Headcanons cause content 😩

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-Joe is afraid of heights, if you ask him to go on the ferris wheel with you he'll say sure but in reality hes scared shitless.

-he constantly makes deez nutz jokes. I will not be told otherwise

-He'll send you random memes at 3am, his sleep schedule is probably fucked up

-Saras bad at doing her makeup because she has shaky hands, so Joe does it for her and he's surprisingly good at it.

-Since Joes best friends are girls (sara and ryoko) he carries around pads and tampons in his backpack in case they ever need it when they hang out or at school.

-He probably paints his nails sometimes

-He's bi w/ female lean

-His hair is soft, contrary to popular belief (most people think his hair is crunchy from hairspray BAHAHHAHSHS)

-this mf will do anything in his power to cheer you up when you're sad.

-he's almost burned down his house trying to cook multiple times.

-He bullies kids in roblox but he also plays adopt me unironically

-He listens to cavetown

anddd that's all the headcanons for today i'll try to post an actual one shot soon i just have writers block

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