A Night of Chaos

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She was an angel craving chaos
He was a demon seeking peace...

Savannah's POV:

It's nearly 10pm now and all our guests have slowly started to leave.
The toasts was my favourite part. It was soo emotional to me, I was overwhelmed with tears. And oh, the dance, I must say. I almost felt like a fairytale princess with all the people adoring the both of us, and us dancing in trance, gazing intensely at each other.

Almost all our guests have left by now. This place has become deserted already and here I am nervous as hell. After all the guests have left Ethan and I return to our house.

Pretty anxious about tonight, I've got no idea what I was supposed to do. Or more precisely I don't think I'm ready for this. I just don't know why maybe I'm tired or maybe I'm even scared. Having been single throughout I ain't got the slightest of idea what this would feel. I'm not to be blamed, I've never had a boyfriend, or maybe they always wanted cool girls..

I've just heard a few of my friends from college, randomly ranting about these stuffs. I've always shown very less interest in this. Although they've never stated anything negative, I still am anxious.

We've reached home now, I quickly head towards the living room and got seated on the couch, leaning behind making my exhausted self comfortable. Ethan entered the room and took a seat next to me. I turned towards him and smiled subtly at him and he returned the smile. Elise and the others who work here had left already leaving us alone in the house.

Ethan parted his lips to say something but I cut him abruptly and spoke,
" Ahmm, I- I'll just freshen up." I say with an obvious fake smile, for which Ethan nodded and I left imideately, not wasting anymore time here.
I'm confused as to where I was supposed to go, to my room or his.
But I end up getting to my room, all my stuffs are still here.

I get into my room and closed the door carefully behind me not making any noise. I removed my wedding gown placing it in a far end of the room and hastily walk to the bathroom. A warm bath in this jacuzzi would do good after the exhaustion and would also help me ease my anxiety. I undress myself and step into the jacuzzi.. I close my eyes and stay in in the jacuzzi for what felt like hours. Then I get out of it and walked into my closet wrapping myself in a robe.

I get myself dressed into comfortable pj's and a sweatshirt and sat on the bed. I just couldn't get myself comfortable enough because my body is stiff due to nervousness. No I have to behave matured, this is just so normal, it happens between every couple during this night, or maybe not, I'm just not sure about it. But my body refuses to relax. Ughh I'm acting soo imatured. What would Ethan think of me.. He would probably think, I'm behaving like pathetic teenager.

"Okay, Savannah, now come on calm you idiot." I speak to myself inhaling deeply, when suddenly the door threw open. I jolted in surprise, before letting out a sigh as my eyes caught sight of Ethan.
"Jesus, Ethan you scared the shit out of me." I wasn't expecting him, well yeah I was but still it was a shock.

Ethan didn't respond me. His face was bearing a blank expression. His face doesn't seem angry neither it shows any emotion. I can't quite put a finger on it, but I can sense that something is terribly wrong. Ethan slowly yet terrifyingly neared me, a sudden chills ran down my spine. What am I supposed to do now, what is even trying to do?
"Uhmm, Ethan." I called out to him clearing my throat. No response.

The room was completely silent, and I could clearly hear my heart thudding erratically, and adding on to my fear, I could hear his sharp breathing. He neared me like a lion nearing his prey. I couldn't help but took few steps back. Ethan stopped right in front of me and pulled me by my waist, seizing the gap between us. His hold was strangely strong. Strong enough to slightly hurt me.

Ethan looked into my eyes intensely. His gaze was searing through my skin.
He leans down, his face nuzzling the crook of my neck, and the hairs at the back of my neck stands upright. I closed my eyes as tightly as possible.
His breathing sends a tickling sensation down my body. I just couldn't let out a single word, this sensation was overwhelming. And somehow I managed to mutter "Ethan",
whilst gasping. What happens next was something I wouldn't have even imagined, not even in my wildest dreams.

Ethan pulled away swiftly and without any warning, his rough, cold hand grabbed my throat harshly making my breathing hitch. I couldn't process what was happening around me. Ethan was being harsh. My Ethan is hurting me. Ethan forcefully pushes me towards the wall whilst still holding my throat. This is not the man I saw a few minutes ago downstairs. I gasping for air. But seems he doesn't even care. This feels soo unreal. I'm in pain.. Yes I couldn't breathe but this stinging pain in my heart was worser..

I couldn't believe the fact this was my Ethan who's hurting me. Tears starts flowing out of my eyes. I try to say his name, mouthing it. His grip around my neck tightens even more. I'm running out of air. And thats when he decides to speaks..

"Don't you dare call me that... I am not him. I am not your fucking Ethan you bitch." He growled...

My mind has already lost the ability to thinking.. What did he just say. What on earth was that suppose to mean?? A part of me is relaxed when he said he wasn't Ethan. But then, who the hell is this freak? Why is he trying to kill me? And all of a sudden everything fall into place. Everything... It was him.. Ethan had warned me. But I'm running out of time..

This man in front of me is ripping off my clothes effortlessly with one hand and the other not leaving my throat.. I couldn't breathe anymore.. His grip slowly loosens while he's still working on my clothes.. This man is trying to rape me.. Hunter is going to rape me, kill me, and what not... Is there nobody who can save me, where's my Ethan after all. Did this guy do anything to him.. Oh god please help us out of this dreadful night...

He has completely undone my clothing and I'm in no place to defend myself.. Everything around me starts to blurr. My eyes are drooping..
Before I black out I mumbled out a 'please', and the last thing I saw was the malicious grin, on his innocently terrifying face..
"Gotcha" he whispered petrifyingly and I give in to the darkness that took over.. And everything becomes completely black...


Author's note:

Hello lovelies, hope y'all liked the update.. Aand this is it, we'll have amazing chapters there after.. Stay tuned people.. Do vote and comment ❣️❣️ Do need your love and support ❣️❣️.. Stay safe lovelies❣️❣️
Laters guys 🖤🖤❤️❤️

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