Hide and Seek

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"Even the purest of hearts are drawn to the allure of darkness."


Savannah's POV:

"Those muffins at your wedding dinner, were a heavenly delight. But the only thing is that I never figured out what flavour it was. Not to mention I had seven of them."
Karen ranted to which Hannah giggled and I smiled. But Ethan's face was nothing but stern.

Karen tried her best to break the ice but her attempts were ultimately going futile.

It was already a week since our wedding. And this was the first time I had stepped out of the room since that night. I couldn't face anyone. Especially Ethan. Rather I knew he was having a hard time facing me.

There was silence and only silence at the dinner table. I've no idea what was going on, in his mind. Did he want to avenge me or was he feeling guilty or is he thinking anything at all? I had no clue. I gently grabbed his hand. I was freaking out, but I did it anyway.

"Ethan. You okay?" I asked softly. So soft that I doubted if he even heard me. But he turned to my side, lifted his arm and stroked my wounded lips, soothingly with his thumb and nodded at me.

I softly smiled at him. And he smiled back which only lasted for a few micro seconds, maybe. It was clear he was unstable. Once I was done with my dinner, Ethan got on his feet, walked beside me and lifted me up, holding me safely in his arms. He was soo gentle and handled me delicately as if I was his precious little flower and my petals would fall if he was even a tad bit harsh.

I smiled at him, adoring his charms as he walked upstairs with me in his arms.

"Ethan you know you don't have to carry me around, everywhere I go, right?"

"You're weak Savannah, you need some rest. So please just let me do my duty."

At this point I couldn't stop starting at his perfectly sculpted face.

Ethan entered our bedroom and gently put me down on the bed and pulled the comforter up to my chest.

He placed a wet kiss on my forehead before he turned to leave. I got hold of his wrist, to which he turned and looked at me perturbed.

" Ethan I know you are worried, but you need to know that you don't have to be so paranoid, I assure you I'm fine, or I will be, in a couple of days or weeks. Trust me. I just want you to be happy with me. Promise me you will." I didn't wanna tell him how I really felt, he was already brooding enough, and I didn't wanna add on to it.

"How can I stop worrying Savannah. I can't stop worrying about you, not after what happened to you." He spoke whilst looking deep into my eyes.

"Well well, I have you to take care of me. I'll be fine." I said trying to ease the awkwardness.

He shook his head and parted his lips making efforts to speak.
"Alright, try to get some sleep, I'll come back to you real soon." He said, stroking the sides of my face. I watched as he left the room closing the door leaving a little peeking gap. I felt tired. Extremely exhausted. I closed my heavy eyelids, and instantly fell asleep.

It felt like hours had past since I fell asleep. I woke up to this tingling sensation on my cheeks and on my bruised lip. A sense of panic hit me. I opened my eyes only to find Ethan lying next to me, while he stroked my face with one hand. I instantly relaxed, and whispered his name as I was going back to sleep.

His face turned from cherubic to evil, which came to me as a surprise. After a few slow passing second it occurred to me what actually was going on.

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