Chapter 6

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We arrived at the large theme park in a matter of 20 minutes. We took separate cars, Ki, Thomas and I took one car, Dylan, Kaya, and Aml took Dylan's car. Everyone walked up to the gate and Dylan paid for everyone. We walked into the park, amazed at all of the lights. Thank god it was warm!!
"Guys, we should play games and eat junky American food. We can go on the rides at night when everything is all light up!" Kaya exclaimed. We all nodded our heads, seemig to agree to the master plan. Dylan grabbed Ki's hand and ran away for the games, giggling like a school girl for emphasis. I giggled at their actions, it was quite a sight to see.
"Well, I'm gonna go take care of those lads... You two have some fun by yourselves. Sound good?" Asked Kaya. Instead of replying, Tommy grabbed my hand and pulled me over towards the dart game. I could hear Kaya chuckle as we ran away. Tommy laughed when we got to the game.
"Wow, that was perfect timing," Tommy said.
"Yeah, I bet she had no idea you would do that," I replied. He smirked at me.
"Okay, now that we're here, how about we play a fun game of 'pop the balloon with the sharp stick'?"
"Sure, Tommy. Just saying, this is ma game. In other words, I'm gonna kick your butt, Sangster," I said, putting obvious challenge in my voice.
"Challenge accepted, Miss." He replied. With that, he shows the man our wristbands so we could play a rounds of the balloon popping game. The man gave us each 5 darts, and led us over to the other side of the wall, which was filled with tiny, colorful balloons.
"Ladies first," I told a Thomas. He raised his eyebrows, then smiled and put his hands on his hips like a teenage girl would.
"Well, if you do insist," he said. He positioned himself, drew the dark back, and wih a flick if his wrist, threw the dart. I heard the pop of the balloon, and saw the dart holding in to a deflated balloon.
"Point one Thomas," tommy said, a smile growing on his face. He feared his hand back yet again, and flicked his wrist, the dart popping another balloon. After using all five darts, he ended up popping four balloons.
"Okay, love. Beat that!" Thomas danced a little, twirling his hands around and spinning in circles. I laughed, and collected my darts. I took the first one, out it past my shoulder, and flicked it out of my hand. It his a small yellow balloon, and I threw the next dart almost immediately. In the end, Thomas and I ended up tying, but the booth keeper gave Tommy a teddy bear anyway. Tommy bowed down to me, and handed me the bear. It was smaller, so I could hold and hug it close. I thanked him, and carried the bear around with me everywhere. He put his arm around my waist as we walked around. At the end of the day, we had ended up playing 13 games and shared a funnel cake. We were licking our ice cream cones as we headed over to the meeting spot. We spotted Ki first, who was casually leaning against a table while waiting for Kaya, Thomas and I.
"Hey, man! Where's Dylan?" Thomas asked.
"He saw some girl named Bela, started talking to her. She's actually really nice. She was here with a friend and thought Dylan was 'soooo cool'," Ki said, emphasizing sooo cool by making himself sound like a girl.
"Yeah, I guess she is a big fan of Teen Wolf, so yeah..." Ki finished, cracking his knuckles. Just the , Kaya came running up to us.
"Sorry guys, I just was Dylan and this girl, I had to make fun of him a little," she admitted, a little out of breath from running over to us. Ki gestured his hand towards her, as if to say 'I told you so.'
"Okay, well... Let's get on some rides! It's finally dark, so let's go!" Tommy said.
"Okay, but you and Autumn are going by yourselves... It'll be cute, just the two of you!" Kaya said. "Plus, I want to go on some rides with Ki, see how manly he really is," she added with a smirk.
"Oh yeah, sure, cause you don't think I'm 'manly enough' to go on a kiddy ride! " Ki replied, also chuckling.
"Ki, I know for a fact you're not manly enough," Kaya replied, sending everyone into a fit of giggles. Ki went red and looked down. Kaya grabbed his hand and ran for the rides.
"Well, I think we take that as our cue to leave..." Thomas whispered.
"Yeah, I think it does," I said. We took off for the rides. First we got on The Zipper, a massive ride that is just a bunch of twists and turns. Then we went on the roller coasters. All in all, we went on just about every ride there. Our hair was all wind swept and messy by the time we were done.
"I think we need a calming ride now, love." Thomas said, hinting at the Ferris wheel with his hands.
"Okay, let's go! But I have an idea,"
"Which is?"
"You get the tickets for the ride, and I'll go bye us some ice-cream," I said, knowing that ice-cream is to hard for him to ever be able to turn down.
"Okay, I'll be back!" I ran off towards the ice-cream vendor, and by the time I got there, a huge line had formed. So I decided to use my time to just people-watch. I saw couples, children with their parents, and friends all together having a good time.
"Um, excuse me, but do I know you?" Asked a deep, familiar voice. I spun around and came face to face with my former best friend, Jake.
"Jake!! Where did you come from? When did you come back into town?" I asked as I gave him a huge hug. He picked me up and spun me around.
"I just got in last week, and I'm only here for another two. We should hang out! It's been too long, Autumn." He breathed as he set me down.
"I know right! I have so much to tell you!" I said.
"I do too," he replied. Just then, a lady called out to us.
"Excuse me, but what would you like to order?" She asked kindly. I ordered for me and Thomas, and Jake ordered for himself.
"So, you've got a friend with you?" He asked.
"Yeah. Boyfriend, actually," I replied, a huge smile plastered on my face at the thought of my boyfriend meeting my best friend.
"Boyfriend?" Jake asked, his voice faltering a bit.
"Yeah. Wanna meet him? He's buying us tickets for the Ferris wheel. You'd love him!" I said, getting excited.
"Uh, I can't... Right now... I've got to, uh, go. But maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" He asked.
"Sure. You can meet Thomas then,"
"Does he have to be there?" He asked, seemingly upset.
"Um, yeah. He kinda lives with us," I said, trying to clear up the subject by talking softly. Why is he getting all worked up about this? He's my best friend, shouldn't he be happy?
"He lives with you? Why?" He whispered. His face had just then gotten really red.
"I'm sorry, Autumn. I shouldn't be acting this way, I'll leave you alone. Do you still live in the same house?" He asked.
"Yep. So you're gonna visit tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Well, goodbye until then," he said, walking away. I just turned around and speed walked towards the Ferris wheel. I found Thomas leaning against the wall of a carnival game, smiling at me.
"Okay, ready?" He asked, taking my hand.
"Yeah!" I replied. We got in line again, and when it was out turn, the guy took our tickets and gestured for us to get in the ride car. The ride finally began spinning around, so we ate our ice-cream and talked. I told him about Jake, and he told me about his family. It was very peaceful. The ride went on and on, so we just held hands as I rested my head on his shoulder.
After the ride, we had a race towards the car. I got there first, but he made a very close second. Right before he opened the door though, his phone rang. He gave me a confused look and answered it.
"Hello? Yes, yes. Uh huh. WHAT!? That's not fair! I have a girlfriend. Can't I just be with her? Why not? Yes. Yes, I understand. Okay. Okay, bye." Thomas hung up the phone and threw it at the seat through the rolled down window. He got in the car and gripped at his hair. I followed suit and got in the car as well, and eased his hands from his hair.
"Tommy, what's the matter? That didn't sound like a very inviting phone call," I said.
"Yeah, talk about it. Autumn, I'm very sorry. This is gonna hurt you, but you've gotta know I'm against it. I have to do what they say, or they'll take my job. So please, what I. About to tell you is completely against my will. Just please, don't break up with me." He concluded, making my heart race with fear.
"Thomas? What's going on?"
"I have to be seen with someone else. A girl named Isabella Mellings."

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