Reese / Zaki

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A/N: WARNING. The beginning of this chapter deals with very serious material. If you cannot handle situations that are dealing with violation of the human body, please scroll past Reese's section and head straight to Zaki's (which starts in the middle of the second page).


        Groaning, Reese groggily opened his eyes while wincing in pain. When his eyes opened all the way his heart started beating rapidly when he realized he was in a dark room. What the hell? He thought while trying to get up but realized he was somehow connected to the wall. Trying not to panic too much he took a deep breath and let his eyes get adjusted to the darkness around him.

       When he was able to see a little more clearer he looked down to see that his wrists were tied down to a bedpost behind him. Wait, am I on a bed? He thought while looking down at the multiple pillows and blankets around him. Okay don’t panic, maybe if I can just loosen this cord a lit- His thoughts instantly stopped when a door opened, the bright light instantly blinding him.

       “Ah,” he groaned while closing his eyes, seeing little black dots form in his vision. When his eyes stopped burning he slowly opened them to see a dark figure lurking by the door. “Look, whatever you want please just take it from me. I only have a five on me but if you want that feel free to ta-”

       “Shut up,” the familiar voice said before the door was shut and locked.

       “…Travie?” Reese breathlessly whispered while watching the tall quarterback walk closer to the bed. “What are you doing?”

       Remaining quiet, Travie got up onto the bed before crawling over to Reese’s shaking body. “Please just let me go, what are you even trying to accomplish here?”

       “What?” He asked, his hands angrily shoving down onto Reese’s chest. “Maybe I’m trying to show that dumb piece of shit I wasn’t kidding. I also wasn’t kidding what I said to you.”

       Raising his eyebrows, Reese continued to take raged breaths while trying to figure this guy out. “What are you talking abo… is this about Zaki?”

       “Ding ding you won. How about that prize now?” Travie asked while lowering his mouth to Reese’s neck, where he aggressively started to bite him.

       “Ow, stop! STOP!” He yelled before kneeing him in the crotch. “Why does this have anything to do with Zaki?”

       “God would you just shut up?” Travie hissed before grabbing a roll of duct tape from the bedside table. With terrified eyes Reese watched as the sticky tape was then being placed onto his mouth. “Ah, that’s better. Now to answer your question, Zaki doesn’t need, no scratch that. He doesn’t deserve any friends. And he especially doesn’t deserve to become chummy with someone who should have been with me from the beginning.”

       This guy is seriously messed up, Reese thought while fear was flowing through his veins. “And now I’m going to mess you up, because you didn’t listen. If you would have just listened we wouldn’t be in this jam now would we? But if you’re messed up, no one else will ever want you, especially that messed up fuck that is Zaki. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride,” Travie whispered against Reese’s hot skin, making him quiver with disgust.

       When Reese watched those meaty hands start to come towards his body he did the only thing he could, squirm and try to kick him off of him. “Now now darlin’,” Travie’s evil voice said before slapping Reese across the cheek.

       Even more tears were forming in his eyes when he watched Travie duct tape his legs down to the bed, before stripping the clothes off of the bottom half of his body. No, this can’t be happening, Reese thought while tears were openly running down his cheeks. Stop touching me, stop, stop, STOP!

       Nothing was working, nothing was stopping Travie from getting what he wanted, which was breaking him down completely. He simply had to lay there through the pain, while everything was completely crumbling around him.


       “Hope you enjoyed your night you little slut,” Travie said with a smile while slapping Reese on the butt. Through tear stained eyes he watched as the car drove away, leaving him alone on the cold, cold street.

       Curling himself up into the fetal position he tried to stop his body from shaking so violently, but nothing was working. Crying more he buried his face into his shirt, the shirt that had his blood on it from his mouth, when the tape was brutally ripped off of him.

       Closing his eyes he wrapped his arms tighter around the bare lower half of his body, feeling utterly and completely broken.



        Putting his hands into his long black hair, Zaki sighed while looking out into the dark night. This wasn’t right, how could a person simply vanish? He should have been home in fifteen minutes, what had happened?

       Getting up off his bed he threw on a heavy sweatshirt before quietly making his way out of the foster house, not that anyone would care if he was leaving at 12:30. Putting the oversized hood of his black sweatshirt up onto his head, he kept his eyes open and alert to catch anything out of the ordinary.

       As he was walking towards the dock his eyes zeroed in on something lying in the middle of the street. Scrunching his eyebrows together he started walking closer, now realizing it was a person. Taking off into a sprint his heart sank when he realized the person was Reese.

       He was curled up into a fetal position, it also sounded like he was crying. He had the same shirt he had on earlier but he wasn’t wearing anything on the lower half of his body. Zaki noticed large bruises on the lower half of his back, and also on his butt and legs.

       Slowly coming closer to him, Zaki hesitantly kneeled down onto the ground while whispering, “Reese?”

       “Get away! STOP!” Reese suddenly yelled, instantly backing away from him.

       “Reese, it’s me, Zaki. I’m not going to hurt you.”

       “Stop, please! It hurts!” He yelled again, before breaking down into a sob. “Stop.”

       When Zaki tried to come closer to him, Reese’s scared face turned into one of complete terror, while trying to get away from him. Tears were slowly making their way down Zaki’s cheeks, hating that this wasn’t Reese. The old Reese was gone and replaced with someone broken. He shouldn’t be like this, something so terrible shouldn’t have happened to him.

       Grabbing his phone out of his pocket he quickly dialed the Callaghan’s home phone, breathing a sigh of relief when Mr. Callaghan answered. After telling him where his son was, Zaki hung up and looked back over at Reese. He was still lying in the fetal position, but his skin was starting to turn blue from the cold. Quickly taking off his sweatshirt, Zaki threw it onto his body, knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to get any closer to him.

       When headlights were suddenly coming towards him, Zaki looked up to see a car slowing down in front of them. He then watched as Mr. Callaghan got out of the car and ran over to his son. “Stay away from me!” Reese yelled while curling his fists up into the black sweatshirt.

       “Reese, it’s your dad, I won’t hurt you.”

       “Stay away!” He yelled again, making Zaki have to turn away because tears were violently making their way down his cheeks. This wasn’t right, why did this have to happen? “I said stay AWAY!” Turning back around he watched as Reese was violently crying while his father was wrapping his arms around him.

       When Mr. Callaghan looked up into Zaki’s eyes he sadly whispered, “Call 911.” Doing as he was instructed, he called and watched as an ambulance pulled up. He watched as the person he had started to care deeply for try to fight off all the EMT’s, as well as his father. He watched as an EMT injected something into Reese’s arm, making him slowly close his eyes and all but fall into his father’s arms.

       Angrily wiping the tears off of his face, he turned around and started to sprint in the opposite direction. He had a feeling who did this, and wasn’t going to let him get away with hurting the one person he’s ever cared about so much. 

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