Chapter 2

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I sat there kind of awkwardly, right across from the guy I idolize. He just talked with my parents and my brother, never really towards me. I was focusing on my chicken too much to start talking. I guess that's why he isn't talking to me. Maybe he hates me? Did I do something? Is my makeup smeared or running? All of these thoughts started running through my mind. Maybe I can read his face, maybe see of I can tell if he feels uncomfortable around me. When I looked up, I saw Thomas watching me with a look on his face that said 'you obviously aren't social' with a mix of 'this girl is weird.' He had the knitted together eyebrows and everything. He saw me look up At him and quickly looked away. My heart dropped right then. That wasn't a very pleasant look. Maybe he does hate me... He can't though, he doesn't even know me yet. Maybe if I started talking like a normal person-
"Autumn? I asked you if you are feeling ok about four times and you didn't answer me," my mom said. She gave me a questioning look, but I just replied saying "Uh, I'm fine. My head hurts a little, but not bad." It wasn't a lie, my head has started spinning in the last couple of minutes.
My mom and dad obviously didn't believe me, but Thomas bought it. He just gave me that strange look again, then finished the last bits of his chicken. I copied, trying to get everyone else talking again and not focusing on me. My mom looked between me and Thomas, a confused look on her face. I would be confused if I were her, too. Heck, I'm confused as it is! I don't know why Thomas won't talk to me or why he is giving me weird looks.
Finally, dinner ended. My brother helped my mom with the dishes and my dad prepared dessert, so it was just me and Thomas in the living room. Where did this take such a bad turn? One minute Thomas is making my heart skip beats with joy, the next he has me confused. When I sat down, I decided to talk to him.
"So, do you like it here?" Hey, why not make some small talk?
"Oh yeah, yeah. This is a very nice house." Ok, good response... I should keep going.
"Did you like dinner? Right when my parents got home at noon they started cooking."
"Oh yes, I loved it. It wasn't drab like some of the chicken I've had before. No, this had a spice, a sort of zing to it." He used hand motions for emphasis, and laughed a little after saying 'zing'. Then he looked over at me, then down to the floor. Hey, why not ask him what's going on now?
"You ok? You keep looking at me then looking down quite quick. Is something wrong?" I said this as casually as I could, trying to avoid any hurt feelings. He kept his eyes trained in the floor, then slowly looked up at me.
"You didn't do anything wrong. Sorry for the looks. It's a long story that I can't get Into right now or we'll be here for hours... Maybe we can start again?" He held his hand out and gave me a genuine look. I laughed a bit, then took his hand. It sparked. We both flinched.I knew he felt it, too. It felt like the zing you get when you are on a trampoline, and then touch somebody's shoulder. After the zing, he looked up at me and smiled a cheesy smile, trying to act like a total stranger meeting someone new.
"Hello, my name is Thomas."
"It's nice to meet you Thomas, my name is Autumn." I replied. I seemed to forget at that
moment that he was a super famous actor, that he was a celebrity. It felt like we were just two normal people meeting each other for the first time. My heart did still flutter, for what reason I don't know.
"Pleased to meet you, Autumn." I giggled and he smiled. After that he got up and ran to the dining room table. When I looked over I spotted the dessert. Looks like we are having cheesecake, cupcakes, and ice cream. Thomas took a little of each, and I just took a cupcake. This time we all talked a little more. Things like favorite colors came up, then we played 21 questions... Just fun little conversations here and there.
When everyone was finished eating, Thomas asked that I give him a tour around the house. I obliged, and led him downstairs first.
"This is the theater room," I said as we walked into a room with a large TV and a bunch of chairs. It even had a little popcorn machine in the corner of the room. Thomas looked pleased, and sat in one of the chairs. I took this as a silent cue to turn on the extremely large TV. When I turned it on I explained to him how we have surround sound and all of he other features. After at room we went to the game room, which had a few video games, board games, and an air hockey table. I showed him where the downstairs bathroom is, and then brought him to the main floor. This, of course, was the floor with the living room, kitchen, dining room, and all of the other necessities.
"I think your house is brilliant. Reminds me of my own home a bit." Thomas said, his accent ringing through my ears. I just smiled and nodded, trying to conceal the inner butterflies threatening to come out in a scream. He looked over at me and offered an arm. I gave him a questioning look, but he just pushed his arm closer to me. So I took hold of his arm, and he led me outside.
"Do you know of any place around here where we can sit? Somewhere nice?" He asked. I nodded, honking abot he stream in the park I was just at earlier. We kept our arms linked as if we had been best friends for years. We laughed and joked around, starting to get comfortable with one another.
We finally reached the park and sat down at the bench next to the little stream of freshwater. We sat in silence, until I saw Thomas relax and close his eyes.
"I think I'm going to like it here," he breathed. Then he smiled, looking over at me. I smiled back and also closed my eyes, facing the sky. I could tell he was doing the same, I heard him shifting around. We sat this way for a while, until finally Thomas asked me a question.
"So you like the Maze Runner? You've read the books?"
"Yeah, they were amazing. Or brilliant, as the Brits would say." Thomas chuckled, and continued talking.
"So, you know who the cast is, correct?" He asked.
"Of course, Dylan O'Brien, Ki Hong Lee, Kaya Scodelario, the lot." Thomas nodded, and a look of excitement crossed his face.
"I was wondering, maybe, if you wanted to come to the set next week? I mean, we start filming next week, and all of us are gonna be there, so would you like to meet them? Come and watch us, even?" Thomas asked.
Oh my goodness. Thomas Sangster asked me if I wanted to go to the Maze Runner set with him and meet the cast! This has got to be one of the best days of my life.
I smiled and nodded, and he looked happy about it. I told hi. How much it means to me that he would take me with him, and he just said its worth it, considering I'm welcoming him into my home.
"Well then, shall we head back? I'm sure Dylan is wondering when I'm coming home. He and I are sharing a hotel room until we get moved in with our assigned families."
"Yeah, we should head back home. It is getting late, the stars are beginning to come out."
Thomas and I linked arms once again, and talked a bit the rest of the way home. When we got back, Thomas thanked my parents for everything and gave my brother a 'bro hug', but it didn't look like Thomas had ever given a hug quite like that one before.
I watched as Thomas pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the hotel in which he was staying in. My parents had already gone to bed, and Riley was playing video games.
I started thinking about how perfect life was becoming. Thomas Sangster is living with us, I get to meet the cast, and fun nights like this one will happen all the time. Perfect.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!" Riley screamed. I didn't worry about it, it's just his battle scream. At least, I didn't worry about it until I found out his battle cry was towards me. I spun around and saw Riley running up to me. He grabbed me up into a big hug, then set me down.
"So, you and Thomas?" Riley asked, a goofy grin on his gap face. I could feel myself blushing, and tried to hide it the best I could be turning around to walk into the kitchen.
"No, Thomas and I aren't going to 'get together', Riley. You are such a dork!" He just laughed and kissed my head.
"Well, I'm off to bed. Night, Autumn!" He said this while running up the stairs towards his room. I laughed to myself, and followed him up the stairs to my own room. As I pulled the blankets over myself, I realized how much could happen in one day. It took one day to wake up, find out Thomas Sangster is living with us, get the chance to meet the cast of The Maze Runner, and talk to Thomas. Wow.
I kept thinking about what life will be like in the future until I finally let peaceful sleep consume my thoughts.


Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed the update!! Any thoughts on the next chapter? I'm also dedicating them so message me!! Please vote, comment, and like!! 😘😘

My famous foreign exchange student//Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now