En La Oscuridad

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       "I was never really insane
          except upon occasions
      when my heart was touched.
                             - Edgar Allan Poe


Savannah's POV:

My body is completely numb. It's feels like my whole body is paralyzed. Every part of me wants to run far off of this perpetual darkness. I scream with all the energy left within me, which only lead to exhaustion... Apparently no one could hear me, not even myself..

There comes this very familiar ring of light out of nowhere.. I know what exactly was going to happen next. There he is, the man of my nightmares. Hunter... All the efforts I made, to run from here was gone futile. I was latched to the spot. He was gazing at me with a nefarious grin fixed on his face. I felt his gaze burning through my skin.

My eyes started tearing at my own pity situation.. Those familiar, warm, protective, strong arms firmly hold me from behind. Yes this was my saviour, he'll get me out of this nightmare.. Even before I realise those arms tugged me back..

I swiftly sat upright on the bed and gasped despirately to catch breath.
I inhale deeply to calm myself, pulling my knees close to my chest, only to realise I was completely naked underneath. My body was sore and bruised at some places. I pull the quilt that was atop me, further up to my shoulders in bewilderment. Memories of last night slowly started to turn in, and eventually my breathing grew rapid. My eyes scanned the room with atmost horror before landing on the man next to me.

It was him, Hunter. He was lying right next to me all this time and I was unaware of it. I joltedt up from the bed and stand on my feet, wrapping the quilt around my naked form. Hunter was lying on the other end of the humongous bed shirtless, only wearing his pants, revealing his taut muscles. He was asleep so peacefully, his face nothing but cherubic. The calm on his face was nothing like what I saw last night.

I try to move further behind but trip down losing balance, since I had no more strength left in me, whilst crashing the nearby night lamp onto the floor. To my consternation, I had somehow managed to wake him up, while tumbling down. Beads of perspiration drenched the comforter I was wrapped in.

Hunter opened his eyes, stretching his arms out. When he caught sight of me, he was absolutely perplexed, which in turn made me more puzzled... He sat up hastily and neared me, not reducing his pace.
"Savannah whats the matter, why are you seated there in that place." He asked confused.

I stare at him wide-eyed and flinched back resting my back to the wall, and pulled my knees to my chest.. As he neared me, he caught sight of the bruises he had left on me the previous night, he rushed towards me and kneeled down next to me.
" Jesus Christ.. Wh- what the hell happened to you baby?? Who did this to you, Sav??"
Great... Is he kidding me?!.

I stare at him quietly not answering his questions.
"For God sake, Savannah please say something honey, who did this to you?"
His voice was breaking, and I started tearing hysterically.. He sat next to me leaning on the wall and pulled me gently yet firmly into his warm soothing chest, wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"It's okay baby I'm here, right next to you. I'm not leaving you alone." He tries to calm me, which only makes me more flustered. I'm almost convinced that he was Ethan, my Ethan and not Hunter. But the scratch mark that I made on Hunter, while trying to defend myself, was still fresh on his torso.

A part of me wanted to pull away from him and run as far and as fast as I possibly can from all this chaos, but something was holding me back. What could it be, love??!! He pulled my chin up with his index finger and made me look into his eyes.
"It's okay if you can't put yourself to speak to me honey. I know who did this. It was him, wasn't he? No one else could have done this. I am sure it was him. I'm sure it was Hunter."
I gazed at him in absolute bafflement.

"That bastard, how dare he do this to you. How dare he do this to my wife."
He cursed under his breath. I couldn't think of anything, anymore. Who was this person, thats holding me right now? Ethan?! Or was it Hunter?! I quiver and tremble in his hold, despirately wanting to get away from whoever this was, but his hold was pretty strong.
"I know, I know baby. I know this is hard but trust me, I'm with you through this, we'll do this together. And I promise that son of a bastard will pay for this." He almost cood in my ear, only making me tremble even more.

He stands up on his feet, scooping me up in his arms, and enters the bathroom. He gently placed me in the jacuzzi. He was trying to give me a bath??!!!!!!
"Pp- please don't, I can d-do this, myself." I managed to stutter out.
"No honey, look at you. You look soo tired and flushed. Let me help you." He said convincingly. I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off and started to bathe me.

After bathing me, he helped me change into some comfortable clothing, before tucking me on the bed. He put on a shirt and rushed down, then brought Elise into the room and instructed her to take care of me, telling her what had happened.
Elise looked at me with concern.

"Elise will take care of you until I'm back. I have something really important to do. You'll have your breakfast and lunch in the room. Is that alright honey?" I decided to stay mute. He walked towards me and cupped my face in his hand, and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
"Everything will be alright honey. I'll come back to you soon." He said and left after placing one last kiss on my forehead.

I watch him leave the room and closing it behind him. Once he was out of sight I turned towards Elise.
Elise was looking at me apologetically, with a weak smile fixed on her beautifully aged face.

I gave her a cold, emotionless glare.
Her smile dropped and she looked at me pittyfully.
"What was all this about Elise??" I asked her, making my words clear.

"Honey, I'm sorry, I know how..."

"No. Just, just don't. Please don't apologise. I wanna know why. I know, you know the reason Elise. Please. Just tell me." I retorted.

Elise parted her lips to speak, but ended up staying mute. She looked down towards the floor, unable to meet my pitty-helpless gaze.
"Elise, please. I plead you. Why wouldn't you answer me. Don't you think I deserve to know the truth?."
I plead her while sobbing and sniffling inbetween my words. I burried my face into my palms and cried my eyes out.

I looked up, when I felt a pair of soft hands, gently placed on my shoulders.
Elise was sitting in front of me.
"I do dear. I do. I do think you deserve to know." Elise inhaled deeply before she started again.

" I wanted to tell this to you right from the day you were here. But I didn't get an opportunity to do so. He was clever enough I guess." She paused, looking elsewhere.

" Elise just tell me, what is it? Just- just break it." I said, making my words as strong as possible.

" H-he's afflicted with DID- Dissociative Identity Disorder."

" He's wh- what??"


Author's note:

Hello people, hope you're doin good.
This chapter is basically a revelation chapter and is followed by the next chapter as well. Hope y'all liked this one. Enjoy reading. Do need your love and support ❤️❤️. Do vote and comment ❤️❤️ stay safe 💓
Laters guys ❣️❣️🖤

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