Just In Time (TW: SU1C1D* AND OD)

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(a/n: Im sorry this is a dark chapter, but its more of a post i wrote to myself. I need a comfort right now and fictional characters seem to be my best option.)
Joes POV//

She's been acting different lately. Something about her words seemed more monotone. Her smile was never genuine, her eyes never had the happy look in them like they used to.
Im worried, Im so fucking worried. I dont know, maybe she just isnt feeling well. But something is telling me she really is NOT okay. Ill go visit her after school to see what the issue is.

Narrator pov//

Joe walked to school alone that day, y/n left earlier without him. He sighed and continued his walk to the large school building.
Joe contemplated texting y/n, and he decided to.

(Tazuna 🤺) Hey y/n!!! How are you doing?

(Y/N 💕) Im good, thanks

(Tazuna 🤺) Are you sure??? you loooked kinda sad lately

(Y/N 💕) Joe i assure you im okay. now get to your classes before youre late

(Tazuna 🤺) Okay!!! ily!!!!
read 7:56AM

The brunette boy put his phone back in his pocket. It took him a few seconds to realize he was about to be late for class. He sighed and shook his head as he started sprinting into the school building, and into his class.

"Sorry im a bit late!" Tazuna said in a rushed voice as he hurried to sit down at the desk next to Y/n's
"Its alright, Tazuna. But be more responsible next time or I will have to let your mother know." The teacher started the lesson about Historical Fiction.
The brown haired boy fidgeted with his hair clip, taking it off and putting it back on again. He took the brown dog keychain out of his breast pocket and fidgeted with it after he got bored of the hair clip.
Jou couldnt focus in class today, which is a usual occurrence. But today it was worse. He didnt know exactly what it was, but the way Y/n has been acting lately put a deep sense of worry and fear deep down in his stomach. He tried to shake it off and think of other things, but no matter what he did it wouldn't leave his mind. He took glances every now and then at Y/n.
Y/n was obviously making no attempt to pay attention and learn, which was odd. Y/n and Sara had something in common, they were both bookworms and were always focused on their studies, seeing Y/n act like this was different to Joe. A bad kind of different.
Y/n was staring at nothing in particular, thinking to herself as she absentmindedly messed around with the pen in her hand. Joe noticed how her expression was more tired and miserable. She had dark eyebags under her eyes, like she hasnt been sleeping. Her skin looked more pale. Joe just wanted to hug her. He sighed and went back to fidgeting with his keychain, still taking occasional glances at Y/n every few minutes.

//Timeskip to Lunch break//

"Yeah, yeah Sara. Ill remember to do my homework! Thanks! Ill text ya later!" Joe waved goodbye to Sara and then walked to Y/n, the one he loved so much.
He hugged Y/n from behind and smiled "Hiya Y/n! How are ya doin'?"
The girl smiled, Joe knew it wasnt genuine "Im doing great!" Y/n and Joe sat down at their usual lunch table. Ryoko, Ranmaru, and Anzu also sat with them. Sara went to study in the library so she couldnt make it to lunch. They all made small conversation as they ate their food. "Sooo Maru, when are ya gonna confess to Sara?" Ryoko asked with a smirk.
The white haired boys cheeks turned pink at the thought "I- I dunno-" he stuttered, trying to get out a response.
"Aw cmon!! Its so obvious you two like eachother!!" Anzu chimed in. "I doubt that-" Ranmaru replied
The group of friends continued talking to eachother and having fun.

After school timeskip!!///

After school, Y/n walked home without joe. And Joe was still worried sick about her. Joe had a shift at a part time job today. So he couldnt see Y/n until later.
He walked into the cafe he worked at and started his shift.

Another timeskip//

Joe was walking home, it was now dark and Joes worry for y/n only got worse during his shift at work. He knocked on Y/n's door and nobody answered. Not even her parents. So, Joe went with his second option and looked through her window to see if anyone was home. (HEY! THIS IS WHERE THE TRIGGERING STUFF BEGINS! STOP READING IF YOU GET TRIGGERED BY THE TOPICS MENTIONED IN THE BEGGINING!)

Y/n was sitting at her desk shaking, and crying. As Joe observed he saw a large amount of pills infront of her that he knew she definitely wasnt supposed to take. "I cant...I cant do this anymore! Im so done with everything! Life is so tiring and I cant handle all of the fucking stress! I cant, I cant, I cant!" Y/n screamed to herself. As she was about to put the pills in her mouth, Joe opened the window and climbed in, stumbling on the way. They both stared at eachother in shock as Y/n dropped her pills.

"Y/n-...What were you about to do..?.." Joe asked, afraid he already knew the answer. He slowly started to approach the girl.

"I'm sorry...Im sorry, Im sorry, Im so sorry.." Y/n mumbled, still crying. Joe gently held her hands in his and sighed "Why didnt you tell me..? I-I couldve helped...I couldve stopped you from trying to do this..." He started tearing up. "I-I was scared- I thought you would hate me-"

"I could never hate you...I love you so much. I dont wanna lose you.." Joe hugged her tightly. Y/n hugged back. "Please just talk to me next time?.." Joe asked. Y/n nodded. "Okay... I love you."

"I love ya too, y/n."

A/N: should I make a "Ask Joe" or "Ask Yttd" book?

((edit:idk whatvhappened wattpad made this a draft again after i published it)

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