LOVE -An Open Door

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And if love be madness,
may I never find sanity again...
- John Mark Green

Ethan's POV:

I'm trying to focus on the paperwork, but I couldn't.. I'm physically here but mentally with Savannah... Every nook and corner of my mind is clouded, only with her thoughts.. I'm still at that moment of euphoria I had when I gave her the ring... I do remember her every movements... Especially her expression when I slid the ring in her finger.. Oh god, how much I love her... She's so fucking gorgeous...

I always want to be somewhere very close to her... I wanna be right next to her... It felt like I was in heaven when I held her hands... I can't stand the urge to see her anymore.. It's past 12:20 in the midnight, and she'd probably be asleep... So she'll not know even if I go there... I decide to go to her bedroom and watch her while she sleeps, like I did in the past few days... She looks serene while she's asleep and I love looking at her that way...

I enthusiastically wind up my paper work and leave my office room, much elated to see her.. I swiftly walked towards her room...

I reached the room and excitedly turned the knob and opened the room, only to find an empty bed....
I stand still for a moment or so, puzzled... I carefully scanned the couch, the closet, the bathroom, literally every corner of the room..
But she's nowhere to be found..

Where'd she have possibly gone??. Had she ran off from here??..
How dare she...... How the hell did she think she can leave me this soon !!??
Did she think I'd let go off that easy!?..

I'd find her, no matter where she goes
I'll find her and keep her all for myself, but not before punishing her for what she did... Poor Savannah has no idea what I'd do to her once I get her back... I thought I'd keep her like my queen, but she has proved she doesn't deserve any better, than being locked up in here..

I ordered my men to go in search of her, to every possible place she would have gone, and also to check the CCTV footage for the directions... Which world is she in, doesn't she know a house this huge would definitely have CCTVs??

It's been an hour or two since I found out she was missing, still my men couldn't find her... I was soo wrong to think they'd find her that easily, they're useless... I've gotta get her myself...

I quickly grabbed the flashlight from my desk and headed out, towards the forest... She probably would've thought, she'll not be found if she ran through the forest...

I walk through the forest swiftly, in order to find her as soon as possible...
She's all alone, and it's not that safe there...

I've walked for almost an hour or so, and she's still not found... Where the hell are you Savannah!? You'll pay for this, for leaving me... I'm coming to get you, then you'll know me...

I could see something from the corner of my eye... It looks like something solid, or, maybe someone...
I rushed towards that thing, wishing that it shouldn't be what I thought it would be... Unfortunately it was....

As I neared that solid something, realisation hit me... My mind refused to believe what I was seeing... It was her, my Savannah... I could see the blood pooled all over her legs and I could clearly see the fresh wound on her ankle, that now looks marred...

It feels surreal to me... I never wanted to see her in this state...
I kneel down right next to her.. I scoope her fragile body carefully in my arms and hold her close to my chest... She's freezing, she needs warmth... I slightly relax, seeing her chest raising and falling... Fucking goodness she's breathing...

"I've got you Sav, don't worry baby I'm right next to you, and I'll never let anything happen to you."
I wisphered in her ears...

I slowly get up from there not making rapid movements that might hurt her... I walked towards the house as cautiously as possible, holding her safely in my arms...

We're now in her room.. I've safely brought her to her room... She opened her eyes only once when I carried her home, she slightly winced and closed her eyes again...

She's awake now, and her wound is getting aided by the doctor... Her ankle was twisted when she tried to run away, it's pretty much a big damage... It was all my fault.. I should've taken better care of her... She was scared of me and that's the reason she tried to get away... Shit... It was my fault...

It completely shatters my heart to see her in pain.. If only I could do anything to change this, to take off her pain... I can see the tears in her eyes, she's wincing in pain... I sit next to her and held her hands firmly in mine... I raked her hair and started speaking..

" You alright baby??"
She looks terrified of me... She tries to sit upright, as I help her with that..
I can clearly see that it's hard for her to endure the pain... She opened her mouth to say something with that terrified look on her face as usual... I know what she wants to say, she wants to say sorry.. Why should she say that when it was me who was responsible for everything that had happened...

I stop her, putting my finger on her lips to stop her from saying anything further...
"I know what you wanna say, Savannah... But you don't have to.. It was all my fault.. I should have handled you better... I'm extremely sorry for what you are going through..
I hate seeing you go through this pain.."

I can see her expression lighten, she's looking right into my eyes with her intoxicating hazel eyes, that are now shimmering from tears...
"I love you Savannah... I really do.. And I wish I could show you how much..."
I could see her eyes welling up.. And this I know for sure was not of pain but of pure exultance... I take her one hand and keep it on my chest...

"This heart is beating only for you Savannah.. I'll be nothing without you and I knew this, the very next moment I saw you... Call it and instinct, but I call choose to call it love... And trust me Sav, I'll not let anything happen to you... No matter what I'll always protect you with everything I have.."

I've spoken my heart out to her... And immediately after that I hug her tight, making sure it doesn't hurt her...
And to my surprise, she hugs me back without any hesitation... Oh my fucking goodness, this is pure bliss..

I pulled away, and now Savannah is crying like a baby...
"Oh, Savannah, you don't have to cry, I'm right here.. Right next to you.."
I place a soft kiss on her forehead to calm her... She reluctantly leans on my torso and eventually falls asleep...

My girl is right here and she's in my arms... What more can I ask for.. I have, what I most wanted, ever in my life... I have her.. My Savannah...
But now I have to keep her away from him.. She have to be kept safe from him.. It's much too dangerous for her to be anywhere near him... Hunter should never become aware that she's here... Not until we're married...


Author's note:

Hey people, this chapter is filled with love.. Hope you guys like this one..
Do need your love and support... Please do vote and comment...
Stay safe 💓💟.. Stay healthy ❣️🖤
Laters guys ❣️❣️❣️

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