Chapter 14: The Hunt

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Yanigasawa's POV:

" Dammit dammit DAMMIT!!!" I screamed. " Why is it that I don't lose just my test subjects but my entire lab!! It was perfect nothing was men't to go wrong... now which one of you are the cause OF THIS MESS!"

" Um s-sir I actually have to tell you something about the t-tentacle serum." A lab assistant stuttered to me. " And what would that be." I growled back. "W-well we injected the serum I-into the kid under the affects of IOX-3 a-and he was able to not be affected by the pain. He also had the one goal in mine stay w-with the tentacles.".

" Wait... this is perfect! Change of plan's I want everyone on top of making IOX-3, and more tentacle serum! I will also need my two test subjects back... I need an assassin to kidnap those two again. And make sure they don't get followed." I yelled. This is it I will finally be able to stop that horrid failed test subject. All I need to do know is wait.

Nagisa's POV:

" Ok everyone we will be going into smaller groups to get more information and preparations for an attack at his location. Nagisa, Kayano, Karma, and Nakamura you 4 will go interrogate the man we got from the lab..." I left with my group before Koro-Sensei could finish saying anything else.


" So what's it going to be? I have plenty of things to make you hurt. So tell me where did Yanigasawa go?" Karma said in a threatening tone. The man said nothing. " Fine then. I guess you want to feel pain then. Nagisa! Get over here!" Karma yelled. The look on the mans face changed from a blank stare to a terrified look when he realized who was going to be interrogating him.

" Hey Kayano how do you feel about pouring some wasabi inside his nose?" I ask with an evil grin. " Oh it would be wonderful!" Kayano said while lifting a small packet of wasabi up.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! N-No s-st-stop PLEASE!!!! I'll talk I'll talk... I'll talk...". The man said with sweat pouring dripping down his face. To be fair he took a lot more then I expected. Half a bottle is quite a lot to take. " Then tell me every location Yanigasawa could be." I said with a cold stare.


" Koro-Sensei we managed to get the information we needed. We have 3 different locations." I said. " Good work you 4! I'll have Ritsu get into their security system and figure out which one to raid." Koro-Sensei said with a red circle on his face.

" Now go back to the classroom you will need to see what new things were made by your classmates!" Koro-Sensei said before taking off to who knows where. " Well let's head back! I wanna get there quick so sweet sweet revenge comes sooner!" I said while running back to the satellite campus.

" You two are really getting into the revenge thing." Nakamura said with a worried work. " We can dial it back a bit if it makes you uncomfortable. Or do you think we will take revenge against you?" I said while giving a grin. " Hey I'm not afraid of a li-" Nakumara was cut off as she number into someone and fell to the ground " Owww. Sorry sir for bumping into you." Nakamura said as she stood up.

" Oh don't worry about it! In fact I have to thank you for leading me to my target!" The man said with a cheerful voice. " Wait what do you mean target?" Karma asked while getting ready to fight. " What do you think it means? I almost ran past the sand which shop I was going too!" The man said while letting out a laugh.

" Oh well have a good time getting your sandwich then!" I said with a happy smile. Karma let out a sigh of relief. And got out of a fighting stance. And before we know it the man kicked Karma straight in the stomach knocking him to the ground.

" My oh my i was expecting more from you. How could you be so easily deceived. I was expecting more from you." The man said with a cocky tone. "Why you-" Nakamura was going for a punch but she was knocked out with one hit too. I'm doomed. If Karma and Nakamura both went out with one hit then I don't stand a chance.

The man went in for another punch but had it blocked by a tentacle. " Koro-Sensei you came! That sure was fast!" Kayano said with glee. " you have Ritsu to thank for that. But if you would excuse me for a moment I have someone to deal with!" Koro-Sensei said before turning back around to see that the supposed assassin was gone.

" Oh he must have run away nurufufufu!" Koro-Sensei said while giving his trademark laugh. Karma and Nakamura both starting getting up but we're both dazed from the punch they received. " Where did that guy go?" Karma asked fuming. "He ran away like a coward when Koro-Sensei showed up!" Kayano said while laughing.

"Now then I'm going to have to bring you back to the classroom myself! It seems it's too dangerous for you all out here alone!" Koro-Sensei said as he scooped us up and blasted off at Mach 20.


" Oh there you all are! We were waiting for you to show up!" Isogai greeted us. " Yeah but you better hurry you guys still need to gear up for the raid." Kataoka added. We all walked inside to see Okuda, Takebayashi, Sugaya, and Ritsu's main body waiting for us. " Glad to see you all safe here! Looks like you scared away that assassin!" Ritsu said while giving a smile.

" W-Wait a-assassin? W-when!?" Okuda stuttered out. " Don't worry about it! Everything's fine! That's why we were late!" Kayano said.

" W-Well anyways here's some new equipment. We modified the anti Sensei b.b.'s to put a sleeping agent on people on impact! S-same g-goes with the anti Sensei     k-knives. We also got a few smoke grenades and other items. Even a miniature set for Kayano!" Okuda said while admiring their creations.

" This looks great!" We all said at once. " Oh one last thing since Nagisa is mainly the one responsible for holding Kayano we added a mini 'battle pocket' to your combat suit! It's a perfect fit for Kayano and has small holes where she can shoot out of in the safety of cover!" Ritsu said.

"Wow this is all so great! Now what's the plan exactly?" I asked. " Well the plan is simple we each split up into smaller groups. We will be adding Okuda, Fuwa, Sugino, and Kanzaki to your group. You will all be going straight down to infiltrate. It sounds bad at first but you are some of the strongest in the class and better equipped. Plus it will help since Nagisa and Kayano have a bit more incentive then just taking someone down." Itona said.

" Their will be one group covering yours, another group going to take down any guards they see and cut of their communications. And one more group to patrol the perimeter of the building taking out any guards and extra people coming to help." Isogai said. " Us 3 will also be helping. Koro-Sensei will be going with your team. While me and Irina will be on the top floor." Karasuma said.

" Now then are we all ready? Let's do this! The class 3-E Raid begins NOW!!" Koro-Sensei yelled. " Let's do this!" We all yelled back.

??? POV:

" Why would you run away?! They are a bunch of kids!! Your the assassin know as Death Wish. Your supposed to be extremely skilled. SO DO YOUR JOB!" Yanigasawa yelled towards me.

" Well then give me equipment to kill your tentacle abomination and then I can help." I said while gritting my teeth. " Fine I'll give you some anti tentacle weapons and a special seum that if needed will enhance your physical ability's. Of course you will only have your primary goal in mind and won't stop doing that goal." Yanigasawa said.

" Just remember you can kill the tentacle creature all you want. But I NEED the blue hair boy and the mini green hair girl alive. Do you understand?" He said with a menacing tone. " As per the agreement I won't kill those two unless you permit it. I will be going now. I have to get ready." I said as I walked out of the room.

Well now I should have enough equipment to easily take down that abomination now. This mission is going to be a piece of cake.

A/N itsssss update time! As you can probably see I have updated my fanfic to be in multiple paragraphs instead of one. If you all like this change tell me and I'll change it on the other chapters too. If I should adjust the paragraphs more then tell me! Also if someone could tell me the correct way              Koro-Sensei laughs that would be great. And as always tell me if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes and I'll change them! Bye Bye!!

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