Chapter 7

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My heart stopped. Isabella Mellings... I'm gonna have to live with this.
"So, you will be seen with her on camera then? " I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
"Yeah... Hey said some harsh things about how I should do some fake dating to get my name I there. I specifically told them I didn't want to be in huge movies, or have a huge name. I just wanted to act in heartfelt movies and do what I love. But they won't listen. I'm really sorry, they are so terrible. I promise you, I will never kiss her. Ever." Thomas concluded, his eyes beginning to tear up. Just before the salty water slipped out of his eyes, I brushed it away. He smiled and held my hand to his cheek.
"Tommy, it's okay. I understand. I know you love me, and that you wouldn't throw it away. It may be hard for me to watch, but I'm a big girl. I can do it." I smiled at his and kissed his cheek. "When does she get here?" I asked.
"Tomorrow," Thomas replied. Oh shoot, hats when Jake is come over...
"Tom, that reminds me... I have an old best friend coming over tomorrow. His name is Jake, and you're gonna love him! He's really nice, and he would like to meet you. I saw him again at the fair, and we talked. But yeah, I hope you guys become friends!"
"Jake? Oh, okay. It sounds good to me, I mean, why not?" Tommy replied. I grinned at him.
"GUYS!!!! I'm coming with you guys, but you need to drop me off at my exchange house," Dylan said, lipstick marks all over his cheeks. He hopped in the back of the car, and got on his phone. Thomas and I exchanged looks, and he shook his head as he started the car.
* * *
Thomas and I sat on the couch when we got home, and we just talked. He played with my fingers and I let him, because he looked like he was having fun.
"Autumn, I would like for us to do something special. You know, after Jake leaves tomorrow." Thomas said randomly.
"What would you like to do?" I asked. He put my hand down and looked up at the ceiling. He seemed as if he were deep in thought. But as soon as the concentration look came, it disappeared. A smile lit up his face, and he resumed playing with my fingers.
"We should take a trip. Just me and you. But it'll be a special trip..." He said. He kept smiling, and I giggled a bit, but mostly a confused giggle.
"Trip to where?" I asked. I wonder what makes it so special.
"I want to make this a surprise, but I will give you hints. So here... Hint number 1: we should leave on Friday."
"Leave on Friday," I repeated. Thomas smiled and nodded.
All of a sudden, my brother started yelling from his room. A shrill shriek of pain followed the yell. My heart stopped, and out of pure adrenaline and terror, I hopped up and ran up the stairs in a matter of seconds, trying to get to Riley as fast as I possibly could. Thomas followed quickly behind me. My parents had been out, so they weren't there. My brother was lying in his bed, clutching his heart. He began screaming again, and shook violently.
"Riley," I said as calmly as I could, knowing that being calm would make the situation easier. "Riley, try to talk. Come on, try..." I asked. He kept shaking, and I started to lose my calm.
"Thomas, call an ambulance right now!" I yelled as Riley went still. I checked his pulse, and it was still there, but barely.
"Yes, this is an emergency, my girlfriends' brother is having an attack of some kind... Yes, the address is 2884 Lattah Lane. Yes. Okay, thank you." Thomas Hun up the phone and stared at Riley. His eyes went wide, and I looked over to see what Thomas was shocked at. Riley's mouth began to foam. I started crying, feeling lost. What could I do?
In hat moment, I was thankful I paid attention In Health class. I knew what to do. I ran over to his bedside and cleared out his mouth with my finger. I listened and watched for the rise and fall of his chest, but there was none. My emotions were screaming and crying, but my face showed nothing but courage. I cleared his mouth out again, checking for blockage in his airway. After it was all clear, I plugged his nose, and blew into his mouth. I kept going. After about 3 minutes, he gasped for breath, and hat was when the paramedics burst in. A nurse pulled me to the side and asked me what happened. I told her how he just started screaming, and then how he stopped breathing. She wrote it all down on her board, and walked away. The paramedics hoisted Riley up into a gurney, and loaded him into the ambulance.
Thomas and I got In my car, and we followed the ambulance to the hospital. Once we all got there, they wheeled him into a white room and closed the door telling me I couldn't go in there. Thomas and I just turned around and sat in the waiting room.
"Autumn, that was incredible of you," Thomas randomly stated. I looked up and him, and his eyes were sincere. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
"The way you swallowed your terror and became a hero. You were in full on life-saving mode. Autumn, I think you saved his life." He finished the sentence with a cracked voice. That was when I couldn't do it anymore. I felt my eyes begin to burn. I tried my hardest to hold them in, but they just came out in streams. Thomas held me tighter when he saw my tears, and he wiped them away with his thumb as well.
"Most people say 'don't cry' at times like this, but to be honest... I understand. And you look very beautiful when you cry. I don't like to see you hurt, but I understand it in this case." Thomas said. I pulled out of his grasp and looked him in the eye.
"Thomas. I have never met anyone as incredible as you in my life. I love you." I said. I looked him directly in the eye, and he began to tear up as well. It must have been a strange scene for others to watch... The both of us crying like this. But who cares? Who cares?
"Miss. Smith?" A doctor in a white coat asked. I stood up and walked over to him.
" I'm sorry, but you don't look old enough to be-"
"I'm his sister. My parents are not here, so tell me what you would tell them." I said as strongly as I could. The doctor nodded his head, and motioned for me to follow him. We walked into an x-Ray room, and I saw scans of Riley's heart.
"Miss. Smith, Riley had been suffering from a mild heart attack. We don't know where it came from, and it's quite rare for this to happen. We are going to run more tests on his once he is awake again, but we will need adult permission before we do that." He doctor concluded.
"So he's alive?" I asked.
"Yes, but he wouldn't be if you hadn't resuscitated him."
Those words stuck to my mind, I saved my brother. Thomas rubbed my shoulders, and smiled. After a whole, the doctors got my parents to the hospital and explained the situation. My mom cried and my dad hugged me. They then told me to go home and went to see Riley.
The drive home was silent, but I liked it. I was still worried about my brother, but the horror I had been feeling in the past few hours had subsided.
"So, when he was bing pains earlier, that was what it ended yo being? A heart attack warning?" I asked, my voice still a bit shaky.
"I guess so, yes. " I let out a slow, long breath. Then I got out of the car.
When we got inside, I collapsed on the couch. Thomas laid down on the couch opposite of the one I was currently on, and he stretched out.
"Wow, what an eventful night. We just went form talking about a trip to you saving your brother's life." Thomas said. I nodded, the shock of everything still trying to settle in.
"Well, I think we should try to sleep, love." Thomas whispered. He wrapped himself in a blanket and closed his eyes. I nodded to myself, agreeing that sleep sounded like a good idea.
But just before I closed my eyes, the doorbell rang. Thomas groaned and sat up. I groaned as well and got up to answer the door. When I opened it, that familiar face was back.

Hey everyone!! THANKYOU so much for 1.9k readers!! You all are the best!! I'm sorry this chapter wasn't so much about Thomas, but it was all I could think of. I'm also honking of writing imagines... And lastly, should I keep writing this? I have some ideas but I don't think it's good enough. Comment your thoughts and thanks again!!

My famous foreign exchange student//Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now