face. She put her finger under my chin and pushed it up so that my face would be level with hers.

"Hello. Did you miss me? Quite the lovely "midnight snack" we had last week. Okay, so I'm going to tell you something, but you WILL keep it to yourself, got it? Good. I planned this. All of it. From the girl in the airport to you in my basement. Yes yes I know, pretty cliché, but whatever it takes to Get you alone. Tommy is fine, the bullet missed his heart. Well, he's gonna hear the opposite about you when he wakes up. I will be the girl that ran into the house, called the police, and tried to save your life. But oh, boo boo, you were unlucky. You took a knife to the stomach and heart, and never woke up." She got up and slowly, menacingly, paced around the chair I was strapped to. I wriggled fiercely, trying to get loose. She noticed, and just simply tipped the chair over. My head hit the concrete, and the room went back to being black.


Thomas POV

"I ran in, and you were passed out on the floor. Whoever made the noise was no longer there. I searched and searched, but all I could find was Autumn and-a-and..." Bella started sobbing and buried her face in my chest. I Grabbed her arms and held her away from me so I could see her face.

"Bella, what about Autumn? Where was she? What happened? Is she okay?" I yelled it out, my heart beginning to race. She shook her head and looked to the floor, her tears coating her face.

"No, Thomas. She wasn't okay. The knife... It was too deep. The paramedics got it out but..." She looked up at me, her glossy eyes digging deep into mine.

I went numb. I let her arms go, and fell back into the floor. I just kind of sat there, staring Out into the opening of the room. She's gone.

"It's my fault. I got in that fight with her, and stupidly left her alone at her house. I should've stayed, then I could have gotten rid of the guy-"

"Thomas, it's not your fault-"

"SHUT UP BELLA! You don't know what happened! You didn't love her like I did, didn't know her like I did! She was my other half, my better half! I'm positive she was the one, and she's gone. GONE!" My voice squeaked as I began to cry. I sobbed for a long time. Bella tried to console me,bur I pushed her away. It was probably rude, but I needed to be alone.

Everything else was a blur. By the time I knew what I was doing, the room was destroyed, windows were broken, my shirt was torn, and I had my own hair in my hands. I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. my eyes were bloodshot and my face was a blotchy mess. I saw memories of my life flash in the mirror. I screamed and punched the mirror, shattering it.

The instant, piercing pain of the little shards of glass in my fist caused me to yell out inn pain. I picked the little shards out one by one, my blood getting all over the sink. I slammed myself up against the wall, giving up on trying to fix it. My life isn't fixable.

The love of my life is gone.

She's gone.


Hey guys!! Sorry this is kind of a short chapter, but I'm building up to something.
I'm also sorry for taking so long to update. I will try harder!!

I'm also reading bs book on here called Saving Elliot and you should all read it!!! It's such an amazing story! The author is brilliant.

Have An amazing day, gorgeous girls and guys!! ❤️

My famous foreign exchange student//Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now