Epilogue- Reese

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~Four Years Later~

       “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.” Smiling, Reese clapped while watching his father lean over to give Luci a kiss. He laughed when Jasmine covered her eyes, hiding behind her flower girl bouquet. When the new couple turned around Reese smiled as he was being pulled into his small family, to walk down the aisle together.

       It had been a crazy few years, he was extremely glad that his father decided to have the wedding after he graduated from The University of Mount Olive. After obtaining a degree in history, he was lucky enough to find a job at the Maritime Museum in Beaufort. He might have absolutely hated this city when he first moved, but he absolutely loved it now, and the entire state of North Carolina.

       While going off to college and meeting a whole group of new people, there was still one person that was always on his mind. Its been four years, move on, he thought while watching his father and step-mom start to dance to their first song. Even though its been four years, he always thought that they would have crossed paths at some time. He didn’t even know if Zaki was still in North Carolina, he could be across the country.

       Sitting down he smiled when Jasmine came over to him and sat in his lap. Leaning back into his chest she sighed while watching the grownups dance around the floor. “I’m really happy we have a new mom.”

       “Me too,” he said while smiling. When the couple was done dancing, everyone clapped before joining them out on the dancefloor. Not feeling in the mood to dance, Reese walked over and watched as Jasmine was getting down with their father. Rolling his eyes Reese laughed while putting his hands into his suit pockets.

       “Beautiful wedding huh?” His eyes instantly widened when he heard a very familiar voice from behind him. Turning around he saw a smiling Zaki staring back at him.

       Letting his eyes roam all over his body, Reese couldn’t believe how… happy he looked. Zaki had filled out nicely and had actually grown a little; he was now a couple inches taller than himself. That black hair of his was short, showing off his bright eyes. “Z-Zaki?” Reese whispered before tackling him into a hug. He felt Zaki’s chest vibrate from laughter beneath him, as he tightened his arms around him. “I didn’t know that you were going to be here,” he said while looking up into his eyes.

       “Your dad sent me an invitation; we’ve actually been keeping in touch.”

       Slowly backing away Reese put his hands into his pockets, feeling regret sweep into his veins. “I’m sorry I didn’t try to contact you at all I-”

       “You don’t need to explain,” Zaki said while holding his hand up. “I get why we couldn’t be together.” He stopped talking to look around the busy dancefloor. Turning back towards Reese he said, “Do you mind if we talk on the beach?”

       “Of course not,” Reese said while leading him outside, walking down to the beach where his parents had just gotten married. When he turned around he saw that Zaki was already looking at him. Before he had a chance to say anything, Zaki continued to talk.

       “I know why you told me I needed to love myself before we could be together. I may not have understood it at the time, but I get it. Back then, I wasn’t in a good mind set, considering all the times I tried to kill myself. But I’m different now, I really am. I took your advice, and I learned how to love myself. The summer after we graduated from high school, I’ll admit I was a wreck, I actually tried killing myself for the sixth time.”

       Reese watched as a frown formed onto the beautiful boy’s face as he looked out at the water. “When I failed, I knew I needed to get a hold of my life. I went and got help, a lot of help. After many people were able to help me, the next thing on my list was to help my body. I started eating right, started getting into shape, and for the first time in a long time I was able to look into the mirror and not be repulsed by the reflection looking back at me,”

       “I knew you probably went off to college, so I didn’t want to bother you until I knew for a fact that I was better. But I am, I got help for myself and now I’m able to help people who are in my shoes. When this invitation came in the mail, it made me happy. I haven’t been happy in a really long time Reese, and I wanted to thank you for saving me. Without you, I know I wouldn’t be standing here today. So, thank you,” he said while flashing a smile, a smile that lit up his face and showed just how much he had changed.

       “I know it’s been four years, and I know that you have moved on with your life. I’m not asking for you to simply sweep me back into your arms, because that’s not how it goes. But more than anything, I would love to become your friend again, I’ve really missed you.”

       Feeling tears form in his eyes, Reese leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Zaki once again. Resting his head onto his shoulder he sighed while closing his eyes. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” he whispered while tears were rolling down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry that I simply left you alone like that, it was stupid of me. I never knew how to contact you after that, and I felt like a piece of me was gone. I should have been there for you, I can’t believe that I just left you like that and-”

       “Reese, Reese look at me,” Zaki said while putting his hands onto Reese’s face and looking into his eyes. “You did nothing wrong, please don’t feel bad.”

       “Did nothing wrong? I left you Zaki, when you needed someone to be there.”

       “Even if you would have tried to stay, I would have pushed you away even more. That would have hurt more to you, you did the right thing. You made me love myself, something I never even thought of. I realize now that my body deserves to be on this world, my soul deserves to be living the life I deserve.”

       Feeling more tears run down his face, Reese watched as Zaki slowly wiped them away, a small smile on his face. “Okay? Please don’t cry, I’m right here in front of you, I’m still me. This is the Zaki that used to be before things with my dad started to turn bad. And I would love to get to know the Reese that made happiness first flow into my veins. So,” Zaki said while backing away a little and holding his hand out. “Nice to meet you, I’m Zaki.”

       Smiling Reese shook his hand before saying, “I’m Reese.” Before Zaki had a chance to respond Reese pulled his body closer to his own, his lips landing on Zaki’s soft ones. Butterflies were erupting in the pit of his stomach when Zaki started kissing him back.

       When he pulled back he couldn’t keep the smile off of his face. “I have a feeling that this is the start of a beautiful friendship,” Zaki said before laughing. Laughing as well, Reese pulled him back to him, giving him another hug.

       “I will never abandon you again, you will never be alone,” Reese whispered while resting his head onto Zaki’s shoulder, still not believing that he was taller than him now.

       They stayed in each other’s embrace for a while, simply enjoying the feeling of each other’s arms around each other. When they pulled back, Reese smiled while taking Zaki’s hand in his while starting to walk back inside. “Reese.”

       Turning around he saw Zaki smiling at him, his silhouette outlined by the sunset behind him. “Yeah?”

       “I love you too.” Smiling as big as he could, he wrapped his arms back around Zaki, making the taller boy laugh.

       When they arrived back into the reception hall, Reese watched as Jasmine’s face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw Zaki. She was then running over and jumping into his arms, just like old times. “Zaki!”

       “Zaki!” Looking up Reese watched as Piper was running over to them, before she engulfed all of them into a hug.

       Laughing, Reese wrapped his arms around the most important people in his life while saying, “Welcome back to the family.” He watched as Zaki’s smile grew, before leaning over and kissing Reese on the forehead.

       “There’s no place I’d rather be.” Closing his eyes, Reese continued to hug his family, the best thing that had ever happened to him.

A/N: Thank you for reading! :) 

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