Chapter 17: The Games Continue

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Nagisa's POV:

"Alright now we are half way through the day but their is still more games to be played and worksheets to do!!" Koro-Sensei said. "Now get to it and enjoy the rest of the games!" With that Koro-sensei passed out the papers and went to the games he managed while making sure everyone else was still at theirs.

Once again karma was the first to finish but me and Kayano finished second and quickly headed off with new tickets in hand.

"What game too now Kayano?" I asked. "Well their id one where we get to throw darts at Koro-sensei!" Kayano said back. "Well let's get too it! Maybe we will assassinate him!" I said back as I was running to the booth.

"Oh Nagisa and Kayano! Come to take your loading shots at me?" Koro-Sensei said as green stripes appeared on his face. "Oh we aren't going to miss your going to have several tentacles on the ground by the end of this!" I said with a grin. "Let's see what you have then!"

I gently set Kayano down where there were tiny darts ready for her. And on the count of three we fired! Well threw we kinda can't shoot a dart with our bare hands. Of course the first ones missed but we instantly through the rest trapping Koro-sensei in a ring of darts!

Well we thought at least. It went more or less as you'd expect. Koro-Sensei dodged without a dart being so much as an inch close to him.

"Oh come on you two I thought you were going too hit me with those darts nurufufufu!" Koro-sensei taunted. "You won but were still going to get you by the end of the school year!" Kayano said as I picked her up and walked to the next game.

Strangely enough this one had the three assassins from our summer field trip hosting it. "Oh hello I didn't expect to see you three here!" I said. "Well your teacher sure is persistent on making sure you all had fun with this event so he kinda forced us too come..." Smog said.

"Well our game we have here is a fun one either way! It's a battle up the tower! All that means is you have to hit the pins off four floors each higher then the last!" Smog said.

With that we threw the balls at the pins and made it all the way to the top taking it down! "Well turns out you are able to do this hun." Grip said. I guess he's still going with the whole hun thing. "Well now you should get going" Gastro said putting a gun into his mouth.

With that me and Kayano quickly got out of their and headed to one more game. Of course Koro-Sensei was at this one too. "Well now back for more? Let's see how well you do!" Koro-sensei said as he brought out 10 pieces of paper 5 for each of us.

"Now then you remember the assassination attempt the principle tried? Well this game is like that. You have one minute to answer the problem on the sheet once you flip it over. If you don't answer it in time you get a bucket of water to the face. But if you do answer it right then that's one free shot against a tentacle. Oh and don't worry Kayano no bucket of water will be used on you. Of course most other rules from the assassination attempt against me are still in affect so no running away now!"

With that we quickly did the question on the paper managing to finish the first three with no water incidents. The fourth went by well almost didn't make it. But then when we got to the fifth the trap was sprung no turning back now.

Of course the question was impossible for us to answer especially in such short time. I looked up to see Koro-Sensei laughing to himself as the time slowly ticked down leading to water getting thrown on me and Kayano.

"It seems you two are a bit wet nurufufufu!" Koro-sensei laughed. Quickly I took all 8 shots for mine and Kayano's correct answers as Kayano threw one of the anti sense I knives at him. Of course he dodged and laughed even more.

Before Koro-Sensei could finish laughing the bell rung and school was done. "Alright then class it's time to go home! Hope you all had fun. I have to take some other adults back home... later!" Koro-Sensei said as he flew away with everyone he brought.

As I was walking home with Kayano I saw Terasaka defeated once again as Karma laughed at him. Of course he wasn't able to play a single game. I kinda feel bad for him. Either way it doesn't matter now.

Time skip

Once I got home I set Kayano down on my nightstand and jumped into bed falling into a peaceful sleep.

It was peaceful until a certain someone barged into the room waking me up instantly on high alert. "Nagisa your coming with me this instant!" My mother drunkenly yelled. I made sure she didn't get close to Kayano. I don't know what I would do if something bad happened to Kayano again.

My mom staged me by my hair and pulled me down stairs slamming the door shut behind us.

Kayano's POV:

All I could do was cry after hearing all that. I know Nagisa was protecting me too so her mom wouldn't see me. I swear that once I'm my normal size again I'm going to help Nagisa get out of this mess! He's already helped me a lot so I have to do something to help him too no matter what it takes!

I then formulated several plans as I fell to sleep. I could only think of one thing in my dreams that night. Protect Nagisa.

A/N .... hello.... I ummm may or may not have not updated for a while if you couldn't tell by the obvious lack of updates so I really do apologize for that. But I only plan on making a few more chapters of this and finishing this story. And if for some unholy reasons I don't finish they story by the end of May spam me till my phone can't take anymore notifications. But as always I hope you enjoyed and tell me if I made any spelling or grammar mistakes and I'll fix them! Bye Bye!!!!

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