Reese / Zaki

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        Slowly running his hand up and down Zaki’s back, Reese looked back down at the gravestone sitting in front of them. Minhuh Kealoha. Loving mother, and friend. Taking a glance to the left he saw Zaki’s father’s grave, which was covered in leaves and dirt. You could barely make out Akoni Kealoha. Father, friend. Looking back over at Zaki, Reese gently kissed his head when he started to talk.

       “Hi Mom. I know I haven’t been here in a while… I’m sorry,” Zaki quietly said while nervously lacing his fingers together. “But don’t worry, I’m not here to say goodbye. I haven’t tried to kill myself since the last time I was here, I promise. I don’t think I’m ready to join you in Heaven.”

       Taking a deep breath Zaki wiped some tears off of his face before taking another shaky breath. “I’m really sorry that I tried to kill myself so many times Mom, I just… I missed you so much.” When he started crying uncontrollably Reese pulled his smaller body towards his own, wrapping both arms around his shaking body.

       “I still miss you, that will never change. But I don’t want to leave quite yet, because for once I’m actually really happy.” Slowly sitting up Zaki looked up into Reese’s eyes while smiling slightly. “And I wanted to introduce you to my happiness. Mom, this is Reese. He’s helped me, in more ways that I could ever imagine.”

       Leaning down Reese gently kissed Zaki’s cold cheek before looking down at the gravestone. “Hello Mrs. Kealoha, I’m Reese. I’ve taken quite a fancy to your son these past six months. I just wanted you to know that I’m taking care of him, myself and my family. You raised a terrific son,” Reese said while smiling. “And I know I would have loved you, you sounded like an amazing person.” His smile widened when Zaki wrapped his arms tighter around his body, snuggling his face into Reese’s sweater.

       “Thank you,” Zaki whispered.

       “I’m sure I will be coming back and visiting you soon Mrs. Kealoha, and I promise to always look after your son.”

       “Happy Valentine’s Day mom,” Zaki said while lowering his body down and kissing the grave. “I love you.”

       Kissing Zaki’s head once again Reese looked down at the smaller boy’s body. His wrists were still laced with scars, but no new ones, Reese was pretty sure that he hadn’t cut himself for quite some time now, and was still taking his anti-depressants. Zaki had also started to wear clothes that weren’t simply black. They were very small things, but they were things that made Reese’s heart swell up in happiness, because he only wanted the best for Zaki.

       After sitting in a peaceful silence for a while longer Reese slowly stood up, helping Zaki stand up as well. As they made their way back over to Reese’s family van, he opened the passenger door and helped Zaki inside. Once he was inside himself he put his seatbelt on before starting up the van. “Before we head home, are you okay with taking a pit stop?”

       “Of course,” Zaki said while smiling a sleepy smile. Reese smiled as he watched Zaki slowly start to fall asleep. Gently kissing his hand he laced his fingers with Zaki’s, before driving off into the morning sun. 


        Slowly opening his eyes, Zaki yawned while sleepily looking over at Reese. Rubbing his tired eyes he looked out the window to see they were stopped in front of a tattoo parlor. I must still be asleep, he thought while yawning again. His eyes looked up when his door was opened, and Reese was smiling down at him. “Are you awake?”

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