making kandis!!

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((projection chapter from olive lol

and a bit of a lighter one from the one rio published that made me cry lol /srs))

"where did you get that bracelet?" you asked joe. it looked like an extreme friendship bracelet, if that's a good way to describe it.

"oh, it's a kandi cuff! a smaller one, yes, because i'm not quite sure how to make the bigger ones yet, but i really like how it turned out!" he held out his wrist so you could see it better. it was a rainbow bracelet, and that was enough to intrigue you about them.

"yes! i really wanna learn how to make these! they loon so fun!" your eyes lit up at the sight of it, taking joes hand in yours and rotating it around his arm.

"good for you, because i.." joe leaned over and reached into the bag he brought with him. "...brought the supplies!" he had a roll of stretch lace and assorted box of beads.

he proceeded to cut a piece of lace long enough for you to make a small bracelet.

"go ahead!! pick a color combination." he encouraged. thinking for a moment, you picked out a light green, yellow, and purple. you watched joe cut a piece of lace for himself too, and begin his own smaller kandi.

you tied it off and handed it to him. "here, you can have it." joe gently pushed it away. "nono, keep it. it's okay, but it looks great!! you're off to a great start!" he held your hand and quietly put your kandi on your wrist.

"now, i'm gonna teach you a ladder stitch." he began. "a wha? sewing?" you gave him a confused look. he giggled slightly. "no silly! look."

he cut a bit more lace than usual, and laced three beads onto it, letting them fall. another three, holding them in place and lacing them through the other side.

"make sure they're even." he glanced over at you. he continued this process until he ran out of lace.

"look! perfect for you! now i need to teach you how to trade them." he slipped the kandi onto his own wrist and held hands with you, intertwining your fingers. "okayy..." you mumbled.

"peace," he started, making both of your hands peace signs.

"love," he made half of a heart, expecting you to finish it with him.

"unity," he wrapped your hands together and you saw a small glisten in his eyes.

"and respect!" joe held hands with you again. he then slipped the kandi over each of your hands, moving it gradually to yours.

"that's how you trade?"

"that's how you trade! wanna make more?" he eagerly asked, sparkles in his eyes. "of course i wanna make more, why wouldn't i?" you teased.

he unraveled some lace and began rambling on about different stitches.

you couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

((woo another kinda late 4 am chapter :') i need to get used to this i'm sorry aaa))

Joe Tazuna x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now