Chapter 11: The Lab

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Karma's POV:

"All right everyone are you ready? My team will go in first while Karasuma and Irina's team will be behind us." Koro-Sensei said as we were in front of the lab. The place looked heavily guarded. You would think they would not want to drag attention to themselves but I guess not.

We quietly walked to the front as Koro-Sensei knocked the two guards out who were Posted at the door. We walked inside and went left. The hallway was long and it slowly started to turn. Whenever any guards came near us we would knock them out. Finally we had arrived at the elevator that would lead us down.

"All right then. Group two go down there and look for Nagisa and Kayano. We will stay up here and take out any guards who try to come down." Koro-Sensei said before he took his group farther into the building.

The elevator ride down put me on edge. What if something happened to them. I need them to be ok... please be ok. "Karma it's gonna be ok. We know Nagisa won't go down without a fight and he will protect Kayano too. So believe in him and get ready for anything." Sugino said with a smile. The elevator opened before I could say anything and we quickly ran out to hunt for them.

Yanagisawa's POV:

"Sir! The rest of E-class has infiltrated the building. A group of them are on our level!" One of my lab assistants said to me. "Perfect! This will be fun! Bring me the IOX-3 serum and meet me in room 23." I said. My assistant ran to grab it as I walked over to the room.

Nagisa's POV:

"My oh my look at you! Your still trying to break out? Well I guess I can show you how Akari is doing." Yanagisawa said as he snapped his fingers. I was furiously trying to get out of my bindings until I noticed a cart get wheeled in with Kayano locked to a mini operation table on it.

"Kayano!" I yelled. "You see we kidnapped you because we were after Akari. She was able to stand being injected with tentacle cells without a regiment to keep the pain down. So since she did so well I'm going to inject her with the next version of the tentacle cells. Sure it will hurt worse then the other one but it will be perfect once it's done!" Yanagisawa said as he laughed.

"Don't you dare touch her! Kayano don't worry I'll get you out! I promise to protect you!" As I yelled those last words Yanagisawa snapped his fingers and someone stabbed something into my neck. I didn't care about whatever he stabbed me with all I could think about was protecting Kayano... protect Kayano... protect Kayano.......

Karma's POV:

As we headed down a hall way I noticed standing in front of us was Nagisa. He looked like he was saying something but he had his head down and I couldn't hear him. We walked closer and we could clearly hear him saying "Protect Kayano." Over and over and over again.

"Nagisa are you ok? What happened to you?" I said while walking forward. As I was about to grab him his head shot up. He had bloodlust in his eyes and he punched me straight in the stomach sending me flying backwards to my classmates.

How did he do that? Nagisa isn't that strong? I tried to tell my classmates that but I couldn't speak. I saw Karasuma walking forward. "Nagisa what do you think your doing?! Hurting your classmates isn't allowed." Karasuma said getting closer and closer to Nagisa.

3rd Person POV:

Before Karasuma could react Nagisa lunged at him. Karasuma didn't have time to doge so he lifted his arms up to block the attack. Nagisa slammed his fist into him knocking Karasuma back a bit. He instantly went for another attack kicking Karasuma's leg knocking him to the floor.

As he fell to the floor Nagisa Rains several punches onto him. All he could do was block as he slowly started to stand up. Once he was off the ground Nagisa jumped to his side at a higher speed then normal and slammed his arm into Karasuma's side knocking him down to the floor again.

He quickly got up and started to block every attack he could from Nagisa. But he was slowly losing. Everyone else looked shocked at what was happening. They couldn't hurt Nagisa. He was their friend.

Out of no where Koro-Sensei and the rest of the group ran towards them watching Nagisa fight Karasuma. "Hey Octopus! Get over here and knock some sense into your student!" Karasuma yelled. Quickly Koro-Sensei flew over to Nagisa and tried to restrain him.

But Nagisa instantly broke free and grabbed an anti Koro-Sensei knife and cut off one of his tentacles. In that moment Karasuma used a gas that Okuda had thrown to him in order to knock Nagisa out. Even after using that Nagisa instantly turned to him and punched Karasuma to the floor.

"Don't think your little toys are going to work! The IOX-3 serum is ment to make people act on the last action they thought of. In his case his last thoughts were to 'protect Kayano'. Not only that but it boosts his physical capabilities! So don't think your going to get out that easy." All of 3-E heard the voice of Yanagisawa on a spreker.

The one who gave Koro-Sensei his tentacles was causing all of this. Koro-Sensei instantly went to Nagisa and looked dead in his eyes. "Nagisa it's your friends and teachers. Where here to rescue Kayano and you. So please trust us. We are going to help you protect Kayano." Koro-Sensei said.

Nagisa stoped for a second until being injected with another sleeping drug in the neck by Koro-Sensei. This time it knocked Nagisa out. Koro-Sensei grabbed Nagisa off the ground and put him on his back. Irina ran and lifted Karasuma off the ground. We're coming for you Kayano just hang on a bit longer! Koro-Sensei said to himself as he zipped down the hallway.

A/N hello it's me again! I wanted to explain somethings in more detail. The IOX-3 serum is a drug that takes the persons last action they wanted to do and make them do that action even if it costs them their life. It also enhances all of that persons ability's to inhuman levels. I hope that explains why Nagisa was able to fight against Karasuma and slowly win. Other then that tell me if I spelt something wrong or used wrong grammer! Bye Bye!

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