Reese / Zaki

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A/N: ---> Piper


        Three hours. That was how long he waited for Zaki after school. Looking down at the sand by his feet he sighed while throwing a rock into the water, not understanding why he didn’t show up. He thought that they actually had had a connection in the bathroom; Zaki doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would cry in front of someone else, let alone hug. That hug. Man that hug was filled with so much emotion; it was unlike any hug that he has ever given in his life.

       Taking a glance up at the stars Reese sadly sighed, he had really thought that Zaki was going to show up tonight. Here he is, sitting alone on a beach at 8 o’clock on a Friday night. When footsteps were suddenly behind him he turned around to see his father walking towards him.

       Sitting down next to him he sighed while burying his feet into the sand. “This is a nice night huh?”

       Continuing to stare straight forward, Reese watched as the waves were splashing onto the nearby sand. “Look Reese, I wanted to talk to you, about your mother.”

       Turning towards his father, he saw the pained expression that was his father’s face. “I know you hate me for taking you away from everything you ever loved. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you guys had to witness your mother leaving. I know how close you two were, it wasn’t easy for me either.”

       “So why did you let her go?”

       “This was her decision, I couldn’t stop her. Two weeks before she left she had told me she had an affair. My entire world was turned upside down; she had been my high school sweetheart. We had been together for so long, she was the mother of my children. I couldn’t believe that she was going to leave me for someone practically twenty years younger than me.” Sighing, Reese watched his father’s face turn sad while the wind was softly blowing his hair.

       “I loved her so much, I still do. So I did try everything I could to make her stay, however her heart had moved on. Reese, sometimes you can’t change a person’s mind no matter how hard you try. Sometimes you need to realize that there are people who are meant to stay in your life and some who are not. Your mother loved you guys, and probably always will. Maybe she just needed a different scene, even though I know it was wrong of her to do. I couldn’t let you guys stay in New York, where your mother decided to leave. I couldn’t have you guys always be reminded of the new guy your mother is with. That’s why I decided to move to a new state, for a new start,”

       “But Reese, listen to me,” his father said while gently taking his face into his hands. “I will never leave you or your sister. Your mother will never stop loving you. But you can’t force someone to stay in your life, or to be a part of it. But when you have people who make an effort to be in your life, don’t let them go.”

       With that his father gave him a big hug while kissing the top of his head. Leaning into his father’s embrace, Reese sighed while burying his face into his father’s soft sweater. “I’m sorry I’ve been so horrible to you lately dad, I should’ve realized how hard mom’s leaving has been on you.”

       “It’s okay Reese, I know it hasn’t been easy on you either. I brought a blanket for you; it might get a little chilly later, if you decide to stay out here. I should get back inside, Jasmine wanted to have a karaoke session,” his father said while slowly standing up and placing the blanket onto his knees. When he started to walk away Reese said,

       “Dad.” When he turned around he said, “I love you.”

       “I love you too,” his father said as a smile crept onto his face.

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