Zaki / Reese

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        Keeping his head down Zaki continued to walk down the busy hallway, simply trying not to run into anyone. When he rounded the corner he gasped when he was running into someone. Looking up his heart sank when he looked into those dark eyes of Reese. Of course. “I… I’m sorry,” he whispered.

       He wasn’t too surprised when Reese didn’t say anything, why would he? Sighing Zaki looked away from those dark eyes, his heart starting to beat faster while realizing that Reese still had his arms around him. “I’m sorry that I called you last night, I know that you weren’t going to want to talk to me,” Zaki whispered, still not looking up.  

       However he did look up when he was suddenly being pulled down the hallway. Looking up he watched as Reese was holding tightly onto his hand while walking out the front door. He saw Piper giving him a thumbs up sign, making his cheeks heat up. He continued to keep his mouth shut while he was being pulled over to the edge of the school, where a bench was sitting in between a small garden.

       When they walked up to the garden Reese slowly let go of his hand before turning towards the morning sun. Suddenly feeling very nervous, Zaki started biting his bottom lip while anxiously twiddling his thumbs together. Just as he was about to open his mouth Reese started talking. “I’m really sorry if I changed you into becoming something you didn’t want to be,” Reese said while continuing to stare at the sun. “I simply didn’t want you to leave this world, because I really care about you.”

       Zaki watched as Reese turned around and looked at him, his face having a mixture of pain and an unknown emotion. “The only thing that I can say is that I’m sorry. I should have been more understanding, I should have let you live your life, I shouldn’t have tried to push you into something you didn’t want to do.”

       Walking towards him Zaki grabbed his hand while saying, “You weren’t pushing me into something, you saved me. You made me believe that there was something worth fighting for in my life. But still, it’s hard for me to believe that I deserve to have a somewhat happy life.”

       “Why, please explain that to me Zaki,” Reese whispered while gently placing his hands onto Zaki’s face. “Please, I don’t understand why someone as special and unique as you wouldn’t deserve to have happiness.”

       “You wouldn’t understand.”

       “Try me, I’m all ears and will always be here to listen.”

       Glancing down at the ground Zaki took a deep breath before saying, “I just… I just feel bad being happy. I grew up in a very happy household, until my dad started drinking. He started blaming me for almost everything bad that was starting to happen. He lost his factory job, things weren’t going well with him and my mom, and everything started to turn upside down. He made me feel that everything was my fault; I was the reason why he ended up killing my mom and himself. That is why it’s hard for me to accept having a happy life. And I’m sorry that I can’t stop hurting myself, and others around me.”

       He felt tears start to form in his eyes when Reese pulled his body into a hug. Burying his face into Reese’s soft shirt, he sighed while feeling hands run up and down his back soothingly. “And I-I was scared because I started getting these insane feelings for you. I haven’t felt this way about someone, ever. And it made me feel that I didn’t deserve it, I didn’t deserve you.”

       “That’s where you’re wrong,” Reese said while looking down into his eyes. “Every single person on this planet deserves to find someone that makes them feel good. Your father does not get the right to define the kind of happiness in your life. And, he was dead wrong. You weren’t the reason why your parents were having problems; you weren’t the reason why he lost his job. It pains me to see you thinking you need to cause harm to yourself, just because your father drilled it into your mind that you don’t deserve happiness.”

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