The 'Happily Ever After'

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"You are my today
And all of my tomorrows..."

Savannah's POV:

The sky is clear and weather is supposedly pleasant in Vancouver.
People around me are happy, everywhere I turn I see bright smiles and hear laughters. It's not another normal fine day in Vancouver, definitely not.. How can it be, when it's our day of wedding.

After all we've finally made it to our wedding day. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, and much much more exhilarated for today, and the days to come. Today's a big day, something I could cherish through my whole life. I inhale deeply and get inside my room. Aand oh, I must talk about this resort, my goodness this is awesome. I just can't take in the fact that I'm getting married here. I'm just soo overwhelmed I guess.

I decide to take a rejuvenating bath before my wedding. I enter the enormous bathroom locking the door behind me. I slid down my clothing and gently entered in the huge jacuzzi. I bathed in luke warm water with rose scent, gently pressing the loofah against my skin which felt soothing on my body. After sometime I got out of the bath, and dried myself with a cloth and my hair with a blow dryer. I don't usually use a dryer for my hair, but since I've gotta hairdo I didn't want my hair damped.

Then I entered the closet in bathrobe and brought out my wedding gown and fitted myself into it. It was good choice we chose this one, it really does look good. I get myself seated in front of the dresser and wait for the make up artist to do my make up and hair.

Though Ethan did not want a single buck from me for the wedding, I made sure that I contribute atleast something for the wedding

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Though Ethan did not want a single buck from me for the wedding, I made sure that I contribute atleast something for the wedding. Initially Ethan was against it but then, after me negotiating for a long time he was ok with it. So I put in all my savings, everything I've ever had in this wedding. Though I know Ethan is wealthy enough to spend I was not comfortable to not bother about expenses. The make up artist is one among my expense.

Shortly the make up artist came in and started working on my face and hair. I've never even heard of most of the products she used on me, but they were working magic on my face.

" You've got an beutiful cheek bone, which enhances the beauty of your face." The make up artist spoke which made me slightly blush.
"Thanks." I replied her.
" But what's with those dark circles under your eyes?" She questioned me.
"I've not been sleeping properly, soo.."
I spoke with a tight smile.
"Woah, excitement I guess." She says with a teasing smile.
I just nod, still having that tight smile, fixed on my face. How do I tell her I'm having nightmares that absolutely disturbs my sleep routine.

After working on my face she started doing my hair. She did a side french braid-messy bun, which looks stunning. I am completely satisfied with the look, especially my hairdo.

Once I was done with the make over I just sat in front of the dresser practicing my vows in exciting nervousness

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Once I was done with the make over I just sat in front of the dresser practicing my vows in exciting nervousness. Then came in my maid of honour, Adele. She was looking so gorgeous in her pastle blue gown. She immediately hugged me with adoration.
"Awww, Savannah look at you. You do look soo damn gorgeous." She almost cood to my ears.
"And so do you." I said with the same tone.
"Okay now, it's time." Adele said furrowing both her eyebrows.
I inhaled deeply and nervously nodded at her.

Adele walked us out of the room towards where the ceremony was taking place. I can hear the music that was being played which is adding on to my nervousness. We are at the spot. This is it, I'm getting married. I'm excited as well as anxious. The flower girls lead us to the groom while we all followed. Since I had no father to walk me down the aisle, I chose this man Mr. Rogers, who was the founder of the home I grew up. He's fatherly figure to me, and I thought no one else can do this any better. When I told him about this, " Oh, it's my pleasure to do that for you my girl"
He had said with excitement..

I entwined my arm with Mr. Rogers as he walked me down the aisle, and the bridesmaids followed us. This place is beautifully decorated, the red carpet along the aisle, the beautiful floral arches, the chairs covered with white cloth and a pastle pink bough. Anybody would fall in love with the ambience of this place.

I have a clear view of Ethan from here. He's wearing a perfectly tailored black suit which goes well with his sea blue eyes which stared intensely at me. I can feel the heat on my cheeks, people were watching us so I immediately looked down in embarrassment.

Mr. Rogers left me near the alter and got seated in his place. Ethan neared me and softly cood into my eyes.
"You're taking my breath away Sav."
My lips instinctually curved into a smile. The ceremony has started now.

Now it was time for the vows. Ethan held my hands in his and started declaring his vows.
" I Ethan Gray, take you, Savannah to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow." Ethan eyes were evident with sincerity and pure love. When he completed his vows I was almost choking in tears of overwhelming joy. I just couldn't believe this was happening, somebody is loving me and he's marrying me.

Then I start over with my vows.
"I Savannah, take you, Ethan Gray, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as we both shall live. This is my solemn vow."

Then came the "I do's".. When the priest asked, " Mr. Ethan Gray, do you take Ms. Savannah to be your lawfully wedded wife?", Ethan almost retorted
"I absolutely do" for which I slightly giggled.
Now it was my turn.
"Ms. Savannah, do you take Mr. Ethan Gray to be your lawfully wedded husband". The priest called out.
"I do." I replied softly.

Then, it was the exchange of rings.
I just couldn't stand still, I wanted to jump in elation. I wanted to stand amidst all and shout as loud as possible saying, ' Yoooo.. I'm married',
but I kept myself from doing so which was nearly impossible...

At the end of the ceremony the priest declared, " Now you may kiss the bride". Ethan almost immediately pulled me close to him, by my waist and lovingly kissed my lips with his.
It was a affectionate, romantic, hungry, kiss. I almost didn't want him to pull away forever. After a long minute, Ethan pulled away and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, and spoke " You look like a godess Mrs. Savannah Gray." I chuckled softly.

Then he rested his forehead against mine, and parted his lips to say something. And I know exactly what it is. I placed my finger on his lips and spoke.

"Just us, nothing else makes sense."
Ethan smiled at me with adoration and replied huskily.
"Just us, nothing else makes sense."
I smile thinking about the life thats ahead of us. This would be our happily ever after.

Third person's POV:

"Happily ever after." Thats what Savannah thinks her life was going to be. But she doesn't have the slightest of idea what was coming for her, the gale that was awaiting for her. This was the calm before the storm.
Savannah had thought this was her happy ending. Little does she know that, this is just the beginning.


Author's note:

Hello people, how're you doing??
Well that was the wedding chapter.
And about the gown and the hairdo, I've just put up my imagination of it, not exactly though. But it's totally up to you guys, you can just go on and imagine your own gowns and hairdo. Cause I'll always wanna imagine. Hope you guys liked it. Show some love guys. Do need your love and support ❤️. Do vote and comment ❣️.
Stay safe 💓💖
Laters guys ❣️❣️❣️

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