Chapter 8: The Ingrediant

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Okuda's POV:

"IVE DONE IT! I found the ingredient that shrunk Kayano! Now then I have to write this down before I fall asleep." I quickly wandered the house trying to find something to write the ingredient on before I fall asleep. I saw a tissue and I quickly grabbed it and wrote the ingredient on it and stuffed it in my pocket. Before I knew it o felt myself fall back in the couch and instantly fall asleep.


I groggily woke up and rubbed my eyes. I groaned and got ready for school. I headed out the door and walked silently to school. I heard some feet coming up behind me so I quickly turned around only to see Karma looking rather sick. "H-hey K-Karma are you o-ok?" I asked while stuttering.

"No not really. I woke up and my nose is all stuffed up. But I don't wanna miss school now! You can't miss it if you wanna chance at killing the octopus!" He replied with a congested voice. "By the way you don't happen to have a tissue on you?" Karma asked.

"U-um actually I do!" I said while handing Karma a tissue from my pocket. "Thanks!" He said while blowing his nose and throwing the tissue in the trash. I watched as a garbage truck went by and dumped the trash can and go off to its next spot.

For some reason the Tissue reminded me that I found the ingredient last night! "Oh Karma I found out which ingredient was making Kayano smaller!" I said with enthusiasm. "Oh really? Well what was it?" He asked with a happy look on his face.

"I don't remember off the top of my head since it was 3:00 AM but I did write it down on something. I know I put it into my pocket." I said as I searched my pockets for a piece of paper. All at once I saw Karma stop in his tracks. "D-don't tell me you wrote it down on a tissue?" He asked with a look of terror on his face.

"I think I did wh-" I realized what he ment... I gave Karma the tissue that had the ingredient writer on it. That's why the tissue reminded me of the ingredient. Not only did it have Karma's snot all over it now but a garbage truck took it away. I realized Karma saw the look I had on my face and he began to tear up.

I didn't think he would be the one to just cry. I couldn't help my self but cry along with him. It wasent to many tears but I still cried knowing I failed to help a friend. I can't imagine feeling what Karma was feeling right now. Then out of the blue we both heard someone yell "Hey Okuda and Karma!".

Why. Why did it have to be Nagisa and Kayano. Now of all times. "What's wrong?" I heard Kayano say with her innocent voice. No no no no no no no no no. How can I tell them what happened Karma definitely isn't able too.

"W-Well I had found out the ingredient that made you small last night." I said trying to hold back more tears. "Really? That's great but why would you two be crying over it?" Kayano asked puzzled. "Well since it was so late at night I wrote the ingredient on a tissue before I fell asleep. And Karma needed to blow his nose and I-I" I couldn't stop myself from crying anymore and let some tears fall down my face

Kayano's POV:

"Hey it's truly ok you two. Theirs no reason to be upset over this! In all honesty I thought I would be small for months but now I know that I have some awesome friends who wanted to help me. So don't be sad!" I said with a smile on my face. In all honesty I kinda wanted to be with Nagisa more anyways.

Especially so I can talk to him about his mom. But for now I have to make sure these two don't feel bad. I saw Karma still crying a bit and I whispered into Nagisa's ear "hey can you put me down near Karma I need to cheat him up a bit more!". Nagisa nodded his head and placed me on Karma's shoulder.

I whispered into Karma's ear "please don't be sad. Actually I'm quite happy that I get to be small for a while. Honestly I was kinda sad for a second I thought I wasent going to be at his house anymore.". After I saw that Karma's face lit up with happiness and then his face instantly turned from happy to having a devilish grin.

Oh no. I messed up. "Oh is that so Kayano? You don't wanna leave Nagisa just yet?" Karma said as I started forming a huge blush on my face. I looked over to Nagisa who had the same reaction. "I guess Okuda is gonna have to delay finding the ingredient again so you two have some precious alone time~!" Karma said teasingly as Nagisa took me away from Karma and placed me in his pocket.

Before Karma could tease us more Nagisa ran as fast as he could too the school leaving Karma and Okuda behind.


Nagisa stoped to catch his breath when he had arrived at the base of the hill. Nagisa looked down at me and when our eyes locked he instantly looked away as his face became beat red. "I um I'm sorry Nagisa. That I made you embarrassed. It was the only thing I could think of to make Karma feel better. Not that it was a lie" I mumbled the last part to myself. Nagisa looked at me and smiled. "It's ok Kayano you where just doing that to cheer Karma up! I couldn't be mad at you for that!".

Nagisa's POV:

It was so sudden hearing Kayano say that under her breath. Did she really mean it? Maybe I'm imagining things... I slowly started walking up the hill when I realized. We left Karma and Okuda all alone... we left Karma alone with what Kayano had said. I looked at the top of the hill hoping I wouldn't see her...

but of course my hope was lost when I saw Nakamura standing there with an evil grin on her face. Looking down on us saying "Wow Kayano~! I knew you liked Nagisa but you wanna stay small just so you can sleep next to him?!". I saw Kayano instantly turn an even deeper shade of red. I thought her head was gonna explode from how red her face was.

Nakamura was of course laughing at the whole thing. Then if it couldn't get even worse I heard those loud footsteps of Karma behind me. He touched my shoulder and whispered into my ear. "Look what you've done to Kayano Nagisa~! She's so in love with you that she wants to stay small just to sleep beside you!".

Me and Kayano where both cornered. All I could do was run into the woods as an escape. Which if you couldn't guess I did exactly that. I ran into the woods and appeared out the front and ran straight to class.

I sat down on my desk and took Kayano out of my pocket. Everyone was in class now except for Karma, Okuda, and Nakamura. Everyone looked at us... weirdly. That's when I realized the next mistake I made. I left Nakamura and Karma together. Now the whole class new what was said. Now we where being teased by the whole class. Even Koro-Sensei joined in once he arrived. Everyone stoped teasing us when the bell had rung. It's gonna be a long day.

A/N hello... you weren't expecting 2 chapters so close to each other were you? Well I have to make up for my absence some how! But besides that tell me if I spelt or used any wrong grammer! Bye Bye!!!

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