Chapter 20

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"Is she here?" Bayne asked.

"She's out back."

"Can you help us?" Bayne asked him.

"Can't. I've got to get going, got a vampire situation. Good luck." The man left through the front door. The vines shut the door behind him.

"What did you do to that girl?" Nadine asked.

The staircase twisted down. A girl came down. Based off Bayne's expressions, it wasn't the one he was afraid of.

This girl had thick, dark, hair. She wore bracelets and rings. She was hispanic. She wore a red jacket over her dark shirt underneath.

"Bayne? Is that you?" She smiled and came down the stairs.

"Raven? Good to see you!"

She gave him a friendly hug. Nadine and I exchanged a confuse look.

"Who are your friends?" She looked at us.

"I'm Erin. This is Nadine."

"Good to meet you! I'm Raven Garcia. Be careful here, Bayne." Raven looked around the room cautiously.

"I know. She's still upset. Can you help us?"

"Maybe. Come upstairs."

We followed her up the twisted staircase. The house had many rooms. I was curious what was in it. We climbed upstairs to what seemed to be an old attic, but inside was nothing like I had ever seen before.

There were shelves full of various, colorful bottles. Some brighter than the others. The bottles were glass, and varied in size. There were stacks of books, crystals scattered everywhere. Symbols I didn't recognize were painted on the walls. Towards the window, there was a stand with a book open. An open pot sat in front of it, which I assumed was some sort of cauldron. Raven shut the door behind her.

"What can I help you with, Baynie Baby?" She said. Her nickname for him sounded like Beanie Baby. It seemed kind a childhood nickname.

Nadine and I laughed to ourselves. He shot us a look that silenced us.

"We need you to track someone. A wolf."

"Do you know who?"

"No. Not sure." He said.

"Do you have anything of his? Hair? Fur?" She asked.

"No. Just the bite marks on Erin's leg."

"I can't do that then. At least, not right now. That's a very powerful tracking spell I'd need to perform."

"Can you do it at night? Tonight?"

"It won't be enough. I need to be at my full capacity power. Not just any full moon will be enough. We will have to wait for the Harvest Moon."

"When is that?" I asked.

"Halloween. October 31st."

"Isn't that a bit late for a harvest moon?" Said Bayne.

"It's the latest it's ever been." Said Raven.

"Your birthday isn't until January, it should be enough time." Bayne explained to me.

"Are you trying to turn him back? Bayne that's dangerous." She gave him a disapproving look.

"I know. Trust me, I know. But this life isn't the greatest. Why not try to help someone?"

"I don't know if you should try this. Remember last time?" She said.

"I can do it. I know I can this time. Please."

"You're going to risk his life for this?" Raven pointed to me.

I decided to speak up.

"It's not just Bayne's idea. It's mine too. I want to turn back human. My life just started. Please. I'm willing to put my life at risk to have a chance at being human again."

"This is very dangerous, especially for a new wolf." She told me.

"I know. I want to try. So please."

"Fine. I'll need you guys to find something for me then."

"What's that?"

"Just some stuff I'll need to perform the tracking spell. Bring it back before the 31st. I'll write it down." She tore out a piece of paper and began to jot her list down. She stuffed it in Bayne's hands. He shoved it in his jacket pocket.

"Don't let her know." Raven glanced towards the door.

"Thank you." I said to her.

She nodded and followed us to the door.

"Come back before Halloween to drop the stuff off. I'll see you then."

She stayed in the attic instead of walking us down. I thought it was odd. We went down the stairs to leave. Bayne sped down. The downstairs appeared empty.

"Let's go. Hurry." He jerked his head in both directions.

We made it to the entry way and the large front doors. Bayne reached for the handle and twisted it. It didn't open.


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