Break Through Odds

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"She is the light that you're darkness has always longed for!"



It felt soo strange. I had this gut feeling, that this wasn't right. He was unusually rough and in a hurry. It was soo unlikely of him. Unless, it was not him at all.

My conscience was urging me to run, but body felt numb. I can't let him do that to me. Not again. Just when I braced myself to push him away and run, Karen's words hit me. 'Running or hiding is never gonna help the situation'. She was right. If I run, this was never going to end. I will only make it worse if I ran from this each time. I had to face it. Face him... It took the best of me to say that word. His name.

"Hunter." As the word rolled out of my mouth he froze in his position. It was soo quiet that the only thing I could hear was my heart banging against my chest only making things worse.

Hunter pulled back and stared straight at me with his oddly calm yet terrifying lifeless eyes. But there was something else. A hint of surprise, maybe. 'It's not too late girl..Runn.' my not so cooperative conscience alarmed me.

"Finally. For the first time. How could you be wrong? After all you learnt it the hard way." He said with a dirisive smirk. His very voice was enough to make me jitter.

I parted and closed my lips several times trying to speak but I couldn't find a word. He raised his eyebrows expectantly, but I still had no word in line.

"I assume you have something to talk about.." He paused to give me a lathargic stare.

"But I have other stuffs in store for you." He spoke while he moved close to me trying to get hold of me, which made me move away from him. But it didn't workout as usual. He grabbed the sides of my shoulders in attempts to getting hold of me. Guess I was a bit sluggish at that moment.

He released my shoulders before he caught one of wrist with his iron grip.
"You still think you can run away from me uh? You think that's going to help you?"

"Oh trust me. I don't." Wait. What?? Did I just answer him back?? Being less conscious over speaking, helped I suppose.

"Uh. Right. And stop trying to hide in the attic. That was preposterous. You thought I didn't find you? Well the truth is.."
He leaned his face closer to the side of my face and whispered in my ears.
"I didn't want to. I'd always like my prey to think it escaped from me."

Although he whispered those words, it felt like he was yelling through a microphone. It hit me like a lightening when I'm under a tree. That 'always' was the part that haunted me. Did he mean that he'll taunt me forever or that he's done this before to someon else? Either ways it terrified me.

He made his grip around my wrist stronger and started dragging me towards the house. I'm pretty sure my wrist has his hand printed on it. Atleast he's not trying to fracture it.
What am I even doing, dancing to his tunes. I can't stay idle while he does as he suppose. I have to do something, besides running.

"Wait... Wait.. Hunter.. Please listen..
You know me right? You know that I'm your brother's wife, right?" I asked him hoping for a positive reply.

"Nobody cares, you cretin." He said not even turning to face me. Okay I can take this alright.

"No-No, no... Wait. Please stop... Please." Hunter stopped on his way and turned towards me, still not releasing my wrist. He was scaring me away with his grumpy face. But he can't. I have my brave girl phase on point, all ready to endure anything for Ethan. He's been with me when I needed him. It's my turn now.

ETHAN HUNTERWhere stories live. Discover now