Chapter 2: The Problem

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Nagisa's POV:

As Kayano's yell echoed across the classroom I saw Koro-Sensei fly in quickly through the window and ask "What's happening? I heard a yell and came as quickly as I could!" Koro-Sensei walked towards the class who were all surrounding Kayano now. "Oh dear! What happened here? Why is Kayano so so small?!" Koro-Sensei said in shock.

"Well Karma over here decided to have Okuda make a potion that would make me and Kayano taller but it did the opposite. Luckily I didn't drink mine yet." I said while staring at Karma with intense bloodlust in my eyes. "Ah I see... well then we're going to have to do something to make Kayano big again but first..." as Koro-Sensei finished I saw him quickly go out of the room at mach 20 and grab a small piece of fabric and told Kayano to wrap herself around it.

"Um what are we going to do? I mean Kayano has no family and lives alone so she doesn't have anyone to make food or move her around. So who is going to take care of her?" I asked. "I-I c-can s-stay w-w-with you Nagisa." Kayano said while stuttering. I couldn't help but blush thinking about having an itty-bitty Kayano come home with me. I shook my head and said "y-yeah t-that works... N-not that I don't want you over or anything b-but why chose me?" I could see Karma facepalm out of the Corner of my eye.

"W-well t-that's e-easy you well umm your my b-best friend a-and w-well you also almost drank the p-potion s-so where in this together!" Kayano said while blushing and smiling. "It's settled then! Kayano will be staying with Nagisa until we can find a way to make her big again!" Koro-Sensei said. "But first Okuda your going to need to take Nagisa's potion and examine it at home. And were also going to need to make some clothes for Kayano!" Koro-Sensei announced to the class.

Third person POV:

as class began Nagisa gently picked up Kayano and placed her on his desk. Koro-Sensei then grabbed a huge container filled with fabric and handed everyone a sewing needle and thread. Every student then grabbed some fabric and went to work while Okuda and Karma were in the back getting everything ready to examine the potion.

"Um Nagisa are you sure your ok with me staying at your place?" Kayano shyly asked. "Y-yeah of course! Your my best f-friend after all!" Nagisa said while his cheeks where dusted with red.The words best friend made Kayano feel a bit sad inside but she didn't know why. She shrugged it off and went back to admiring everyone in the class making clothes for her.

Time skip Nagisa's POV:

As the school day ended I grabbed Kayano and put here in my vest pocket so she had a view of the outside world as we were walking to my house. We waved goodbye to everyone as we headed on are way to my home.

"Hey Nagisa thank you for helping me while I'm s-small..." Kayano said while slightly blushing. I rubbed the back of my head and said "it's nothing really! Your our classmate and we all care about you not to mention I love yo- I mean love being your best friend! and I would do anything to help you!" I was blushing as red as a tomato. It would be awkward if I told Kayano how I felt about her especially when she's so small and can't run away. I don't even think she likes me so it would be a waste to ruin our friendship over something like that.

"Earth to Nagisa? Hello?" Kayano saying my name broke me out of my thoughts. "I-oh sorry Kayano I k-kinda got lost in my thoughts their." I said while giving a nervous laugh. "It's ok just make sure you pay attention so we don't run into anyone. I'd rather not be squashed by someone." Kayano said while giving a nervous laugh.

I instantly thought of what would happen if I saw Kayano get squashed by someone and I couldn't hold back a few of my tears while thinking about it. "Hey it's ok Nagisa don't cry. It's all ok alright!" Kayano said with a cheerful tone. "Y-yeah ok..." I said while whipping my tears away.
As we arrived at my house I walked up a flight of stairs to get to my apartment. "Oh sorry Kayano if you thought I had an actual house." I said while rubbing the back of my head. "Oh it's ok Nagisa I would never think less of you because you lived in an apartment! I lov- I mean I-I EKKK!" I heard kayano yell as she hid herself in my pocket. I giggled to myself as I opened the door to see the last thing I wanted to today. My mother.

"Hello Nagisa go upstairs and get changed then come back down here. We have a lot to do tonight." My mother said with an angry tone. "Y-yes ma'am." I said as I hung my head low and went to my room to change. I took Kayano out of my pocket and set here down on my nightstand next to my bed.

"I have to do some stuff Kayano so be quiet and I'll be back in an hour or two. And also I'm gonna get changed so look away." I said while blushing a bit at my last sentence. "O-ok N-Nagisa. I'll wait here as long as it takes you." Kayano said with a smile. I quickly got changed into a skirt and went down stairs to do what ever my mom wanted for tonight.

Kayano's POV:

Nagisa told me to not look but when I heard him finish changing and open the door I quickly looked behind me to see Nagisa in a.... SKIRT?! I didn't think he was into that kind of stuff. Shows you what I know.  I'll talk to him about it later but for now let's look around. I scanned the room to see a closet that was completely shut a dresser that I assumed had Nagisa's clothes in it a desk with a bunch of school stuff on it. And of course his bed with the nightstand that I was on next to it.

The color of his walls where an azure blue that looked beautiful and before I knew it all I could imagine was Nagisa's eyes looking at me. Which for some reason made me really really tired.... I quickly dose off to wake up later on a stack of different colored fabric with another piece on top of me as a blanket. My head was resting on a cotton ball which was surprisingly comfy. I looked over to Nagisa's desk to see him sitting down working on something with a small blue lamp shining light down on his workspace.

I quietly rose up from my makeshift bed and said "Hey Nagisa what are you working on?" Suddenly nagisa jumped and said "j-jeez K-Kayano you scared me be more quiet next time. And I'm working on an outfit for you...". "Oh that's cool! Can I see what you have done!" I said with a happy little smile. "Of course you can! It's almost done actually I just have to make these last few stitches."

Nagisa said now composed after I had scared him a second ago. Nagisa quickly got out of his chair and walked over to me and gently placed me In the palm of his hand. He then brought me over to his desk and gently set me down on the desk as he sat himself back down. I looked over to see him finish the last few stitches in the back of the dress he's making. I looked at it more and saw that it was a light purple dress with green and blue flowers all over it.

"W-wow Nagisa it looks adorable!" I said with stars sparkling in my eyes. "W-well you have to have something to wear and I made it blue and green flowers to match our hair colors..." nagisa said while blushing a little. "That's super sweet of you Nagisa! Now whenever I wear this I'll always be reminded of my best friend who helped me when I was small!" I said with a smile across my face. Ithen extended out my arms to hug Nagisa when I realized..... IM TO SMALL FOR THAT!!!

I looked at nagisa and let out a nervous laugh. Nagisa put his finger down in front of me and I hugged his finger instead. It may not be as good as hugging all of Nagisa but this will do! As I was hugging him he used another finger to gently rub my back. And with that I fell asleep once again while hugging Nagisa.

A/N and with that I end chapter 2! Hope you enjoyed it! As always tell me if their are any grammar mistakes or if I spelt something wrong! Leave any ideas and I'll right more later! Bye Bye!

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