Chapter 7: The Date

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Nagisa's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes. It was early. Earlier then I usually wake up to go to school. It was the weekend so I didn't have to worry about that today. Not only that but I don't have to worry about her till later. I got up groggily and got ready for my day like any other.

I then got straight to planning to make a perfect day for me and Kayano. "What to do.... we are of course going to get pudding then we can go to the park-". "Hey Nagisa! I um kinda can't get out of the room." I heard Kayano yell. "Coming!" I said as I went up the stairs.

I opened the door and Kayano said "Nagisa I was wondering since I've been shrunken I haven't taken a shower or bath at all... and I was wondering if you could h-help m-me with that..." I saw her slightly blush.

With a smile on my face I said "of course I'll help! We just need to figure out how to make this work." I grabbed a small container that Kayano was able to fit in. I filled it up with hot water and got tiny containers of soap for Kayano. And that was it problem solved!

While she was taking a bath I made an extra special breakfast. I mean even if it's not a real date she must be having a rough time being small. I need to make this the best possible day for her! I finished making the best breakfast I could muster. "Hey Nagisa! I'm done!" I heard Kayano yell. I quickly ran to the bathroom and got her.

"Now I decide we are going to have some fun today! But before we do that we have to eat breakfast at least!" I said giving her the best smile I could. I didn't realize at the time but I was blushing... a bit too much.

I sat Kayano down on the table and set her breakfast in front of her."Wow Nagisa this is great! You must have put a lot of effort into. I don't understand why though." She has a questioning look on her face. "Well I made you it because not only are you my best friend but you are going through being small and all. So I thought this would be the best way to cheer you up!" I said with another smile.

"Well thank you Nagisa! You didn't have to but I always appreciate it... especially when your not doing too good." She had mumbled that last part so I thought she didn't want me to hear. But what could she mean by that? Don't tell me she knows what's happening between me and my mom! I can't add more to her plate right now.


"Thanks Nagisa that was really good!" Kayano cheerfully said. "Well I'm glad you like it!". I took away our plates and headed out the door to go to the pudding shop first! I headed out the door and went on the way!


"Hey Kayano which one do you want?" I whispered to her. "Can I have the chocolate one with little blueberry's in it." She whispered back.I nodded my head to her in response. "Hello there sir what would you like today?" The man said. "I would like a chocolate pudding with blueberry's in it and a vanilla pudding with strawberry's in it!". "We'll have it done in a few minutes!" The man sent the order away as I sat down waiting.

Once I got the pudding I walked out and headed to the park for a nice peaceful walk with Kayano. "Here we are Kayano! I thought you would like a nice walk since it is really pretty right now. Also we'll eat the pudding later at home." I said giving a huge smile to Kayano.

We walked around for who knows how long. The cherry trees had Petals falling all around us. I sat down on a bench and let Kayano sit beside me. We sat there silently neither of us said a thing but it didn't bother us. "Hey Nagisa do you think we could go somewhere high up and go eat the pudding there?" Kayano asked.

"Sure! I think it will be fun considering we can't go on a ferris wheel or anything." I said with a half smile thinking about what she can't do. I put Kayano back into my vest pocket and went into the tallest building I could find and took the elevator to the roof. I went to the edge of the building and set Kayano down while giving her the whole container of pudding. We sat there eating away.

Kayano of course has eaten a hole straight through hers. no matter how big a pudding is she can eat it all. I think Kayano would be able to eat the giant pudding faster then Koro-Sensei!

"Hey Kayano I was wondering if you where doing ok with being small and all." I asked. "Yeah I'm doing fine. I guess I'm just worried I won't get to be full size again. I mean it wouldn't be too bad I get to hang out with my friends and everyone I care about more." Kayano said with a sad look on her face.

"It's all ok Kayano we'll all be here for you no matter what. And I will make sure I help you with anything you need! I care about you a lot you know... what I'm trying to say is tell me anything and I'll always be there to listen!" I said. "Thanks Nagisa! Your the best you know that!". With that Kayano lazily got up and climbed back up into my pocket.

I grabbed the empty container of Kayano's pudding and set it in my bag. I started to walk home while I saw Kayano slowly drift to sleep. As I got home I went to my room and set Kayano on her bed. I saw her slowly open her eyes and say "hey Nagisa d-do you th-think I will ever get to be big again?". " I trust Okuda in being able to find the right ingredient. I bet she will find the right ingredient soon or who knows maybe she already found it!"

Okuda's POV:


A/N hello it's me again. Back with a normal update time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And as always if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes please tell me! Bye Bye!

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