Some Things are better left Unsaid

578 19 1

You smell like a permanent
stain on my soul...

Savannah's POV:

"Hunter broke her arm.." Ethan spoke keeping his eyes down...

"What!!??" I'm absolutely perplexed by his words... What did he mean??
Why did Hunter break her arm, and for what possible reason?? And most importantly who the hell is Hunter??!!..

"Yes, Hunter broke her arm." He said not changing his expression..

"Ethan, I don't understand.. Who is Hunter." I replied him in a confused tone..
Ethan inhaled deeply and looked into my eyes.. He then grabbed my wrist and walked ahead of me... I mouthed Adele to follow us..

He led us to a room, which is supposedly his office room I guess..
He paused in the middle of the room and pointed out to one of the portraits on the wall...

I was amused to see what he was pointing out.. It was a picture of a tall structured women with sharp attractive features along with two boys, probably at the age of 4 or 5, who looked exactly alike.. They must be twins, I thought to myself..

And slowly realisation hit me.. That women in the picture looked so much like Ethan, she's probably his mother.. So if she's Ethan's mother, one of the two boys must be Ethan, and the other one.......

I just froze in my spot, my mind refused to take in what I had seen..
How did I not know?? Why didn't Ethan tell me about this?? I turned towards Ethan wide-eyed, absolutely startled of his revelation..

"Ethan tell me I'm wrong.." I spoke with a sharp note..

"I'm sorry I didn't let you know this.. Yes he is my brother.. My twin..
I thought it would be safer, if you're kept away from him.."
Ethan spoke, concern evident on his face..

"But why do you have to keep me away from your own brother.."
Ethan kept himself mute.. He absolutely refused to answer..
"Jesus.. Come on, Ethan why are you doing this.. I mean, like, what is he?! Why do you have to keep me away from him like he's some kind of a monster.." I literally yelled at him..

"Yess he iss... Yes he is.. Listen Savannah, you don't know him and neither is he aware your here.. It's better left that way.. Savannah, all I ever want is your safety and happiness, and trust me you'll have neither of it when you know him.."
Ethan was angry yet he tried to compose himself..

"But, why aren't you even telling me where he is or why exactly does he has to be kept away from me.." I surely am kindling his rage, but I've got no other choice.. I need to know why.. Why one of the twin is bipolar and other one is soo wild that he has to be kept away from me..

I can see Ethan's breathing becoming rapid, and so is mine.. Handling an angry person is not really my peice of cake.. I'm all anxious, but yess I have to handle this.. I can do this..

"Savannah??" Ethan's stern voice snapped me out of my thoughts..
He took in a deep breath and continued firmly..

"We really didn't have a great childhood.. After our mother's death, things had gone from worst to hell.. We had to go through things that no child should ever experience. Well that has affected him in every possible way I guess.." Ethan immediately looked down.. I had seen agony in his eyes the moment he spoke about his childhood..

" Isn't he taking medical support?" I ask him with concern..
"Yes he is on meds and therapies.. But, you know nothing really works out with him.. You know, most times I feel guilty that I'm having this life and he has to suffer with his head.. He deserves more.."
I can see that Ethan is completely broken right now.. I can feel his emotion through his eyes..

I immediately hug Ethan, without any hesitation... He hugs me back gently..
"It's okay baby, we'll take care of him..
We'll do our best to get him back normal.." I whispered into his ear..

He pulls away his head and looks deep into my eyes.. Then he leans his forehead against mine and starts speaking..
"Just us. Nothing else makes sense.."
I repeat those blissful words of his..
"Just us.. Nothing else makes sense.."

"Ahemm.. I'm still in this room guys.."
Adele spoke, throwing her hands up in the air, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance...

"Oh really!! Well I don't see anybody.."
I said with a note of surprise, just to annoy this grumpy cute friend of mine... Then we all burst into laughter...

Ethan then lead us to the living room where we planned for our wedding..
We decided that our wedding will be a destination wedding kinda thing, or a beach wedding maybe.. We finally ended up choosing the beach wedding.. Well that was my kinda destination wedding too, cause I really love the idea of a beach wedding...

We had the date fixed, which is precisely one and a half month from now.. Adele and I were beyond excited, whereas Ethan was calm as usual.. Ethan left us shortly after that since he had some paperwork to be done...

We spent almost the whole night planning about almost everything..
My wedding gown, the bridesmaid dresses, the guests which definetly includes our people from the charity home, the wedding ring, the food, the ceremony, the reception and we also planned for our speech in the reception..

I feel really really excited, overwhelmed, a part of me also feels emotional... At 4 am or so we finally decided to get to our rooms and take a nap..

Once after reaching my room, Adele says a goodbye and leaves to her room.. I got inside and closed the door behind me.. I slowly walk towards my bed and seated myself on it..

I'm smiling like such an idiot thinking of Ethan and his love for me.. I feel special for the very first time in my entire life.. A person soo perfect like Ethan, falling in love with me, is something I never had expected.. Not even in my dreams.. I feel safe and secured when he's around..

But there's this nagging thought in the back of my head.. Things that happened last night, about Hunter..
I know there's nothing I've got to worry about, but I can't help it..
I don't really wanna delve into his whereabouts, or anything about him..

I feel Ethan was right, it's better that he's unaware.. Somethings are better left unsaid.. Now I've gotta concentrate on my wedding, and put everything else aside.. And now, first off I've gotta take some rest and give space for my ankle to heal...


Author's note:

Hey guys, hope y'all liked this chapter.. Not much to say, other stuffs are coming up in the following chapters. Do need your love and support ❣️❣️❣️ Do vote and comment ❣️❤️❤️.. Stay healthy ❣️💞
Laters guys ❣️💕💓💞

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