Chapter 19: The Cure For Being Tiny

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Okuda's POV:

I've done it once again! Finally I'll be able to fix this whole mess and everything will go back to normal. Now let's find an actual piece of paper this time and get to work!


"Good morning Okuda you seem very happy today!" Karma said to me with a smile. "Well it's a good day for all of us since I have the ingredient again!" I responded. "W-wait you found it a-again?! Please tell me it's on a piece of paper so I can't destroy it this time!" Karma responded with a slightly worried expression.

"D-don't worry I have it all under c-control this time!" I said setting the piece of paper with the ingredient on it onto my desk. "Finally this will all be fixed! What a relief!" Karma said sliding into his chair. "W-well it's not d-done y-yet! I still need a few m-more things!" I said.

"What's this I hear about needing things Okuda?" Koro-Sensei said appearing beside me. "O-oh Koro-Sensei! Actually I need help getting things on this list!" I said handing a piece of paper to Koro-Sensei.

"I'll get this in a flash don't you worry!" He said flying away at Mach 20. "And Karma can you get some l-lab supplies for m-me?" I asked. "Of course just tell me what I need!"


Finally it's done! A potion serum what ever you want to call it! Now all I have to do is wait for Nagisa to arrive with Kaya-

"Hey Karma and Okuda" Nagisa said walking into class. Perfect! "H-hey Nagisa and K-Kayano! I have the cure to your problems right here!" I yelled handing Nagisa the bottle with the crimson liquid inside.

"Wait it's done! I can finally be big again!" Kayano yelled in excitement. "Y-yep just make sure you drink all of it should b-bring you back to your original size" I said sitting back in my seat.

"But it's like 5 times my size! How am I supposed to drink all that!" Kayano yelled in distress. "Well the more you drink the more you'll grow!" I said. "Ok then. Um Okuda can you help me with it then?" Kayano asked. "O-of course! But why not ask N-Nagisa?" I asked curiously. "Kayano turned bright red and gave me a look of sheer embarrassment. Right how could I say that! "Um forget I s-said anything!" I yelled grabbing Kayano and the bottle from Nagisa and running towards the bathroom.

Kayano's POV:

Finally it's time to be full sized again! I won't have to worry about being dropped or stepped on! Not that I have to worry about that with Nagisa around though. Well I guess that is the one bad thing. I won't be able to stay with Nagisa anymore... well at least I'll be able to actually hug him for all he's done.

Now then with okuda's help I can finally drink this whole bottle! Bit baby bit gulp by gulp till there's nothing left!

I slowly drank the liquid faster and faster as I began to grow in size more and more! Till every last drop was gone!

Finally I'm full size again! "Thank you so much Okuda! For everything!" I said putting on an extra school uniform and giving her a hug. "Y-your w-welcome but it's k-kinda my fault for you b-being small..." she replied slightly saddened. "Don't be silly! I may have been small for a while but it was quite a lot of fun! And it was all thanks to you! And karma of course!" I said walking out of the bathroom and back to class.

I opened the door and quickly gave Nagisa a hug. "Thank you for taking care of me I appreciate it a lot!" I said hiding my face away from his. "Y-your w-welcome..." Nagisa said mumbling a bit. "Well now are you two love birds done hugging each other?" Karma said with a grin growing on his face.

I quickly let go of Nagisa and patted myself down now standing their awkwardly with what I could only assume was bright red cheeks. "Actually I wanted to say..." karma trailed off and quickly went on his legs bowing his head saying "I'm really sorry for turning you tiny." Karma quickly composed himself and jumped up and slowly scooted off to his seat without me saying a word.


Well that certainly was unexpected day! "Hey Nagisa do you wanna walk home together?" I asked trying not to blush. "I um sure!" Nagisa said stumbling on his words Nagisa walked next to me grabbed my hand and almost dragged me out of the classroom I was so stunned.

"Um Nagisa you don't have to hold my hand... not that I mind" I said whispering the last part. "I-I want to hold your hand since I couldn't for a while now!" Nagisa said as his face became redder and redder. "I can stop if you wan-" "no!" I shouted cutting him off. "I uh mean no you don't have to it's nice to hold your hand after all that's happened!" I said giving a smile.

After all I think this is a great reward after all just being able to walk home holding Nagisa's hand! I wish I could do it all the time but I don't want to distract him! He has plans and I've already distracted him from them for long enough!

"Hey Kayano." Nagisa said quietly. "Yes?" I asked. "W-would you like to g-go out with m-me on S-Saturday." Nagisa asked turning his head from me.

I-I must be dreaming right or did Nagisa actually ask me out!? And to think I was distracting him by not asking him out! This is the best day ever!!! "Of course I'll go out with you!" I replied ecstatically. "W-wait really?!" Nagisa said surprised.

"Of course! Or did you actually think i would say no? You can't be that dense. Your like a mini Karasuma! Or the densest blueberry every!" I said playfully. "What do you mean by that?!" Nagisa asked. "Oh nothing!" I said running up ahead! "Hey that isn't helpful! Come back here!" Nagisa said as he ran towards me

Koro-Sensei's POV:

Finally I get one classroom romance with my students before the school year ends. Hopefully I'll be able to write down lots of cute story's about those two before my time is up! Well I'll just have to wait and see!

A/N helloooooo you have only one more part to wait for and then I'm finished with this fanfic! I had a lot of fun making this but I can't lie that my enthusiasm did kinda die a bit. But I do want to make one more fan fiction which hopefully won't include the destruction of my enthusiasm in writing it! To finish this part of as always tell me if I made any grammar or spelling mistakes and I'll fix them! Bye bye!

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