Chapter 9: The School Day

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Nagisa's POV:

Theirs no way this day could get worse right? Is what I wish was true. Everyone in the class teased us all morning. Non stop. Why did this happen to me. I mean at least it's with Kayano and not anyone else. All I can hope for know is PE.

As the bell rung I sprung up with joy! I grabbed Kayano and I ran outside. I was ready to go since Mr.Karasuma won't stand for interruptions... if only that where true. I saw Karasuma was already being nagged by Karma and Nakamura to do something. Which Karasuma agreed too!?!? Just when I thought we were getting a break.

"All right class we have a change of plan for today. You all will be hunting down Nagisa and Kayano. Of course you won't be hitting Kayano with any of your attacks only Nagisa. Unless of course you can gently hit Kayano with your blade. Which in that case Nagisa will also be out.

So Kayano and Nagisa. GO NOW!" Karasuma shouted as I ran into the forest while holding on to Kayano tightly. I tried to find the best place to hide. Luckily I spotted a tree that had an opening inside it which I crawled into. I colapse as I catch my breath while looking out for anyone. "Um Nagisa I w-wanted to ask you a-something b-but I d-don't want you to b-be m-mad." Kayano said to me obviously nervous.

Kayano's POV:

"Don't worry Kayano theirs nothing that can make me mad at you that easily." Nagisa said while giving a smile. "W-well I wanted to know what your relationship with your mom is like..." I said while shaking.

"My relationship is good I'd say. I mean she is my mom an-" I cut Nagisa off before he could finish. "Don't lie to me. I know that it's not good... I saw what happened that night after our assassination attempt. Your mom did something too you and you where crying into your pillow saying why. So please Nagisa tell me the truth!" I said with a stern voice.

"I-I'm so so so sorry Kayano that you had to see that. I try to keep it a secret because I don't want others to get them selves hurt over me. But I'll tell you the truth. Ever since I was born my mom hated me. Because I wasent what she wanted. She wanted a girl and I was born a boy. So from the very beginning everything was bad. My mom and dad divorced since my dad couldn't handle her. Of course my dad didn't take me with him. I had to grow my hair out and never cut it. If I did it was going to be a very painful night. She makes me wear dresses and skirts to make me more of a girl around the house. If I ever talked back to here... you can guess what would happen. So there you go. That's the whole truth.".

I looked at Nagisa then I went to his hand and I hugged his fingers. He hugged me back with another finger. "I'm sorry Nagisa that you had to go through that. But now I'm here for you so if you ever need anything from me just ask and I will gladly help. And also worry about yourself more often." I said with a smile.

Nagisa started to cry with tears falling down his face. I hugged his finger as tight as I could to comfort him. "T-thanks K-Kayano. Y-your the best!" He said while wiping away his tears. Nagisa stoped for a moment and his eyes glanced into a direction. He quickly put me in his pocket as a knife flew by us. And stuck into the tree.

I looked and saw that it was a real knife! But why would someone have one. "Come on out and show yourself!" Nagisa yelled into the forest. A man in a black jacket came out and said "I guess it is true! You kids aren't playing around! Looks like this will be fun!". The man got into a fighting stance and charged at Nagisa. I held on tight to Nagisa as he threw a punch but missed. The man kicked Nagisa's leg but he managed to catch himself before hitting the ground.

Nagisa's POV:

This is bad. Very very bad. I need to make sure Kayano is safe while also taking this guy down. I looked around for anything to help me when I noticed two more people wearing black jackets.

When my attention was on the other men the one who was fighting me punched me in the stomach knocking me on my back. "I was expecting more from you. But it seems you get distracted easily." The man said with a fake sad tone.

I quickly kicked his legs and got up. "You little brat! I'll make you pay for hurting me!" The man shouted as he grabbed a knife and went straight for my vest pocket which was where Kayano is. I tried to doge out of the way but I was too slow.

I had to hold my arm up to make sure Kayano didn't get hurt. The knife tore through my arm as blood spilled out. "And just like that the wanna be assassin has been taken care of!" The man said with joy. Without thinking I quickly punched the guy knocking his knife away. I grabbed the knife mid air and sliced his stomach a bit. One of the other men who where there grabbed the one I hurt and tended too his wound. I tried to go for another attack but my vision got blurry as I fell to the floor on my back and passed out.

Karma's POV:

I heard Nagisa yell at someone which made me scared for a second. We didn't send anyone from our group out yet. "Okuda, Sugino, and Kanzaki! Run and get the teachers and tell them to go where we heard Nagisa yell! Everyone else come on I have a feeling something bad happened" I yelled at them as I ran.

The closer I got the more I could hear what sounded like fighting. I heard a person collapse and when I got closer I saw three men holding a body that looked to be Nagisa's. I started to run after them but all of the sudden they just disappeared. And out of no where Koro-Sensei appeared with a terrified look.

"Where's Nagisa and Kayano? What happened!" Koro-Sensei yelled. I haven't heard him get this scared in a while. Not even when Kanzaki and Kayano where kidnapped by some delinquents. "I saw three people carrying Nagisa away! But when I chased after them they just suddenly disappeared." I said with a worried tone. Koro-Sensei nodded his head and quickly flew away.


An hour later Koro-Sensei came back to the classroom where we all were and said

"Nagisa and Kayano have been Kidnapped"

A/n hello there it's me. Sorry for updating late. But here you go hope you like this chapter! Where you expecting romance? Well you got a heart to heart moment instead. And you also got a kidnapping situation too. But as always tell me if I made a spelling or grammar mistake! Bye Bye!

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