Nothing Lasts Forever

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     "Fears are nothing more than
                 a state of mind..."


This chapter contains violence.
There is violence in the end of this chapter. Some might find it triggering. Read at your own risk.


It was Ethan and Hunter's birthday. Amelia was more excited than the boys. It's been seven years since the day of their birth. Things have been different since then. Amelia was always happy, even through all the torments her husband put her through. It was all because of the boys. They were her world. Nothing really mattered when she was in her world with her sons.

She looked around and looked down into her belly and softly smiled. Her world was growing bigger. She had secretly confirmed with a doctor. A little girl was growing inside of her.
It was not long before her smile faded when she heard David's voice.

She quickly hid all the things she had bought for the cake in a cupboard in the kitchen and sighed before she tried to look relaxed infront of him.

David entered the dining room grunting and sat on a chair that was placed on the head of the table. Amelia served his breakfast and returned to the kitchen. She was contemplating between telling him the truth and hiding it. She knew she has to face consequences either ways.
But she didn't want to ruin her children's birthday. So decided not to open up about this.

Imideately after David left home, Amelia started baking the cake. She had decided to tell Ethan and Hunter about her pregnancy. She wanted it to be their gift. They had absolutely noone other than herself.

As she was stirring the batter, she was reminded of the happenings of that one dreadful night. How she had to suffer to get to the hospital. To protect her children. She knew that would be the case this time either. But she had other plans. She was particular that her daughter will not have to suffer like her brothers did.

Amelia placed the batter filled vessel into the oven, and went upstairs to wake her sons up. She entered their room and sat next to Hunter's bed and kissed him on his soft baby cheeks before doing the same with Ethan. Then she cood to them.
"Wake up babies. It's breakfast time."

Both of them slowly opened their eyes fluttering their long lashes. They automatically smiled at their mother and moved towards her and hugged her tightly with their tiny arms.
She laughed overwhelmingly at that. And the both of them kissed either sides of her cheeks with those plump red lips. Amelia hugged them back. They were too adorable for anyone to resist.

She bathed them and dressed them up with the pair of new clothing she had secretly bought with Elise's help. Amelia had saved money the entire year to buy these things for her children. Although David was a billionaire, he never wanted her to spend unnecessary things, and he considered this, one of the things. He always kept track of Amelia's credit card bills and transactions.

Amelia brought them downstairs and fed them their favourite granular breakfast. After that Elise entered the kitchen after doing the morning chores. Elise kissed them on their cheek and wished them. The four were like a small family.

After having breakfast they celebrated the birthday, cutting the cake. Then they cleaned up all the mess created. Once they were done Amelia took the boys to the garden near the little plant she had planted just few days ago.

"Mommy where is the surprise?." Hunter asked in curious tone.
Amy kneeled in front of them and held each of their hands in hers.

"Okay. Mommy's gonna tell you a secret which mommy expects you to keep it from daddy. Okay?"
They nodded.

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