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Wrapping his arms closer to his shivering body, Zaki wiped his runny nose while trying to figure out where he was. He knew Travie's house was somewhere in the sketchy part of town, meaning he lived behind the docks. Just when he was about to give up and turn around he suddenly heard, "Well well, look what the cat drug in."

Turning around he saw Travie leaning on a railing of a small house, smoking a cigarette. Marching over to the porch he tried to keep his temper in line when that tall quarterback started talking again. "Did you come to get what your boyfriend got?"

"Why did you do that to Reese?" Zaki angrily asked while he started poking Travie's chest and instantly regretted it. He watched as Travie took a hold of his index finger and bent it backwards, making him cry out in pain.

"Do you want to turn into a little slut as well?" Travie whispered while sticking his cigarette onto Zaki's arm, making him cry out again. "Why else would you come here in the dead of night, huh?"

Using all the strength he had left he was able to push Travie's body off of his, not even worrying about his arm at the moment. Breathing heavily he looked up at that stupid smug face, the one that was smirking down at him while lighting up another cigarette. "I came here because I wanted to know why you had to completely destroy someone. Why did you do that?"

"Oh please, like you don't have a fucking clue."

Raising his eyebrows, Zaki simply continued to stare at him, having absolutely no clue what he was talking about. "If I knew what you meant do you really think I'd be at your house at 1:30 in the morning?"

"God you're still so annoying. Should have cut your mouth completely off when I had the chance."

Feeling panic flow through his veins, Zaki simply took a few very deep breaths, reminding himself he was here because of Reese. That beautiful boy who had actually made him not want to die, the one who didn't deserve to have anything bad happen to him. "This isn't about me. Why did you rape him?"

Laughing, Travie threw his cigarette onto the porch before stepping on it with his shoe. "Rape is such a silly word, isn't it?" Zaki watched as he started walking closer to him before slamming his hand down onto his mouth and forcing it to turn up into a smile position. "That's right, funny isn't it? It sure was funny the way your little boy toy was crying, begging me to stop."

Shoving the large body off of him, Zaki angrily started breathing out of his mouth. "He doesn't deserve to have anyone love him, if he's associated with you. You both deserve to stay alone in your pathetic little world."

"You really think that people would stop liking him simply because you did something horrible to him? No Travie, they're going to hate you. You were the one who hurt him; you were the one who took the smile off of his face."

"Man for someone so depressed you sure do talk a lot. Why are you even here? Haven't you tried to kill yourself once or twice, or ten times by now? But yet you keep failing, must be pathetic to be you."

"Shut up!" Zaki yelled, getting so angry he had to ball his shaky hands up into fists and place them into his pants pockets. "Its guys like you why people want to kill themselves in the first place! You ruin people's lives; make them feel like they're absolutely nothing until they turn into nothing. Do you not even care that you violated someone tonight?"

"Why, do you want me to go for a round two? I'm game," Travie started to say while walking closer towards him.

"You're disgusting," Zaki yelled while making his way down the porch.

"What do you expect? I am a man after all."

"Not all men are evil, there are actually good people in this world."

"But you wouldn't know that now would you?" Travie asked while lighting up another cigarette. Hopefully this one gave him lung cancer. "Your daddy went off to kill your mommy, oh boo how sad."

Turning around Zaki angrily started walking back down the street, stopping when that annoying voice started up again. "Tootles! Have a nice time visiting your raped boyfriend you fag."

Breathing heavily through his nose he continued walking down the street. When he arrived at the foster home he angrily made his way upstairs before walking into his room. Putting his hands into his hair he screamed on the inside, not knowing that someone could be so purely evil.

Taking a glance down at his arm he cringed when he saw the burn mark the cigarette left on his arm. Getting down onto his knees he pulled his knife box out from under his bed, pulling out his box cutter. Just as he was about to slice the skin his eyes zeroed in on the drawer where his happy pills were. Slowly standing up he walked over to the desk where he retrieved a pill.

Walking into the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror, and then looked at the items in his hand. In his right hand there was a knife, the one that was going to cause even more pain to his life. In his other hand there was a small white happy pill.

Glancing back up into the mirror he suddenly got very angry, throwing the knife at the mirror. Watching the small pieces of glass fall into the sink he sunk down onto his knees, tears flowing out of his eyes. He can't cut himself, that would only make people like Travie win. He can't do that. He can't give up; he has to stay strong for Reese.

Slowly standing back up he grabbed a small plastic cup and filled it up with water. Taking a deep breath he placed the pill onto his tongue and swallowed, watching himself in the broken mirror the entire time. Even though he looked and felt completely broken, for once he needed to get better. Now is not the time to try to kill himself, because if he did people like Travie will simply get power off of the news.

Swallowing the pill, he stared at himself in the broken mirror. Before he changed his mind he took the original pill bottle and dumped the Tic Tacs into the trash. Walking over to the desk he filled up the bottle with his actual anti-depressants.

Sitting down onto his bed he put his head into his hands, letting the tears flow from his eyes. When no more tears were left he got up off his bed, placed a coat on and headed down to the police station, the evidence on his phone.

The Boy with Butterfly Tattoos (boyxboy) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now