Chapter 16: The Game's

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Nagisa's POV:

Finally after so long I get another peaceful day after dealing with being kidnapped, raiding a lab, and surviving assassins trying to kill me. Now the real question is what does Koro-Sensei have planned.

"Alrighty then class! When I said you would have a brake... I lied! WERE GOING TO GO FAST ON THESE STUDIES MOVE THOSE HANDS!!!" Karma said in a Koro-Sensei impression.

"If that ever happens Karma I give you permission to smack me." I said. "Oh your on Nagisa! Don't make deals your gonna lose for future reference!" Karma said as he ran inside the building. Oh boy am I in for a day.

"As I said yesterday since you all did very well we're going to have a bit of a rest day! Which means... We're going to be cramming some knowledge into those brains of yours!!!! Time to get those hands moving!!!" Koro-Sensei yelled to the class. "W-what?! You must be joking!!" I yelled. "You know better then to give a deal like that to Karma Nagisa." Kayano whispered to me." NOT HELPING!" I yelled in response.

"Of course I'm only joking! Karma just wanted me to say that. But what we are actually going to do today is have a bit of fun! With school involved of course!" Koro-Sensei said. "What do you mean by that sir?" Isogai asked.

"What I mean is I set up a bunch of games outside for all of us to play!!" Koro-Sensei said with a big smile. "What's the catch." Itona asked with a cold stare. "Well since it's school and I can't stop your learning you have to complete school work in order to do anything! If you can solve a certaint amount of problems that's one game for you!" Koro-Sensei said as he grabbed a stack of papers filled with problems.

"That's great and all sir but isn't that unfair to the idiot over there?" Karma said as he pointed to Terasaka. "You wanna go? I'll show you who's stupid!!" Terasaka said as he stomped towards Koro-Sensei and grabbed a sheet of paper. What an idiot I thought.

"Ok then... now then. Outside let's go!!" Koro-Sensei said. The first thing we see is a field of games just like going to an amusement park! Most of them were run be Koro-Sensei but a few were run by other people. I saw Mr.Karasuma, Ms.jelavić, Lovro, and even that one sniper from Kyoto!

Well I can tell that this is going to be one fun celebration! Even if theirs school involved.

"Alright! First things first you all need to do some school work to get some specially made Koro-Sensei game pass tickets! I made quite a few of them so you all better get to working!" Koro-Sensei said as he passed out work sheets.

And off to work I go! Karma of course was the first to finish. Actually not only was he first he did it in a minute flat! Slowly more of us finished and went off to the games! I managed to finish mine and waited till Kayano was finished too so we could have a bit of fun together! "Here you go you two 3 tickets each! Don't spend them too fast or you'll be back here!" Koro-Sensei said as he let out a laugh.

"Well what would you like to do first Kayano?" I asked. "Hmmm how about we see what Mr.Karasuma is doing!" She said with her face lighting up. "Hey Mr.Karasuma what game are you doing?" I asked at a visibly agitated Karasuma. "That damn octopus put me in here and said you all had to throw balls at me!" He said while steam poured out his ears.

"So wait... we get to throw balls at you?!" Kayano said shocked. "According to him if you hit me you win. But you only have 3 shots. That damn octopus has it out for me." Karasuma said while mubuling the last bit."Well here's a ticket sir so get ready!" I said while handing him a ticket. I threw all three balls at once... and I missed all three.

"Well that was sad." Kayano said. " *sigh* well anyways let's see what Lovro is doing shall we?" I said.we walked closer and saw that Lovro was actually throwing knives... at a dart board.... with Koro-Sensei's face on it... that's deffinetly something he made I thought to myself

"Hello. I guess your ready to play this game?" Lovro
Asked. "Well we are but why are you even here?" Kayano asked. "I'm here because I was asked to be here. And also I wanted to see how you students were progressing." He answered. "Also I see that you are very tiny. He did say something about that so here's a more mini one for you." Lovro said placing down the mini dart board and darts.

This time we actually did quite good and we're even praised a bit by Lovro! Next stop is Ms.Jelavić... um yeah no. She has a mini tent with the words fortune teller written on a sign next to it. "We are not going in there" me and Kayano said in unison.

Ok next stop is red eye! Or what ever he's calling himself now a days. "Hey how are you!" I asked. He looked very very confused."um are you ok" Kayano asked. "Um yeah if you can explain how I got here!" He said back. "Wait so Koro-Sensei just basically kidnapped you?!" Kayano said in shock.

"Yeah you can say that. But according to him you are supposed to hit those targets out on the mountain. And also why are you so small." He asked. "It's a long story. But I want a go at your game!" Kayano said with a look of determination. "Are you even able to carry the rifle?" He said with a questioning look. "Well no but Nagisa can do it!" Kayano said while staring at me with an adorable smile. I can't say no to that.

And just like that I was Kayano's personal sniper Aimer for the next half hour. But it was a lot of fun to see her truly smile after all that's happened. This day of fun filled games isint over yet! According to Koro Sensei at least. It's lunch time so we will have a mandatory break and a mandatory worksheet to do. More tickets included though.

As I was walking to grab my launch I noticed Terasaka siting on the ground defeated. I looked over at the paper and realized it was extremely hard. So hard I think only Karma is able to do it.

A/N I am a creature of the night and I have come here to curse you with a part one of game timmmmme. No I'm definitely not doing another part because I need more time to plan out the story... definitely not. Anyways tell me if I spelt anything wrong or used any bad grammar. Also all previous chapters have been updated and edited so if you would like to see them edited up a bit go check them out! Bye Bye!!!

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