Chapter 5

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Morning came rather quickly. The night before, Thomas and I decided to spend our 'first night being a couple' watching disney movies. We ended up going to bed at 1:30a.m. Hey, it's not our fault the Hercules movie ended up being so long! Thomas and I said out goodnights, and headed our separate ways towards our bedrooms. When I got to my room, I had plopped down on my bed and smiled like an insane maniac, squirming an unbelievable amount. It stated that way until I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up, I trotted down the stairs. In search of some orange juice, I stumbled into Thomas.
"Hey beautiful," he said, smiling and taking my hand.
"Hello, Sangster," I replied, squeezing his hand a little tighter. He smiled, and I walked him over to the table.
"Okay, here's how it's gonna go down, Sangster. You are going to sit at the table, and I'm gonna make you one of my famous, cheesy omelets." I told Thomas, and he sat there and nodded. I laughed and walked towards the fridge.
As I made the omelet, Riley slowly walked into the kitchen. That's weird, usually Riley is all happy and bubbly in the morning...
"Morning, Autumn," he said, yawning a bit at the end.
"Morning Riley. Are you feeling okay? You seem so tired."
"Yeah, I've just been increasingly tired lately. Nothing to worry about, Autumn," Riley stated. He looked me in the eye when saying this, and in that moment, I knew it was more than just being a little tired. Something was wrong... But I didn't say anything, just in case I was making a big deal out of nothing.
Riley had a small conversation with Thomas while I made the eggs. Their convo wasn't very long, and when they were done, Riley slumped over and walked back to his room.
"Uhm, is Riley really okay do you think?" Thomas asked me, looking from the floor and back to me.
"Yeah, just a little off lately. Nothing to worry about, I'm sure," I said, not really believing myself.
"Okay." Thomas said, returning his gaze upon my hands flipping the eggs of the omelet.
After about 10 minutes, I finished making breakfast and sat down at the table with a small bowl of Cheerios. Thomas and I ate silently for a while. After about 4 minutes, he spoke up.
"I'm just gonna say, I'm really so very lucky to call you mine, I can't believe you weren't already taken..." Thomas looked down at his plate, getting redder by the second.
"Tommy, you have no idea how happy that makes me. Ever since Love Actually, I have wanted to date you. Not kidding. I never, in my life, thought it would come true. I am actually the lucky one here." I said, meaning every word I said. Thomas looked up and smiled. Then he looked down at his watch.
"Crap, Autumn!! We need to get to the set!! We are filming today!" With that, he stuffed the last bite of eg in his mouth, grabbed my hand, and led me out the door. He ran to the passengers side of the car and opened the door for me like a gentleman. I curtseyed to him and hopped in the car, shutting the door myself. He scrambled over to the drivers seat, started the engine, and pulled out of the driveway. Once the car got going, I texted my mom telling her I would be out for the day with Thomas. She still doesn't know we are dating.
The whole car ride consisted of the usual laughter, the sweet sound of his voice wafting through the air. We joked around about aimless things, and sang to the songs on the radio. After about half an hour, we pulled up to a large, metal-walled building. Plastered on the front was a large sign saying 'Maze Runner'. Well, this must be it.
Thomas smiled and hopped out of the car, running over to open my door.
"Tommy, you are such a dork!" I said stepping, out of the car.
"As long as I'm doing this right, I'm happy," Thomas replied. Hmm, never quite thought of it that way.
Tommy and I walked over to the front door. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. When we walked in, we were hit with a wave of cool air, and it felt good compared to the blistering heat outside. When we got to the main part of the building, no one was there. Tommy showed me the set, with all of the mechanics and movie magic behind it. He let me play around on the set for a while with him, and we just goofed around, acting o scenes from the movie.
"You know, you're not a bad actress at all," Tommy exclaimed. I laughed and looked at my feet.
"When I was younger, before my dancing lessons, I did a few acting classes and played the part of Clara in The Nutcracker..." I explained.
"Wow, that's fantastic! Maybe you could try out for a part in the Scorch Trials, or the Death cure."
"Maybe. The Death Cure seems too sad though! If you must know, I read all of the books. It's my favorite series."
"Oh yes, I've been in your room. I know all about the fandom you're in," tommy replied, a smile creeping across his pink lips.
Completely changing the subject, I decided to ask the question that has been itching the back of my mind this whole time. "Tommy, where is everyone?"
Thomas smiled, giving me the 'I know something you don't' look.
"Here, follow me," he said. He turned on his heels and started walking towards a small hallway to the right of the set. Confused but curious, I followed. At the end of the hLl there was a door, but before we opened it, Thomas turned and looked at me. He bent down to my ear, and whispered, "these guys may or may not act weird around you. They are just being as nice and embarrassing as they can, they mean no harm. Just warning you..." Then he turned the knob and opened the door. I heard what happened before I saw it.
"AUTUMN!" I heard a very excited Dylan O'Brien yell. He ran over to me and gave me a hug, picking me up off the ground. I could feel myself blushing with embarrassment, and I could hear Kaya and Ki laughing in the background. When Dylan finally set me down, Kaya got up and gave me a hug with a smile on her face. She smelt of sweet perfume, and her hair smelt just as nice. Ki was next, and he lifted me up off the ground as well.
"Man, you're really light," Ki said. I blushed yet again, and blushed even harder when Thomas came over and put his arm around me. Kaya put her hands on her heart and whispered an Aw. I giggled, surprised that the cast here in front of me are being so down to earth. I totally expected them to be, but the whole thing is just so surreal.
I finally found my voice, and asked them if I could have their autograph.
"Of course, love," said Kaya. Dylan also signed my book, as well as Ki.
"Why do I have the feeling that when Thomas asked you to be his girlfriend, you already had his autograph, selfie, and had posted a whole fa page about him?" Ki said jokingly, and I lightly punched his shoulder. Thomas laughed, keeping him arm around my shoulders. Just then, Wes Ball walked in.
"Oh, is this the girl Thomas talks about non stop?" He asked, and for the millionth time, I began blushing.
"Yes!" Dylan said, and started fanning his face like a girl and smacking imaginary gum in his mouth. This earned a laugh from everyone, and Wes told the guys and Kaya it was time to begin the Scene. I sat back with Wes while they shot the scene where a Teresa comes into the Glade. I watched, completely entranced, as Wes explained to me the visual effects he would add later and how much he loves the cast of the movie. This scene was repeated a number of times, and after a couple hours, it was lunch time. Wes gave everyone the rest of the day off, and Dylan had the brilliant idea of going to the theme park.
"Oh my gosh, yes! We need to go to the theme park!" Kaya and I exclaimed, almost at the same time.
"Theme park it is, then," said Thomas with a huge smile on his face.

Hai everyone!! Sorry this chapter wasn't very good. It was more of a filler. I just wanted to say that I love all of my readers! I got up to 300! That's amazing!! Thank you all for reading this, no matter how cheesy It gets hahaha 😂😂😊😊 if you have any ideas for future chapters, please let me know!! Remember to like, vote, and comment!! Byebye!! 😊😊😊

My famous foreign exchange student//Thomas Brodie-SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now