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"CLICK CLICK" The sound of a camera went off. They showed her the phone "TAKE IT AGAIN I LOOK BAD!" They looked at each other an srugged. "CLICK CLICK" This time they made sure to take it right. They showed her the picture "send it to me and i will edit it and post them". They were unsure because they have seen this before they know what social media does to them...monsters they turn into monsters. They finally left her alone ad she posted the pictures. "TICK TICK" a sound goes off in her mind a ticking sound "TICK" ticking like a bomb just waiting to explode. A few minutes passed and the notifications started coming






Wow....was all she thought it was only a few comments while her other friend has more than her. "I NEED TO POST MORE" "TICK" then day after day after day everyone saw her life. But what happens behind the camera? no one ever knows."TICK"  everything is a secret no one ever knows the truth even she knows it. Everything she has ever worked for is a lie a illusion she knows its not worth it but she does it anyways. "BOOM" finally the ticking stopped and the bomb went off causing destruction. "Why cant I be pretty like them" "whats wrong with me" "how can I be skinnier" too much damage have been done. It can not be reversed everyone thinks she is crazy. She is not crazy its only IAD syndrome. A deadly syndrom stands for problematic interner dissorder syndrome. Its too late,too late to save her.

My Diary WARNING contains angry and sad themesWhere stories live. Discover now