Dreamt of You

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             "Moments with you,
    that's when I wish I could stop time."

Savannah's POV:

Darkness.. There's only darkness and nothing else around me... As far as I can see there's no sign of light..
I wanna run away from here, but I feel numb. Initially I think I'm having sleep paralysis but then reality is sinking in... This familiar place, I've seen this before, I've experienced this before..

Somewhere in the deepest corner of mind, I know this is just a dream but it feels soo freeking real.. I wanna scream out aloud for help.. I try to scream but I'm mute.. Out of nowhere this bright light hits my eyes.. I blink my eyes rapidly reacting to the light..

I'm imideately gone into panic mode..
I feel my body, especially my legs tremble.. I'm chanting silent prayers that I should wake up from this nightmare... I can feel a pair of strong, warm arms from behind, grabs me by my waist.. These arms gently yet firmly hold me.. I feel strangly secured..

Then this familiar faced man, appears from the bright light. He's Ethan.. But his face looks stern.. He seems different, he seems far more from Ethan.. Maybe he's not my Ethan..
He's slowly moving towards me, I immediately wanna disappear, run far off.. I'm quivering out of panic...
Then right before he could reach me, the two arms that held me tugged me from behind all of a sudden...

I wake up and sit upright on my bed..
I'm gasping, taking deep breaths and trying to catch some air.. Perspirstions running down all over my body.. I know this is just a dream, but something is disturbing me...I think maybe that's because I'm delving too much into Ethan and Hunter's stuff..
I should keep my mind off of it..

I get up from my bed and walk towards the bathroom. I splashed the cold running water on my face, and looked into the mirror.. I look pale and flushed out.. These nightmares are eating me up..

I have a soothing bath and step out of the bathroom, I dress myself and head down for breakfast. Just like that a month has passed since I've been here, and we've only got fifteen more days for our wedding.. Ethan is already done with most of the arrangements.. Only our wedding dresses and our ring are yet to be done..

Adele left after spending few days here, she was much more excited for the wedding than myself.. at the dining hall Elise greeted me with a wide smile.. There is surely something about her smile, it makes anybody enthusiastic..

Ethan shortly joined me at the table. After having the delicious breakfast Ethan left me since he had some stuff to do and he also told me to get ready
at 4 pm, I had asked him why but he said he wants it to be a surprise..

After that, I spent some time in the garden, admiring the beauty of the adorable plants there..It was a much needed walk at the garden.. I breathed some fresh air and also my mind feels fresh..

Then I got to the kitchen to help them with the chores, initially they didn't want me anywhere near to doing the chores but I insisted I'd do as much as I can since I really can't sit idle..
I also assured them, that I'd deal with Ethan if he's concerned..

At 3:45 pm I'm all dressed up and ready to go out with Ethan. I've got no clue where he's gonna take me, but I'm excited though. At sharp 4 pm Ethan arrives at my room, as charming as he always is. Ethan kissed me on my cheek and then we headed downstairs towards the car.

Once we're inside the car I ask him where he's taking me. Ethan replied me with a slight grin playing in the corner of his lips.
"To pick our wedding rings and dress."

I looked at him wide-eyed.. I was super excited for this day. I'm exhilarated now. I immediately hug Ethan and paused for a second or two.
I then pulled away and spoke up,
"Oh my god, Ethan that was huge. You know how excited I am really."
Ethan just smiled and drove us away to the store.

First off, we decided to pick my wedding gown. Every gown in the store was extremely beautiful. Being a girl I was tempted to buy every gown that was on the mannequins.

After roaming around the store in confusion for almost an hour, Ethan helped me pick a wedding gown.
It's a full sleeve, sheath type laced gown. I really really really love it like anything. I was literally staring at it, when they took it for the billing. Ethan was constantly looking at me in awe and smiling.

Then after that we headed to the ring store. I know nothing about ornaments so I just stood there like a lost kid when Ethan asked me to choose. Ethan finally gave up on asking my suggestion and picked out couple rings for the both of us. It was a platinum ring, with a series of intricate cut diamonds in the centre of the ring. The rings were just amazing, Ethan's got an excellent taste.

Once after we're done with the shopping, we got into the car. I grabbed Ethan's arm and held it firmly and thanked him for everything. Ethan whispered
"Anything for you honey" , and he drove off.

We're home now, Ethan ordered one of gaurds to leave my gown in my room and the rings in his. We then refreshed ourselves and got to the dining room for dinner. Once we're done with the mouth-watering meal, Ethan held out his hand for me. I got hold of his hand and then Ethan walked us outside the house.

We walked to the garden hand in hand, it is sooo romantic, like crazy. I'm blushing already, I can feel my cheeks getting warmer. We then sit on one of the benches here. I am admiring the carnation flowers that are right in front of us. And from my peripheral vision I could see Ethan's staring at nothing else but me. I'm blushing even more, until suddenly Ethan started speaking.

"Do you know how mesmerizing you are Savannah?? You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.. You're more pretty than this flower."
I just stared at Ethan not knowing what to speak, inbetween my blushing. Ethan seizes the distance between us.

He is soo close that even the air would find it hard to pass through.. I can feel my body tense up. He cups my face with both his hands and speaks in a husky tone, " I love you Savannah".

And before I could even open my mouth to reply him, his lips thrashes into mine. First I'm clueless of how to react but then, I give it to him. Ethan is deepening his kiss, and I give my full cooperation. I could feel the heat thats inbetween us. It is a passionate, love filled kiss. I just wish time could freeze.

Ethan finally pulled away after what felt like hours. He spoke nothing. He just got up not breaking the eye contact we had, and carried me safely in his warm, soothing arms, and took me to my room. Ethan laid me on my bed and pulled up my blanket.

He finally kissed me on my forehead,
and whispered in his deep husky voice. "Good night sweetheart." He left the room closing the door behind him. I'm in complete awe of what had happened in the garden. I smiled to myself thinking of it, before I fell asleep..


Author's note:

Hey lovelies, hope you guys liked this one. Well that was a random, romantic chapter, stay tuned good stuff ahead. Do vote and comment ❣️❣️. Need your love and support ❣️❣️.Stay safe ❤️❤️
Laters guys ❣️❣️❣️

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