Little Rays of Sunshine

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         The littlest feet make the
    biggest footprint in our hearts.


The labour ward was huge. Amelia was lying in the bed which was placed at the centre of the room. Doctors and nurses were swiftly pacing in and out of the room. They were all nerve-racked, working despirately to save three lives.

"Do they have a heart beat?" The doctor yelled from across the room.
"The babies are fine, but I'm a bit worried about the mother." The nurse spoke concerned.

"We need to get the babies out immediately, she's detoriating. Keep checking if the babies have a stable heart rate." The doctor said alarming the others in the ward. Amelia could hear all this faintly, but she couldn't respond to any of it. An anesthetist was called in imideately and they sedated her with narcotics. Amelia's belly was cut open and two beautiful baby boys were taken out of it.

The cry of the babies resonated the whole ward. And eventually all the tensed faces in the ward turned into happy ones. The babies were taken out to be cleaned and measured.

"Okay people we need to sew her belly up imideately, she's already lost sumptuous amount of blood." The doctor said gaining everybody's attention. Then they all scurried up near the bed.

All this time Amelia could hear all of it, but she couldn't feel anything neither was she able to respond. She knew her life was at risk but she didn't care anymore. She was content that her babies were safe.


The room was calm and silent. Amelia gradually started to gain consciousness. She couldn't feel the lower part of her body, it was completely numb. The silence was strangely disturbing her. Then she realised something was missing. Her babies. She couldn't hear them. She opened her eyes and squinted it, reacting to the bright lights.

She lifted her head up and looked on either sides of the room. Her eyes froze seeing them peacefully sleeping in the cribs that was far from her. She tried to sit up but she couldn't do it by herself. As if knowing the situation a nurse entered the room and looked at Amelia in surprise.

"Oh! You're awake." The nurse said and Amelia slightly nodded. The nurse walked towards her side and helped her sit up. Once she was in her sitting position, the nurse looked at her arching her brows.
"Ready to hold your boys??" She asked. Amelia shook her head rapidly in up & down motion, tears already welled up in her eyes.

The nurse walked across the room towards the crib. She scooped one baby in her arm carefully and returned to hand him to Amelia. Amelia gladly took him in one arm, eagerly waiting for the nurse to bring the other baby. The nurse placed the other baby in her other arm handling them with much care.

Amelia looked at the two tiny being placed in her arms. She couldn't believe they were her babies. She wasn't convinced something this overwhelming and good, would've happened to her. She glanced up at the nurse who was standing next to her bed and spoke.
"Mine??" She asked, her wide-eyed.
" Ofcourse they are yours!!" She said.
"And what's your name anyways? You were admitted here by some random person who travelled through the highway. We need to know our patient's name and history."
The nurse spoke making herself clear.

"I'm Amelia. Amelia David. Mr. David's wife." Amelia spoke, with pain in her voice. Though David was not fond of the babies, she knew he sure needed her.
"Ohh! You're Mr. David's wife?!" She asked surprised.
" I apologise if you've had any discomfort. We'll change you to a better room." The nurse spoke nervously, realising with who she had been speaking.
" No. That will not be necessary. This place is alright." Amelia said with an assuring smile.

The nurse nodded and spoke.
" Okay mam, if you need anything I'm just one botton away. Just press that button on the headboard." She smiled and left the room.

Amelia was left alone in the room with her babies. She looked at them for a very long time. She couldn't express what she felt. She felt like she was in heaven. As if all the trauma she had gone through had never happened. To say she was exhilarated is an understatement. Tears started tumbling down her cheeks. She wanted to cry out loud in happiness.

She pulled both her sons close to her chest, holding them firmly. They had broad forehead and slightly plump lips. At that point the baby in her right arm woke up kicking his leg which in turn woke the other boy. Only when they opened their eyes did she realise they had blue eyes unlike her. Amelia's were red.

She was just awestruck, looking at them. They were just like their father. She didn't know whether to be happy or to dred the fact that they looked like their dad. She was already worried about them becoming like their father. But regardless of everything else, she loved them with all her heart. That was the best moment of her life. She has never been this happy.

But Amelia was crying her heart out. She couldn't accept the fact that her babies were going to have to grow up with a sick minded, twisted person as their father. She blamed herself for that. She thought it was all her fault that these innocent little souls will have to have a life like hers. A fate like hers, that was worst even before their birth. But she has to get used to it. Life or death, she was bound to David forever. She inhaled deeply, making herself composed.

She gently placed one of them down on her lap, while doing the same with the other, before she grabbed a pillow from behind her and placed it under the babies, propping them carefully on top of it. Once she placed them in a comfortable position she fed them both for the first time, and that feel was overwhelming to her. The babies eventually fell asleep as Amelia kept rocking them while she fed them. She smiled widely at them with atmost pride in her eyes.

Thats when the slightly creaked open.
Amelia looked towards the door, expecting the nurse. But to her surprise Elise rushed through the door panting to catch breath.
Amelia was baffled. She wondered how she had come here. How did Elise even know where she was.

Elise quietly walked towards Amelia and stood next to her bed. Elise couldn't face her. For some odd reason she was guilty. Elise locked her gaze to the floor. Amelia finally decided to break the ice.
"I'm sorry." Amelia spoke with tears.
"No you don't have to be. I'm sorry."
Elise almost retorted, tears popping out her eyes.

" Are you alright?" She asked, with concern evident on her pale face.
Elise shot her head up, imideately. She didn't expect that from her.

"Yea-yeah, I-I'm fine. Except that my body aches. " Elise stammered while she spoke.
"And how are you? You're alright yeah?"

"Yeah I'm good." She replied with a faint smile.
" How did... How did you know I was here?" Amelia asked, surprised.

"After David was done with me, I ran allover the house, and also onto the nearby roads, searching for you but you were nowhere to be found. After searching for hours, I lost hope and I-I didn't know what to do. So I returned home and that was exactly when I heard the phone ring. It was from the hospital. They informed you were here." Elise explained, making Amelia nod.

" Oh my god! Awww they're so adorable!! Elise exclaimed pointing to the babies, to which Amelia smiled.

"Can I hold them.?"
"Ofcourse you can." Amelia said handing one of the babies to Elise.
Elise gently cradled the baby in her arms.
"They're so adorable Amy, just like you are." Elise cood.
Amelia rolled her eyes while chuckling at her lies. It was so obvious that they looked like their father.

"Okay now, what names have you decided for these adorable little munchkins?" Elise asked with curiosity.

Amelia sighed deeply before she answered.
" This will be Ethan." She says eyeing the baby in her arms,
"And thats Hunter." She says pointing the baby in Elise's arms.


Author's note:

Hello lovely people, hope you're doing good. And also hope you guys liked this chapter. This chapter is pretty close to my heart cause I never knew I was capable of writing such emotional chapters. I was not perfect for sure, but I just tried my best. Stay safe ❤️❤️
Laters guys ❣️❣️❣️

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